Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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i am so confused :lol: what the heck is going on?!? :p youre all lucky pixie is asleep on the pillow next to me so i cant throw it...

i know in the new york forum they have 'fan projects' where they put gifts together for the actors and actually send them off and they do get them and write thank yous back. we should find out how to do it and make one for george!
allmaple said:
i know in the new york forum they have 'fan projects' where they put gifts together for the actors and actually send them off and they do get them and write thank yous back. we should find out how to do it and make one for george!

Now that is an excellent idea. I never fully read the 'fans project' stuff, but I think I will go and take a look. ;)

*Thwacks maple* why are you confused? :lol:
Jacquie said:
That sounds like a nice idea allmaple. Are you volunteering to find out how they do it? :)

uuummmm.....maybe? :p if theres a way we can know hed get it for sure i think we should do something. it would be so fun!
and between 5 exams and being hit in the head with pillows you need to ask why im confused? the cats still asleep so youre safe from me....for now...
The best way to make sure that George would get it would be to send it to his agent or the studio. Where do the CSI:NY fans send their gifts.
Jacquie said:
Where do the CSI:NY fans send their gifts.

Quick check over in the NY forum suggests MrsGiovinazzo is planning to send their latest Carmine project to his publicist.

By the looks of it, we should probably gauge the level of interest in this and think of a suitable theme. Any ideas, suggestions? I'm going to have another look over in NY..... ;)
I can get a hold of several sets of handcuffs for y'all! ;) *don't know why the Sergeant in charge of supplies has to keep replacing my cuffs...scratches head* :devil:

I get to be the green bow!!!
Elsie and allmaple do we want to do something for George's birthday on March 1? We know he likes his dog Maverick. Do we want to do something all the lines of dog figurines or even toys for Maverick. We don't know alot about George other than he is a Dallas Cowboy fan. Do we know of a charity he supports that we could donate to in his name? Just some thoughts.

Mind you I would like to see the look on his face when he opens this large box of wardgirls all with our own pairs of handcuffs and wearing their nicely coloured bows :) I'll be the red bow !!!
^ Hmm, yes. I don't know that much about him either, thinking about it. :lol: It's interesting though, I had a look at the old NY threads and they have done some fun things it's definately worth checking out. He is quite a private man I think.

Aiming for his birthday would probably be a good idea though, and a good time frame. Something where people could put messages seems to work quite well, although with the thoughts that go on in here, maybe we would need to be a bit careful! :devil: Is he 40 next birthday? That's a biggie so we could try and incorporate that somehow... I'm kind of thinking out loud here so feel free to just ignore me. I'm no good with ideas.... :lol:

eta: can I be a purple bow please. :)
I've got to head out to work right now so please keep talking about this. I like the thought of this. And George will be 40!
i sent a message to Destiny asking if we could run a project in this forum, and if she gives us the green light i can ask MrsG for any hints about how to handle the whole thing.
i think aiming for his birthday is perfect. if we can get it going im sure well all come up with a great theme, and i wouldnt mind collecting everyones submissions and finding out all the facts about sending it off. this could be so fun!

oh, and is a pink bow taken? :)
I'd like to have the blue bow! ;)

I love your idea of doing something nice for George's birthday. I'm definitely in, unless it comes to sending him furniture or stuff. Remember - other side of the pond, the postal charges would ruin me :lol:
I read in the NY forum that the fans of Eddie Cahill sent him hockey pucks with messages because he's a hockey fan :) I thought that was cute :)
Now maple that's sweet that you volunteer in organizing something. Therefore a very gentle *thwack* :D
Excellent, I'm excited about it! I hope MrsG can give us some good hints and tips. :D

40th birthdays are big ones, so this is the perfect time for a fan project like this. maple , hopefully whatever we do will be easy on you, I know you must be very busy with university. Although George is worth it of course! ;)
Allmaple wow, what a good idea, and 40 is a special birthday :D and you have enough to do with your study very nice :) i´m very tight.

oh, btw i´ll *thwack* softley Elsie :lol:
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