Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Softcake I always assumed it was 24 hours. 48 hours, too awful to think about! Hmm, might watch it tonight (although it will make me cry). :(

OK, I haven't seen this season yet so just ignore me if it's irrelevant. Nick was buried in the May, we can assume he had only just come back to work in the September of last year. So he had a while to get help, presumably have colleagues asking him if he is OK etc. Greg was only injured last week, so if no one asked him how he was then it would seem a little odd I think. :(

That said, if Nick is losing it I would hope the they show him getting help and people noticing he is distressed rather than have him do something career threatening or stupid. He deserves some nice plot lines, and maybe he needs a woman to sort him out! I like angry Nick, but smiley, laughing Nick is nice to see too. :p

A 20lb cat! I was trying to read it, thinking it was some code-like text like the kind that only teenagers understand! :lol:
I think Sara asked him during Gum Drops, when they were sitting at the picnic table and he gave the cute little "I was rescued" comment.
didnt a writer or someone else say in an interview it was closer to 48 hours? i know i was shocked when i heard that, which makes it all the more damaging to poor nicky!
and yes, being only one week later and the fact that gregs face was still battered and bruised it would have been pretty stupid not to have someone say something. but if bodies in motion was the first time nick came back to work, then how about a 'welcome back nick, glad to see youre getting better'?
im just picky is all :D
The part that gets me is in Gumdrops he blew up at a suspect in front of Sara. All he gave was an I'm sorry. In Fannysmackin he punched Pig (who at that point wasn't even a suspect) in front of Warrick. Do these guys not talk to each other about anything other than the current case? Both Sara and Warrick know that its out-of-character for Nick to do it.


Now for my kinda shallow moment. Loved the scene with the last hammer with the safety glasses on. And the first thing I noticed when he was talking to Grissom and Sara was his shirt was untucked. Only the fifth ep of the season and his shirt is untucked.
Yep, it would have been nice last season for his colleagues (who I like to think are his friends) to give him more support. Although, Sara did ask him if he wanted any lunch getting (she said it in a caring way I thought), I like to imagine that they were all really nice, supportive and caring and we just (sadly) didn't get to see it! It would make for great Nick viewing..... :)

Punching guys just because they are annoying you sounds like a problem which might escalate, I'm a bit worried. :(
Might end up getting him in hot water. And we never did find out what the outcome was of the "Disciplinary measures" they mentioned after his truck was stolen.

And by the way...will we ever find out what was the deal with the murder of Danny Bonaduce? So many questions!
Elsie said:
Punching guys just because they are annoying you sounds like a problem which might escalate, I'm a bit worried. :(

I am too, but I think he'll handle it okay. I think he was just a bit pissed already, so. he just pushed it. plus who doesn't wanna punch Kfed?
In my opinion, the telltale moment in "Grave Danger" that makes it 48 hours is, Just after the "Box" breaks up the very next picture is of a sunrise (therefore entering day light) He is not rescued until it is dark again. Just recently Jorja Fox and Carol Mendalson both said 48 hours.
iheartnickcath said:
Elsie said:
Punching guys just because they are annoying you sounds like a problem which might escalate, I'm a bit worried. :(

I am too, but I think he'll handle it okay. I think he was just a bit pissed already, so. he just pushed it. plus who doesn't wanna punch Kfed?

I know a few people who tuned in specifically to see KFED punched and cheered when Nick did it. :lol:

I certainly did. :devil:
i too have to admit that i was waiting for kfed to fail miserable and got some delight in him getting punched! heeheehee
I know CSI is all about the case and stuff but bringing in some human emotion would be nice, if you worked there kinda hours you would pretty much work with your only friends so you would want to talk about stuff like-
Nick getting buried alive
sara being angry about being fosterd
Catherines ex husband dying in a car with her child in it at the same time (Didnt even take 5 min break from work!)
I think Grissom has mentioned his Dad once but apart from that there doesnt seem to be much personal character emotion written into the script. Still love it though, it leaves more room for imagination i guess.
Oooo On a better note did anyone see the CSI the other day where Nick spoke Spanish?? Wow that was hot! Sexy deep voice and Spanish lingo mmmmmm I wonder if he speaks it in real life *wonders into fantasy....* sorry x
i remember george saying he wanted nick to be bilingual, but he himself is not. so by the time a bullet runs through it came around he was a little rusty. but boy oh boy was it ever delicious! he should speak it more often.

i am super bored, this is my first weekend at school and my roommate isnt here. so im occupying my time by watching evel knievel with the commentary on :lol: george said he was late for the first day of shooting. he really needs to get himself a reliable alarm clock :lol:
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