Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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:lol:Yeah, their the only famous people I've met, besides John Cena and Seann William Scott.

And the funny thing, nobody knew they'd be there. They had finished a press tour appearance in Charlotte and just magiacally popped up, I'm surprised they didn't have it advertised.
Nikky you met George? You even touched him? Like putting a hand on him? In real life? :eek:
*puts Nikky on a pedestal and worships her* :D

I hope you never washed the clothes you wore that day. We need a DNA sample so we can clone him :D
Nikky woah you met´s George? Oh you´re lucky :)

It´s nice theme Softcake ;) i didn´t now what i´ll do :lol: i think i was excited and i´m stearing most of the time of George, my mouth is open and no words came out of me. I´ve a lump in my throat :lol: or .. i swooning :lol:
Nikki...bows down before you...Holy Crap! That's too cool!

So...is he just as hot in person?! (Duh....! :rolleyes:)
Nikki i officially am jealous to the max right now!
heres how my meeting with george would go:

george: hi how are you?
me: ........... i love you!
george: i love you too (hey, its my fantasy!) whats your name?
me: ........... i dont remember

and then theyd probably get security to take me away :lol:
Nikky I'll offically added my "I'm jealous of you" to the rest of them. When George was filming Evel he was in 'the neighboroughhood' but I didn't have a clue to who he was at the time. If I'd known who he was then I might have tried to find him when he was filming.
*sighs* The closest I'll ever get to George is when he's on the East Coast. Oh no wait - he was in France once.
Geez...my most recent "celebrity" encounter was with David Letterman the other day. I was running at the track and he was there with his little son. He tossed a football to my husband! Sadly, he is in no way NEAR as gorgeous as our boy!
I've never met a celebrity. Ever. Bah.
If I met George, well, at first I'd probably be like "hey, that guy looks just like George Eads!" But after figuring out that it was actually him... who knows :lol: anything is possible. I'd probably try to think of something cool to say and end up sounding really lame.
I have met a couple of celebrities...Some German actors, some bands, politicans...I work at a publishing house, and though I'm in the back office, sometimes I actually get to see famous people
:lol:. But I had the worst experience meeting Hulk Hogan :lol: He was such - well - such an ass! Totally arrogant. When I met him we had a kid in a wheelchair with us, but HOgan just ignored the fact that the kid was dying to get an autograph. I guess that was the day when I stopped watching pro-wrestling :lol:
Most wrestlers are major pains! But it's usually the ones that you'd least expect to be nice that are the nice ones. When I first met Randy Orton, since he played a bad guy on screen, I expected him to be a total butthole, but he was really really nice!
I have just realised that I never got around to saying what I would do if I met George Eads... I would do nothing, and say nothing. Probably just stare at him, but try not to make it too obvious. ;)

In general, I don't speak to people I don't know unless forced, or where it would appear rude not too. So if he was to start up a conversation I would answer him, but it wouldn't last long, I'm too reserved for this kind of thing! :p
elsie, say nothing, do nothing and drool a little, right? :lol: That's what I'd do...

I'm not good with small talk either, and probably I'd stare at him thinking "talk to me! Talk to me so I can answer and say something clever and charming and witty". And then when he says "hi" or whatever, I'd probably just make some gurgling noises :D
Maybe I'd get bonus points if I had my uniform on? :D

I could offer him some tips on how to make his role more authentic...which would require copious amounts of time spent privately with me at my home! :devil:
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