Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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I don´t post much (mostly because you´re all faster with witty replies than me and I´m just sitting infront of the compscreen, nodding and mumbling "yeah, exactly" ;)) but I love the idea of a fan project for George, it´s definitely the right time and occasion for it!
Another German lurker! :D Yepp, we'll take over the board soon, I tell ya.
Welcome, Jeri don't be a stranger. Visit us in the Nick/George Syndrome Ward as well. The more the merrier :)
Jeri said:
I don´t post much (mostly because you´re all faster with witty replies than me and I´m just sitting infront of the compscreen, nodding and mumbling "yeah, exactly" ;)) but I love the idea of a fan project for George, it´s definitely the right time and occasion for it!

Hi Jeri and welcome. You are free to join in the discussion at any time of course, and hopefully we can all get a great George fan project going. *thwacks Jeri with a soft and welcoming pillow*

*thwacks softcake and Jacquie with the other cat haired pillows* sorry, it's all I've got left... :lol:
hy :D and welcome Jeri and from Germany ;)

Elsie the idea with Golf is good, George is very sporty, and another idea a Surfboard? with all Wardladys name?
just an ideas from me :)

and now *thwack* for Softcake :lol:
Good Morning everyone and a big welcome Jeri. We don't bite, much :lol: ususally only a cute Texan :lol:. Don't worry about the witty comments because sometimes they flow for us and sometimes they don't :)

Elsie the idea of a scroll tied with ribbons is a good idea. Maybe anchor them to golf tees so they don't get lost? That way every time George hits a ball off the tee he could remember which wardgirl gave it to him :) Yea if you could remember which tee came from which fan when you get 30 or so at once. :lol:

I forgot my pillow. Elsie I really don't need anymore cat fur as I have 4 that shed quite nicely thanks :lol: Grabs pillow and smack McStokes and on the rebounds gets Jeri :)
Whoohoooo!!! I think George might be a bit warry of a huge box with muffled giggling and muffled pillow shots. But the look on his face would be priceless! I get to be the Sparkly bow....hot pink! :D

I do love the idea with George's birthday. I will be happy to help out in any way!! Even if it means popping bubble wrap, I'm ready! :lol: I like the golf/dog ideas! For bein' whacked with pillows, everyone is doing great!

Allmaple-many and major hugs you saucy minx! Nothing like getting hit with a pillow with cat hair, especially after eating something sticky! :p

Hopefully Project George will be a complete success!
*picks self up off of floor after getting hit by Stoky and Jacquie *

How 'bout a Dallas Cowboys jersey that we all sign? Would it be too hard to send it around to all of us throughout the world? :confused:
^^I like the idea but do we really want to rely on our respective postal people to delivery it. If we could somehow come up with minatures and have them all sent to the final distribution point for shipping to George that might work
oh thats a good idea, when he was on craig ferguson and was talking about being a cowboys fan he said 'yes, there are some of us left' :lol: nice brainstorming over night ladies, hopefully we can pull this off!! :D
^Well, it would be very heavy so would cost a small fortune. Having just checked postal costs, it would cost me the equivalent of $1.50 to mail something weighing the same as a normal letter to Canada, which isn't that bad.

It could be as simple as having a small template that needs to be used (no bigger than A5 paper for example but in the shape of a jersey) which could then be either emailed through if wanted or posted... Is that the kind of thing you were thinking Jacquie?

Ah, George is a lucky man....he just doesn't know it yet. :lol: And my ideas are a bit lame so I apologise.
Elsie none of your ideas are lame. In brainstorming we want to get all ideas out on the table to narrow them down. I have no idea what I had in mind with regards to the minatures. I was getting ready to get breakfast going. If we could do something with a template that we can all sign that sounds good. I haven't read the whole thread in CSI:NY but how did the fans do the pucks for Eddie Cahill?
:D hy, *i´ll hit back McStokes and Jacquie *

McStokes sais

How 'bout a Dallas Cowboys jersey that we all sign? Would it be too hard to send it around to all of us throughout the world?

i´ll think it´s impossible? but sign making from Ladys at the US and at our name from the other lands? that were a way.
Phew, you guys sure are fast. Gone for a few hours ... George sure is inspiring ;).

Thank y´all so much for the warm welcome :)! You make it easy to post!

I love the Jersey idea. Though chances are, if he really is a big fan, he already has one. Just a quick thought but maybe we could make him one with his name on it. Is that possible? To make it look like he was a team-member?

I don´t know about the pucks (lovely idea btw) but I know that Jorja got from her fans over at YTAW these little plastic thingies to play guitar with (never mind, i don´t even know the term for it in german, duh). Everybody got a few from all over the world and then then they put it in a guitar case.

*rubs forehead, throws pillow right back at Jacqui :)*

ETA: we also know that he loves motorbikes. And QT ;). Oh, and camping, i think. Ok, I´m startin to ramble. I´ll be quite now ;)
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