Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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CathStokes I like your banner. Thwack with a pillow. :)

Add oil to the thoughts about handcuffs :devil:. Throw in a massage or two :p :devil:
Hi girls :D

so Nikky he smelled good hu? nect time I'm in the mall I'll see what the Stetson smells like :D

and Mcstokes your going to the PBR!!! in New York!!! oh man, I love the PBR, I'm happy to see another PBR fan in here :D hey if you see Adriano, tell him I said hi *PM me for my name* and good for your hubby to buy those for you :D I hope to go when they come to my side of the US :D

yeah, this si so much fun in here :D

oh and BAM!!! got all of you with a giant Stetson sprayed pillow :lol:

and George... er Nick, I would buy him somthing for Maverick, then I'd make him somthing, like my little clay dogs that are dressed like whatever occupation the person is, like a little CSI dog :D that's what I gave Ty Pennington, he loved it, and my friend Matt :D

ok love you all :D
My aunt is a airbrushing artist, she does everything clothing to walls, well she made me a complete bed set that has George's face all over it, she told me it took her a whole year to do. It consists of sheets, pillows, and a big comforter with my favorite picture on it - the one where he's looking to the side and he's wearing the leather jacket! I just love that picture! She gave it to me as an early Christmas present, and I've told everybody if they sat on his face I would chase them around with a knife :D! I'm talking about the comforter, how are you not going to sit on the sheets?!

Look what I found, I've never seen this picture before, and that's saying a lot!
Funny Hair :lol: I'm thinking it's from Evel!

Bam Everybody gets clobbered with my new Pillows! Not that ya'll don't mind :D!

Good Night!
Cool Nikki that sounds like fun :D that reminds me...

oh on "Regis and Kelly" when Anderson Cooper co-hosted, Kelly pulled out a blanket that siad "AC360" on it, she siad, "this Christams I'm cuddeling up with Anderson" and then "I thought Anderson would be in it, they'd be sold out if he did!"

any way, just thought, now you can say, "George is keeping me warm"! ok sorry, I'm blabbering again :)

oh and POW!! got you with a... air filled plastic glove!! say am I the only one who thinks of 'BatMan' when you read all the hitting sound efects? :lol:

ok good night all :D
that is funny :lol:

and when I type George's name into Amazon.com, there are like 3 other George C. Eads out there... wierd... unless George moonlights as a writer :lol:

ok Good night now :D
Handcuffs....cufflinks.... :lol: Alright, I got it! :D I'd pick handcuffs over cufflinks for Nicky any day, though ;)
elsie "Manschettenknopf" is the right word, thank you! It's fun to learn new words, but I highly doubt I will ever use "cufflinks" again ;)

*thwacks pillow at nicksarafan2 *
^ Yes, I am so proud! Although it did take me ages to find the word, and similarly I doubt I will ever need to use "manschettenknopf" either. :lol:

OK, I was thinking of Christmas presents that Nick could open in front of his parents, the handcuffs would, er, have to be opened later. :devil:

*thwacks pillow at all ward girls who are awake right now*
A good morning smack back at you Elsie. And yes NSF2 I do think of Batman when I'm typing the pillow. And a bam to you :lol:
*Jumps onto a big pile of pillows*
Whoops, maple is that you in there? Sorry :D

I have a google news alert for "Nick Stokes", just in case.
There's a Bass trombonist called Nick Stokes and he's doing a 12 hour Christmas Carolathon on Christmas Eve. :lol:
Good Morning all! :D

NSF2 I just sent you a PM! We PBR fans have to stick together!

I'm sitting here with a big 'ol grin on my face reading all of your posts...you all give me the warm fuzzies! This forum is sooo much nicer than some of the others! <tosses cookies and pillows to all in attendance!>

We have a reporter on TV near me named Lori Stokes, and everytime she says her name I get jealous! :lol:
softcake_70 said:
Whoops, maple is that you in there? Sorry :D

why yes actually i was attempting to sleep in since im home from school and dont have anything to do today :p with exams out of the way hopefully i wont be neglecting nicky as much as i have recently. you all know how he gets when he thinks hes not getting attention :lol:
We have a reporter on TV near me named Lori Stokes, and everytime she says her name I get jealous!
We have a hearing center called Stokes Hearing. I have to pass it on my way to work. It makes me laugh everytime I see it :lol:
Oh yes, as long as we don't have a new topic to discuss, we should go on :lol: *thwacks back at McStokes*
*flings a pillow at Jacquie*
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