Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Training? What training?? I just wing it every day and make things up as I go along!

*Which way do you point that tazer-thingy...OH! guess not that way!* :D Sorry to whoever got jolted there!
Oof. Now what did I ever do to you? *hits softcake back* :p
I'm having Nick withdrawl from the lack of new CSI episodes. Whatever will I do in the summer?
Tell me about it DragonflyDreamer this is crazy...need some new Nicky and SOON!

*maybe I should try the tazer on the people over at CBS?*
Hey McStokes that tazer things works for me :)

Grabs a pillow from the bottom of the pile and smack stoky with it :D
:lol: tazer over the CBS people

*grabs pillow and thwacks Mcstokes and catch the pillow from Jacquie smack back :D*
OK *thwacks y'all with the special new year pillows* I know we have done this before, but New Year and some new Nick are not far away, so does anyone want to share their favourite George/Nick moments from the last year? :p

I have quite a few favourite George/Nick moments that I have particularly liked. :D

When he removed his shirt in Rashomama (in fact I loved Nick in the whole episode) - hey who doesn't like Nick without a shirt!

George in Australia wearing the bronze suit. I know most people aren't a fan of the suit, but he did look particularly cute I thought.

Nick punching KFed. I think everyone appreciates that moment....
Hy :D

oh yes Elsie i´ll *catch the pillow and thwacks around* :lol:

Elsie sais
Nick punching KFed. I think everyone appreciates that moment

we´re doing this ;)

eta: sorry i´ve forgot

my favorite: gum drops
: and sure the punching K-Federline ;) yeah
: and rahamona the flower in his hand *sigh*
the scene without shirt ;)

I think we all shall GE special wishes for New Year, we wish you success! manny good wishes for your Dog Maverick and your Family ervery time, and keep your fit ;)
My favorite George/Nick moment... oh there are so many! :D
I have "discovered" him only 13 months ago, so actually everything he did over the past few years is kind of new to me.

A few outstanding moments:
- the dumpster dive

- Rashomama. He was absolutely georgeous during the whole episode
- singing to Mandy :)
- punching K-Fed (since K-Fed is America's most hated, so is George now America's most envied? :lol:)
- the shaggy hair :D

*grabs another pillow and waits for Jacquie *
I'll grab that 2007 pillow and smack you back softcake :)

My favourite 2006 moments
singing Mandy
George appearing on The Late Late Late Show
Rashomana :)
seeing Nick front and centre in The Unusal Suspect
The shirtless moment in Rashomana :)
The unexpected but delightful punch of the then K-fed the now Fed-x :lol:
There are many more but I don't want to be here all year :lol: naming them :lol:
How 'bout his last appearance on the Craig Ferguson show where he talked about saving the hair dept. $11? Not real memorable except for the fact that it was new George Eads material for us to drool over!

Saw the preview for the next show, and it looks like we get another emotional Nick...this time hugging Grissom goodbye *sniff!*
Hy Guys :) happy new Year for y´ll hope you are good come in in the new year?

McStokes sais
Saw the preview for the next show, and it looks like we get another emotional Nick...this time hugging Grissom goodbye *sniff!*
i´ll agree with you

*grabs a pillow and thwacks Jacquie and McStokes :D
McStokes said:
How 'bout his last appearance on the Craig Ferguson show where he talked about saving the hair dept. $11? Not real memorable except for the fact that it was new George Eads material for us to drool over!

Saw the preview for the next show, and it looks like we get another emotional Nick...this time hugging Grissom goodbye *sniff!*

Personally I'd love to donate 11 $ each month to CBS just so George grows his hair back! :lol:

Watched the promo, too. It was sad, mostly because of the music. And knowing our luck, there won't be a lot of Nick in this episode :(

*thwacks pillow at Stoky *
Softcake where i can see the promo? And sure i´ll wishing also more Nicky epi´s ;)

*thwacks a big soft pillow back to Softcake* ;)
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