Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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*runs through the "Ranch" and thumps all of you with a giant, feather pillow* :D

That's what I felt like doing last night at my little function...smacking all my co-workers with a big pillow! I'm sure the Sheriff would have been amused! (They already think I'm a nut!)
Well of course you're a nut. But we don't mind. Nick has that effect on people...
*starts throwing pillows randomly at whoever's near by*
McStokes That could have been an interesting pillow fight with the Sheriff involved. It would've been interesting to see the little boy in him come out and smack everyone. :) That's assuming he has a little boy inside him. And of course you're nuts. We're all nuts. That's why we frequently visit the Ward. :)

Ducks from flying pillows. Look out softcake thwack across the arm :)
he's a great guy, but a retired Brigadier General! I imagine he can hit pretty hard...And one of the other guys is head of SWAT...Not sure what HE would be throwing back at me if I hit HIM with a pillow! :lol:

The others I would have had a blast with. Ok...now I can't get the image out of my head of all of us beating each other with pillows...now I'm ruined!

Maybe we can get Nicky a case of massage oil for Christmas...with the stipulation that he has to use it on all of us since our muscles are strained from pillow fights! :devil:
McStokes said:
Maybe we can get Nicky a case of massage oil for Christmas...with the stipulation that he has to use it on all of us since our muscles are strained from pillow fights! :devil:

Now THAT is a nice idea!
First in line! :p

I thought about giving him a nice kinky Cowboy outfit, though...leather chaps, the hat, gun belt...

*swirls around and smacks pillow at first person in reach*
See, my muscles do need a massage :lol:
softcake_70 said:
leather chaps, the hat, gun belt...

*swirls around and smacks pillow at first person in reach*

*right back at you, thwack*. ;)

And, from the pics of Monte Walsh, he really does suit those cowboy outfits! But preferring the open shirt look I think I would buy him a couple of nice new shirts and some cute cufflinks. :)
UGH...I took that one upside the head Softcake ! I knew you'd like the massage oil idea ;)

Did I mention I'm going to the Professional Bull Riding championships? Yup...your comment about chaps got me to thinking! Mmm...MMMM!!! :devil:
Meep! Look ahead! :lol: *thwacks back at elsie and to entertain myself McStokes gets another soft punch*

Now...well... what are "cufflinks"? Same as handcuffs? (Please don't ask me why I know that word! :lol:) If so, I'm in! Of course! :lol:

Professional Bull Riding championships...sorry, I have to giggle again, McStokes That's so - typical American! :D Cute. You'd never get to see something like that in Germany. But on the other hand - we have guys in Lederhosen doing Bavarian folk dance (damn, there's no translation for "Schuhplattler") I'd rather watch Bull riding, though. I've had my share of Bavarian stuff when I was little and my parents literally dragged me to Bavaria to see the Oktoberfest.
No, silly! Cufflinks are the little things that men put in the button holes of their shirt cuffs to keep them closed! They are MAN JEWELRY! :D Usually they wear them with snazzy suits or tuxedos. Now, handcuffs are a WHOLE nother story, and I may get into trouble with Destiny if I steer it in a completely different direction other than my profession!! :lol:

ETA: and my "people" do that lovely step dancing with the stiff arms! :lol: Yes...I do know how to do that as well!
I hope your vision of me isn't too tainted from the bull riding! I'm sooo not a redneck! I do live in the country, I do ride horses and have worked cattle before, but I was also an advertising account exec, and actually dress like quite a Manhattan-ite when not at work!
^ I was trying to work out how to describe cufflinks. Not easy... Whenever I run out of stuff to buy my husband I buy him cufflinks because he wears them every day. I tried to find the word in German and found 'Manschettenknopf'. Now, not speaking German this is a risk posting it because it could mean anything, if it's not related to sleeves then it's not the right word and I apologise!! :lol:

*Thwacks you all for good measure* Now I never imagined you were a redneck McStokes , but it's OK to admit it if you are. Oh, and my husband really wants to go to the Oktoberfest. :)
People pick on me all the time as I love things like country music and rodeos, (especially cowboys) but then there is the other side of me that has very expensive taste, loves clothes shopping, goes to galleries, etc (and gets picked on by my co-workers for being "uppity" go figure). About the only thing my "split personalities" agree on is Nick! ;)
Ohhhh what i´m seeing here Nicky massage with oil *hotty*
what a nice idea.

McStokes same as me, most people i know don´t like country and westernmusic. i´ll like them since long time and i love it :) it´s great

Softcake and y´ll Schuhplattler :lol:

Maple good look for your exam :D
Hmm... handcuffs... cufflinks... yes, I can see how the two sound similar...
*starts throwing pillows randomly again*
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