Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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The more I think of it the more the travel idea somes the best. We take a pic of something in our community where we live. email it to whoever is going to send the package off with our comments that are to be attached. Maybe keep out comments to 40 words in honour of the big 40! :)

Elsie it will be interesting to see what George does with the hair during the Christmas break. Whatever he does is fine as long as he gets more screen time.

Grabs the pillow that I left awhile ago and smacks Stoky :)
elsie my piggie (his name is Gandalf, but I call him Gandi) looks innocent but he's a devil in disguise :lol: He is loud, weird and obnoxious but I love him to death :D

Oh, hair! Yes, let's talk about the hair! I hope George will let it grow at least a tiny little bit. I don't mind the buzz. But I want it to be a little more fluffy :)

*picks up another pillow and whacks it back at elsie *
Aw, thanks!

*snuggles into the big pile 'o pillows...with Nick of course*

Oh yeah, and hangs out the "Do Not Disturb" sign! :devil:
I saw in the sports this morning that the Dallas Cowboys are headed to the playoffs. George must be a happy man this morning :) Even though I don't follow football I will cheer for the Cowboys so they can keep George happy :)

Knocks loudly on door with Do Not Distrub on it. Room Service. :lol: Thwacks McStokes when she opens the door :)
Jacquie said:
Knocks loudly on door with Do Not Distrub on it. Room Service. :lol: Thwacks McStokes when she opens the door :)

:lol: very funny but mean Jacquie *thwacks Jacquie lightly with the car haired pillows again* ;) Don't worry the cats haven't been sleeping on the pillows, they are too busy staring at the pretty Christmas tree. :rolleyes:

softcake Gandi is very cute in that pic, he doesn't look weird or mad at all! My first pets when I was a child were two guinea pigs, they were called June and July. But then we had a couple of cats called August and October.

...anyway, Nick's hair. Yes, a little longer would be nice, just so it is soft enough to stroke. :) And I'm with you too Jacquie , a bit more screen time would be nice, although we have had some good Nick bits this year. It would be nice to have another Gum Drops, but I would settle for an Unusual Suspects. :D
I will rehang the Do Not Distrub sign as I had not realized poor McStokes had been up so long. Sweet Nick dreams :).

Grabs a pillow from the pile and very gently brushes Destiny. :) Don't want you to be left out of our fun :lol:

Elsie a Gum Drops type episode would be fantastic. :)
*holds up hand as pillow comes at me* hmm *walks over to turns on the hose and sprays everyone with goose feathers and yellow paint.* :lol: *Walks out* :)
Destiny, what are you trying to do, turn everyone into a giant yellow pillow?

Just taking a break from the Ward and checking in here. Why I don't spend more time in this thread is a mystery to me -- ya'all are so funny and the pillow thing is so cute.

It is super sweet that you're thinking about a special birthday greeting. Just a totally unconditional love thing :) How could he not like that.
Jacquie said:
The more I think of it the more the travel idea somes the best. We take a pic of something in our community where we live. email it to whoever is going to send the package off with our comments that are to be attached. Maybe keep out comments to 40 words in honour of the big 40! :)

Hmmm....interesting concept! I never would have thought of that Jacquie! That would be something! I'm sure I could keep it to 40 words...as long as I leave out 'um..err..uh.....doh.....'

I think Destiny has bestowed an early X-mas present on some. I never would have thought Goose feathers and yellow paint. Hmmm...maybe I should consult her on some X-mas ideas! :) Note to self: Get high power blaster hose.

Don't follow much of football. Only the tight ends! Okay bad joke. After 4 hours of sleep, don't expect too much! :lol: I'm sure George is tickled silver and blue about the Cowboys! Good luck to them! I'm sure he will be front and center for the game!

I'm going to hide out in the Ward with Nick. I think it is time for a mental retreat and some nice padded walls. Besides, Nick can help me solve the mysteries of the why, how and hiding the evidence!!
Am I the only one who feels like Big Bird from Sesame Street right now after Destiny's sneaky little attack? :lol:

Well, football... It's not very popular in Germany. Soccer is our game... But I do watch NFL Europe once in a while, and sometimes I even understand why there's a huge pile of padded guys on the field :D
lmao, softcake, that's funny, but knowing D, she wants us to feel that way. :lol:

sparky, if you're doing it to her, you might want a bigger hose.
I love the travel idea! George said when he was in Paris that he hasn´t seen much of the world (yet) so it´s a nice idea to show him where his fans live, be it in America or somewhere else. Thumbs up for that!
softcake_70 said:
Am I the only one who feels like Big Bird from Sesame Street right now after Destiny's sneaky little attack? :lol:

I don't thing you're the only one. :lol:. I just hope with Christmas around the corner nobody makes me for the main course. :lol:
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