Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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I'm telling you, he IS lurking :lol: And he's been busy reading scripts, just to make sure he'll pick the right part to make us happy. Like a romantic thriller horror comedy where he gets to play a villain turning hero, getting the girl and having tons of topless scenes :D
Hmmm..."Texas Chainsaw Crime Scene Investigator Super Hero Massacre"? Oh..."Who Takes a Walk in the Park...in Savannah"

Hee hee!! I've had too much sugar!!!
I watched Gum Drops and Poppin Tags with the commentaries on this evening. I love the line in Gum Drops about George needing to turn off the fountain. Everything they said in Gum Drops was so postive :).

Poppin Tags was good because it had George doing the commentary but George also spoke about the bad hair and his taste in music. He likes hiphop and rap. It sounded like George had some influence in the theme of the show. It also seemed as the episode was written with George in mind :)which makes me wonder if that is why he grew his hair long. It sounded as though he cut it because of the bad hair day he had when they filmed the lunch room scene.
^ Thanks for that Jacquie . I'm really looking forward to hearing the commentaries for those two and I like to think that they do write episodes with George in mind...

Does anyone know of any other episodes from the other seasons with George doing commentary? I've never listened to the commentaries but it could be interesting! :)
Elsie Snakes was a very interesting commentary especially the part about the snake. I have found all the commentaries interesting. The writers, producers, directors etc all give some behind the scenes stuff about the actors. Nothing personal but just some little tidbits.
Thanks Amy and Jacquie . I think I've read about the 'Snakes' commentary before. I'll give it a try one night this week I think. :)
"Snakes" is the only episode I ever watched with commentary. George seemed to have fun doing it :)

*grabs pillow* We haven't done this in a while... *smacks pillow back at Jacquie *
Hmmmm :( i´ve never seen the commentary pity hope when DVD´s i can fatch this later.

*grabs a pillow and smacks Elsie* :D
Rented some of season 5 and I've heard commentary for both Snakes and Who Shot Sherlock. And I listened to the commentary for Revenge is Best Served Cold just after buying season 3. I like the one for Snakes best, but you do learn interesting things in each of them. :D

thank´s for tip Blackflag :D i´ll doing this.

Blackflag sais
but you do learn interesting things in each of them.
i think you´re right :D thanks much

ok now i´m really off ;) good night

and... *grabs a pillow and smacks with a great soft pillow
Blackflag ;)
Hi All!!

I want to start out saying... *Pow!!* wacks Maple with a giant pillow!! and then I laugh :lol:

sorry... hey I'll pay $11.00 to CBS every day so they will make George take his shirt off every episode!!

and I found out my Anderson Cooper is going to have another show called, SIU: Special Investigation Unit... yeah all my cuties have these kinds of shows :D
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