Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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that's true :lol:

and somthing that has nothing to do with CSI, and a little to do with George:
I was listening to a radio comercial, and it started out saying how "George was a nutorious snooze button pusher, and this made him late for work all the time.... some other stuff happend I have no idea what it was for, but it was pretty funny, I kept thinking 'poor George' :D

any way, I too want more emotion on the show, just a little, for enstance, did we ever conferm it if Catherin's dad died? I'mstill confused.

and I'm still waiting for this big Nick moment I keep hearing about... unless hitting KFed was it... if so... sad writers... write better!

ok any way, did any one else notice how cocky and slightly normal Nick was acting in "Double Cross"? I did, I thought, 'yay, old Nicky is back...' then I thought, 'but for how long till they do somthing else to him, there is always a calm before the storm'

ok bye for now!! becouse I'm just blabbering :)
Hmm he has trouble in bed in the mornings, maybe if i stayed over I could make sure he got to places on time of course this would mean he would have to go to bed earlier ;) lol!
youre gonna have to get in line :p :lol:
although i dont think my presence would help george get up any earlier, he would be very, very late...all the time... :devil:
finished evel, and georges dad had a little cameo in it! george calls him 'pop', isnt he adorable?
allmaple that scene you're talking about also had a friend of George's in it. If I recall correctly the director had printed on the cast, that George was wearing, Don't be late :lol:. George should have taken this as an omen and had all us ladies over the night before he slept in. There would have been no sleeping that night. :devil: I remember seeing some where that George is not a morning person.
I feel for the guy. I myself am not a morning person and am frequently late because I hit the snooze 3 times instead of my usual 2! :lol:
I never hit the snooze button simply because I'm peeling myself off of the ceiling when the alarm goes off. Better yet the cat is walking on me like I'm some sort of tread mill.

I bet George is just too cute when he gets up in the morning. I'm not a morning person either. Give me an hour or so before you have to talk to me. I wonder how many cups of coffe George has or if you have to give him time to get the gears moving.

As for being George's alarm clock.....I would carry out my duty as the schedule requires. I'm sure with all of us helping him stay on time, he would never look at a alarm clock the same way again!

What is it about Nick in a long sleeved white shirt that makes me go....wwwhhoooooohaaaaa? This overly worked, underpaid mind would like to know! :lo:
I found it!!!

People June 4, 2001

I hope this worked.

If you look about 1/2 way down, Marg (Cathrine Willows) is the one that says that he is not a morning person and that she does not "pepper him with questions" at the start of the day.
ugh, do not even talk to me about mornings :lol: i can get up if i absolutely have to like for school or when i used to work at 6:45 (gross! so glad i quit that job) but weekends are fair game. i was awake at 8, 9, 9:30, and got out of bed at 9:45 this morning :lol:
so either george and i could motivate each other to get up on time, or wed just never get out of bed :devil:
im mad, if only they put out casting calls for evel (being filmed in toronto and all) i know i could have been a better candy striper than the girl in the movie! and i am not moitvated at all by the fact she kisses george. nope, not at all.... :devil:
Amy777 thanks for the article. :) I hate to admit it to you non morning people, but I am a morning person. I function much better early in the day than late. See this way if George and I got together I could ensure he would be on time for work. :)
Yup...I'm a morning person as well. I could think of some FINE ways to help 'ol Georgie wake up! (ya know what stinks? My Dad's name is George, so every time I write stuff like that I kinda pause and think "ew!") I think GE should officially change his name to Nick!
Me too!! on a regular basiss I get up at 4:00 AM, and stay up till 12:00 Midnight most nights, I don't like naps and I don't need as much sleep, but this also couses me tp sleep in on the weeknds, but if I have to get up early, I'm there.

so i can wake him up LOL
how the heck do you survive on 4 hours sleep?? geez youre like john gruden, only he gets up at 3:11 :lol: (running joke in my family, john gruden is an ncaa football coach)

and McStokes i usually just call him nicky, i like the name better than george :D although i have been getting used to that name and now think it suits him more than when i first found out his name was george :lol: if that makes sense...

if i ever get married and have a boy my partner is just going to have to accept that hell be named nicholas george :lol:
I know what it's like to be a chronic snooze button pusher. I have to set the alarm for at least 3 snoozes before I need to be up. I usually set 2 alarms if I have somewhere important to be. Sometimes I wake up and the alarm is just going off and I was sleeping through it. I've even slept through a fire alarm before. :rolleyes: But, once I'm up I'm usually fully functional, so I think George and I could help each other out. ;)
allmaple said:
how the heck do you survive on 4 hours sleep?? geez youre like john gruden, only he gets up at 3:11 :lol: (running joke in my family, john gruden is an ncaa football coach)

:lol: I have no idea really, I just do, it's weird, before it was only my mom, she can go like days with out sleep... with no caffeine at all... and I used to sleep like a log, but recently I have been able to just sleep a little... weird but helpful with stuff.

and as for his name, I love the name George, when I first found out that was his name I loved it, then I found out his character name was Nick and I love that too, but George is my fave :D
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