Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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:lol: oh, that´s clear, thanks ;) for explain. I´m a littlebit slowly in my minds today, Nicky is in my brain :lol:
Nice to see you too stoky . *thwack* :D

Do you mean anxious excited rather than anxious worried? Don't worry, it don't think it will be too weird. Does anyone have any ideas? I would suggest having a look at the NY fan projects, very interesting. :)

Lets hope we can come up with something lovely, and appropriate for our very favourite man! :D
Elsie hy :D and *thwack thwack* :lol: and thanks i feel better now.

NY Fan Project? oh, good idea! the gift should be very beauty and funny.

Oh, and
Elsie thanks for your explain :D

another *thwack* to Softcake :lol:
Anxious excited, elsie See, sometimes it's just not so easy for us when all these words have more than one meaning :) Now that I looked up "anxious" online it has like 14 "negative" meanings and on number 15 it's positive.
Okay, I'll stop the little rant right now ;)

Something lovely for our man... Like wrapping ourselves in nice bows? :D
would you want to do a birthday type thing? we could encorporate ribbons that way. but lets wait til we find out if we can make it happen before we get too into it, dont want to be disappointed if it doesnt work out ;)
I like the "us in bows" idea...since we are using it for Christmas too, it's like the "gift that keeps on giving!" :devil: :devil:
allmaple said:
we could encorporate ribbons that way.

Erm... I know what ribbons are (even without looking it up :D) but I don't quite get the meaning here? Like -hm - knotting them together? Oh, I feel stupid right now. I'm off to bed ;)
oh Allmaple it would really nice, when if it works :)

upps :lol: i´ve forgot *thwacks* to McStokes
It's nice to see that everyone likes allmaples idea. :). As we have discussed many times George is a very private person and we don't know alot about him except that he is a golfer. Could we do something with golf balls or tees?

allmaple if Destiny gives us her blessing to do this, and you run with the idea, I will gladly offer my services to you to help out. Since we are only a couple of hours, at the most, away from each other :)
Lordy! Lordy! George Eads will be turning 40 next March.

Aaah, 40 is the new 30, and 60 is the new 40, which makes 70 the new 50.

'Thwack!!! myself!!! and my dancing kitty!
CathStokes said:
What we doing? I wanna know.

Not fully decided yet. Feel free to add your input if you have any ideas. But, as a reminder maple had the idea of doing some sort of fan project for George (similar to the fan projects that have taken place in the NY forum). As it is George's 40th birthday in March I think (if I've got this right) then we will be tying something in to that (perfect excuse). ;)

Something with golf balls or tees could work I think Jacquie. Although I'm not sure how easy it would be to administer. I'm not sure if we are going to be discussing it in here or not, or how we are continuing with it but my only thoughts (because it was simple and easy to administer but no real theme apart from birthdays) would be some sort of little scrolls tied with ribbon. People could each write their own message or email them and then they could be put together, this would work fairly easily from wherever people are in the world.... Thinking out loud again, sorry :p
That's a nice idea, elsie

I was thinking music. Pick a special song for George and email the MP3 to poor maple who has to burn them on a CD :lol:
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