Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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hey guys i justed bumped into this thread and i have to say george eads is soo hot ! me and my classmate were looking through some pics of mine and she noticed and i remembered he's just
Yepp, Sienna we all agree with you

*thwacks pillow at Stoky*

A lot of brainstorming going on here! Right now I'm too tired to have an opinion. I like the idea of getting him something specific from each country. On the other hand - Germany is famous for the beer :D Bad idea. Forget it.
*thwacks pillow around and one back to Softcake*

Softcake sais
Germany is famous for the beer Bad idea. Forget it.
:lol: or better the harzer roller?(a german cheese) but very stinky cheese, no that´s really not good idea :lol:
i think george would like the beer (i'm not sure about the cheese .. i actually smelled it once :p) hm .. but i don't know is he the beer drinking type?
Sienna i think he is drinking beer in a cooking show and each photos he´s drinking beer. But it´s not a fine gift
for George ;)
Oh my gosh! I haven't been in here so long. I love my George so we should defo send him something but what its so hard to choose because we are from all over the place. I like the idea of the guitar plectrums x
Hi guys, Washington is being really weird this year :p.
I like the idea of sending a gift. My idea, because George Eads has said several times that he likes to watch "Discovery" channel and other "learning" channels on TV, is for everyone to send something from their respective places of residence. I think it would be neat to show him how many different places his "fans" call "home." It could be a CD of music that your country or state or area is famous for, a story about where you are from that is unique if funny, or what you think best exemplifies where you come from, It could be something you E-mail to someone else to print out, or a little something that you buy and send, a bumper sticker or anything that you think of plus a word of encouragement to him. I like the jersey idea but I think it would be hard to figure out the logistics of with us so spread apart.
Not only Washington is weird, Amy :D
I like your idea. Because it's probably easier for us on the other side of the pond to make it happen ;) I think we shouldn't do something that involves sending just one item around the world in a package. It could get lost, or someone could miss the schedule or mess up the address of the next person.
Hi :D

oh um LOL, I'm reading all the pillow hitting, I'm laughing so hard, ya'll are so funny :lol:

oh feels good to be in here again, after a whole week not going in here, relaxing on giant pillows :lol:

ok I like the idea of sending George somthing... I mean he must recieve lots of letters from fans, so I'm sure our George would like it :D

and Mcstokes I agree us PBR fans should stick together ;)

and yes Amy Washington weather is insane... though now I think it's all over, we should get some normalness for few months :)

and *POW!!! hits you with a pillow... and it hase ricashade off of you and smacked Maple !* :lol:

ok i have to get to bed now, have an early morning :)

So... *takes the pillow and falls asleep on it* :lol:

*Pow* :lol: with a nice soft, big, fluffy pillow, back to you nicksarafan. Hay even I need to get in some fun now and then. :)

We have had record rain, record snow, and record wind [65mph gusting to 100mph] (I was near Tacoma this last week, my parents are still out of electricity, I had to come home just to get a hot shower)And it is not even winter yet.

I was really surprised how much I missed getting on line and coming in here to read all that ya'll are doing, I know I do not post all that much but I do come in a lot. I really missed it while I was without power for so many days.
Lots of great ideas guys! And *thwacks pillow at nsf2 , Amy and softcake *. I hope the weather improves Amy , that doesn't sound like fun.

I just thought I would mention Nick's hair whilst I'm here. I was watching Pirates of the Third Reich last night and his hair was looking particularly fine, not too long, just right. Although I am always a fan of the buzz, I really want him to grow it back a bit (just a little) and that will be my Christmas wish this year... :lol:

softcake your piggie is so cute! He looks all festive and happy. I love the sounds guinea pigs make too....
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