Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Jacquie said:
CathStokes I like your banner. Thwack with a pillow. :)

Thank you :) Oh how nice of you. You whack me. *grabs a pillow and whacks you back* :D Gotcha ;)

softcake_70 said:[/i]
I have a google news alert for "Nick Stokes", just in case.
There's a Bass trombonist called Nick Stokes and he's doing a 12 hour Christmas Carolathon on Christmas Eve.

lol, I can just see you if you got a "shirtless!Nick Stokes" invitation. lol.

*throws pillows at everyone* I still love yall :D
Maybe the cablethon can raise money for a new wardrobe for our poor boy Nicky! Some nice new white shirts, or deep blue dress shirts...I miss the way he used to dress!
I too miss the dress shirts. So delicious. I wonder if the wardrobe is prelude to something for Nick this year. Like the I'm tired and his disliking of Vegas. These are guesses only. I don't do the spoiler threads so I have no idea :).

Grabs a pillow. Oh sorry McStokes were you using that to sleep with. :D Wacks you instead. :)
Ooh, did someone mention dress shirts? Yum. Yeah, I hope he is going to snap out of this tiredness. I miss happy Nick, although I thought he had seemed better in the last couple of episodes? I mean singing and smiling are all good signs right? :confused:

*smacks y'all and csi_fan247 with a rather large but soft feather pillow*. Night all. :)
Oh sorry McStokes were you using that to sleep with.

*THUD* Hey!! That was my head hitting the floor! And I was actually having a realllyyy nice dream about me and Nicky, alone in front of a roaring fire....removal of a blue dress shirt... :devil: Oh, sorry.
Hmmmm...massage lotion, handcuffs, leather pants, exams, textbooks, pillow fights and Nicky. Hmmm....I like that! I've so got to be committed to the Ward...again!

I think I will swipe a few of those flying pillows out of the air, relax back with Nicky and some popcorn and watch the festivities. Guess a drool bucket would be good too. I'm sure Nicky knows how to swim! :D Since it is a time for sharing, I'm sure Nicky wouln't mind sharing his popcorn, pillows and drool buckets with everyone.

You all have been very busy in the "Think Nick" dept. Okay in the "Think George" dept. Some good x-mas ideas for George. I'm a bit :devil: when it comes to wrapping presents.
I love to make it worth the recepiants time getting into a present. One year I actually used a brick in my wrapping madness. Wouldn't it be cool to send George a gift from all of us? Oh...the imagery is too much for my mind to handle!

Where are you all finding those icons of George at!?!?!? I can't begin to explain the drool on the floor and the cat!

I'm playing catch up still! Can George help?
They do have some hot George icons. :D

Can you imagine all of us sending him a gift? What should we send him... *gives yall a look and whacks you with the pillow* besides that!
CathStokes that's easy. Handcuffs, a kinky cowboy outfit, leatherpants and cufflinks *giggle* And a webcam, because he has to prove to us that he wears all of it :devil: Though actually it doesn't make a lot of sense that he wears handcuffs when he's alone... :confused: :D
^ You do love that kinky cowboy outfit don't you? But thanks for including the cufflinks, I do like my man to dress appropriately! :lol:

*Thwacks y'all with the pillows I have left, the ones the cats sleep on...* :eek:
I had no clue I'm that obvious! :lol: I really need to see Monte Walsh, really.

*grabs another pillow and throws it at Dragonflydreamer*
Hey....over here....*WHACK*

Ha ha! Got you all!! :D So, how 'bout we wrap all of us up in a big box and place ourselves under Nick's tree? I'm sure he'll be curious to open the package when he hears the muffled pillow fight going on inside! :lol:
Can I pick the colour of my bow myself then? Each of us should have her bow in a different colour, so Nick can point at one of us and say "Hey, yellow, your turn" So the names won't confuse him :D

But I bet Nick will run as fast as he can when he hears all that thwacking and squealing from inside the box :D
I hope he wouldn't be to afraid. We are really harmless women who have a healthy appetite for all things Nick. :) If he does decide to run maybe it will be to get a pillow to join in the fight. :p Ah yes Nick you got me on the arm but that's ok I have another arm that needs thwacking also :lol: Smacks allmaple :)
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