Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Elsie sais
I found myself panicking with him, it was some great acting. Poor Nicky, and I had a little cry near the end too.

oh yes i´ll agree with you and i must crying in this end scene :( poor Nicky

*grabs more than one pillows and thwacks all of you* :lol:

and good idea when George lurkes here *grabs a big softley pillow thwacks of you George ;)* it´s warm and soft
How 'bout a Playmobile version of Lady Heather's mansion! Complete with chains, HANDCUFFS (those things keep popping up!), leather accesories for the dolls!

*waits for wrath of Destiny to descend* :eek:
:Stealing all of the pillows and Nick:

I now have a cold offically! Imagine how quiet it will be when I loose my voice! But I'll have Nick to do the talking for me! :D Besides with ya'll slinging pillows, Nick is getting bored. :lol:

Oh...Nick! That deep and heart felt scream cut through my soul. It is still kinda hard to watch without getting all choked up.

Hey Stokydream, good thing the pillow is soft! I'm sure George would be more than happy to join the pillow wars! :)

Sounds like Binky kitty is getting a cold too! I'm surrounded by colds!

Wonder what George got for X-mas? Hmmm.......
McStokes already the handcuffs, oh guy :devil: you are a beast. That´s my mysterium ..... :lol:
Whenever I hear "handcuffs" I giggle because I have to think about my "cufflink experience" here :D
I would like to see Lady Heather's Dominion in Playmobil. And I want a crime scene, with little plastic blood spatter and a gun and a dead Playmobil figure... With a little hole in his chest! :D
*grabs the next pillow and swings it around* So, who's next? :D
You can have your Playmobile. I want it in LEGO. :D I think I still have just about every piece of LEGO that I ever got (working on Star Wars sets these days). I think it would be fun to build your crime scene, and imagine how many pieces you'd get in a set of the lab. :lol:

Swings a nice fluffy pillow as Softcake. :D

LEGO! Oh, I loved that, too! But my nephew is into Playmobil, and we spend hours sitting on the floor playing with it :D I once bought him a set with three little guinea pigs in it, and you know, the piggies got super power and can even stop a train! :D

*thwacks huge pillow at Stoky* Don't complain, you asked for it :lol:
Softcake your beast :devil: yes i´ll complained nooooo *i´ll thwacks back*

*grabs Pillow of and thwacks back to you, but Blackflag you´ll get from me ;) a soft big pillow*

ok guys who want´s to fight with big and soft pillows :lol:

i´m ready :lol:
*thwacks Stoky twice and hides behind McStokes :p

Now we haven't discussed a lot lately, right? :D
So what do you think: How will Nick spend New Year's Eve?
Working a double? Sleeping? Pizza and Discovery Channel?
I think Nick will've probably booked the night off to rest. He's looking so tired these days. And on New Years Day like any red blooded American male he'll be glued to the tv watching College football game after college football game.

Grabs a pillow and smacks softcake. :) No hiding behind McStokes. :)

So if our George fan project is a go do we send him a birthday card?
hy :)

i think he´s sitting with good friends and let the last year passed in review. Than he hugs his dog Maverick and relaxed at home ;) that´s good for him and i´ll hope he do that.

soooo wait´s ladys * Sofcake you coward :lol: grabs a big soft pillow and thwacks to you, but also grabs another pillow and thwacks Jacquie* ohhh Ladys that´s so funny McStokes come in :lol:
*suddenly feeling like I need to run on the treadmill if all of you can hide BEHIND me!!!*

WHACKS all of you! :D
McStokes of course I'd hide behind you because I feel save there - with all your training and taking down huge guys and handcuffs and stuff. Remember, to protect and to serve *giggle*

*bounces around in order to get away from Stoky's attack*
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