Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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...Runs back into the room finally after a few days off...and WHACKS all of you in the belly! :lol:

Sorry I was MIA, was taking it easy due to the tooth (which I still have to get fixed), and was putting up Xmas decorations!

Would you believe the guy who hit me (and left a really nice bruise as well as breaking my tooth) tried to blame ME for use of excessive force! Grrrr..... :mad: Course, this was after he assaulted two corrections officers too, so I don't think his complaint will go far!
Oh, I hope you are feeling better McStokes , why some people think it is OK to behave in such a way is beyond me!

Now if Nicky had been there he would have protected you, and kicked some butt.... ;)
Now, how in the world do you know me so well?! ;)

About all the help I would be is creating a big pile of drool that said perp would maybe trip on and fall on his butt. Then I would probably be all red in the face (remember, I'm a redhead...ergo: pale skin!) and Nicky would have to catch ME as I swoon!! :D

Ugh...I need to lay off the sugar. Maybe I can lay on Nicky instead! :devil:
*bump* This thread was so close to disappearing from the first site of the forum! I can't let that happen :lol:

Well, McStokes I guess when it comes to Nicky we're all one of a kind :D

I'd like to give a challenge to y'all (to prevent this thread from disappearing, of course :D)

Imagine you'd meet George. Your first reaction? Honestly?
Mine would probably be: "Oh God" *grabs throat* *faints in a puddle of drool* :lol:
softcake_70 said:
I'd like to give a challenge to y'all (to prevent this thread from disappearing, of course :D)

Imagine you'd meet George. Your first reaction? Honestly?
Mine would probably be: "Oh God" *grabs throat* *faints in a puddle of drool* :lol:

Cool! A challenge! :lol:

Well...I think I can just agree with you softcake. I'd also just stare and then faint. Perhaps I'd also start drooling badly, not sure about that. But yeah..fainting seems the only logical way...:lol:
softcake_70 said:

I'd like to give a challenge to y'all (to prevent this thread from disappearing, of course :D)

Imagine you'd meet George. Your first reaction? Honestly?
Mine would probably be: "Oh God" *grabs throat* *faints in a puddle of drool* :lol:

First I'd stand there staring at him. Then feeling like an idiot I'd turn and run in the opposite direction as fast as I could. :lol:

We get our last new Nicky of the year tomarrow night.

Well, I like to think I wouldn't go and say something stupid like "wow, you're (taller or shorter) than you are on TV!" but somehow I just know that would come up.

Or...I'd turn into that character that Chris Farley played on Saturday Night Live who keeps bothering celebrities by reminding them of the roles they played (like they'd forget) "remember when you dressed like a cowboy and played with Tom Selleck...yeah...that was cool."

"...remember when you slept with that prostitute? Yeah, we didn't like that..."

And on and on and on...until he called security!!
I don't know what I'd do if I met George. I'm a person that's usually not at a loss for words so I have a feeling I would either have nothing to say or just blabber senselessly :).

No new Nick for the rest of the year after Thursday night :(. At least we have the ward and the discussion thread to keep us busy. :)
softcake_70 said:
I'd like to give a challenge to y'all (to prevent this thread from disappearing, of course :D)
Imagine you'd meet George. Your first reaction? Honestly?
Mine would probably be: "Oh God" *grabs throat* *faints in a puddle of drool* :lol:

Oh goodie a question :D

I'll be completly honest, if (actully when ;) ) met George, first I'd look and thing... is that George Eads?! then I'd ask my mom, of course she'd say yes it is!! then I would go over and say hi! he'd smile, and eternaly I'd be freaking out, but I'd stay calm, then I'd ask if he were him, then i'd talk a little to him, depening on how much time he had, then I'd say how great he was, then i'd hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek... then I'd say buy, and after he left I'd faint :D

that's what will happen... but if I really had my way I'd make him come over for dinner ;)

ok well, that's what I'd do :lol:
I actually met George a couple years ago at Carowinds in the CBS Cafe, where you got to meet all of the CSI Vegas cast. I had it planned out of what I was going to say to him, but when I got up to him I just froze and stood there with my mouth wide open. He smiled at me, and I swear my knees got weak! Who's wouldn't? To make a long story short, I did get an autograph and a hug from both him, Eric, and Wallace (hea somebodie's got to give him some lovin!) After I got enough courage and could form a sensible sentence :lol:!
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