Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Since we've all met George, and drooled like crazy while trying to talking to him I thought it might be interesting to see what people might get Nick for Christmas. Besides yourselves :lol:.
well i would get nick a little black lacey thing :devil: hey, the present isnt me, its what id be wearing :p

hmmm, since ive expressed my love of his man jewelry maybe an other ring or a chain of some kind. mmmm, that leather band was hot so maybe something like that. i guess in vegas the typical canadian gift of scarves or gloves is out of the question :lol: i think hed actually be a really hard guy to pick out a gift for. maybe books?
Does he like horses? For some reason, when I read the question, I thought I'd like to get him a horse. Not that I could afford a horse. But I love horses, and I'd love to see him ride one. Or go riding with him...
have you seen monte walsh? mmmmm, him on horseback was delicious. the leather chaps didnt hurt either :devil: as long as i get an english saddle i would love to riding with him, i think the western ones are very uncomfortable. probably because i rode hunter for 9 years :lol:
nicksarafan2 said:
wow :eek: Nikki you met George and hugged him!!! gah! I bet he smelled good... did he smell good? was he warm? did he look hunky? tell me woman!! I'm going crazy!! :lol:
:D Yes, he smelt good, and I knew that smell! He was using Stetson! I fell in love with that smell when I found out Matthew McConaughey was a model for them! He was warm too! :D
NikkyJamez said:
[ :D Yes, he smelt good, and I knew that smell! He was using Stetson! I fell in love with that smell when I found out Matthew McConaughey was a model for them! He was warm too! :D

Stetson? :confused: Never heard about that. *googles the website * *giggle* Yeah, that figures.

Okay, I wouldn't give Nicky a cologne for Christmas, that's for sure. I'd give him a talisman. And my eternal love ;)
Now, instead of thinking what to buy my husband for Christmas (the last present I need to buy) I am concentrating on Nick instead!! :lol:

Wow, typical man. Very tough to buy for. Hmm, well I would buy him some lovely comfy floor cushions to relax on. He deserves to have somewhere comfortable to relax, I always thought his couch (in Stalker) looked really uncomfortable... Odd, but thoughtful present I think. And maybe (in my dreams) we could snuggle up on them whilst watching a movie or opening our other Christmas presents... :D
Hmmm...maybe a webcam for his computer so he can chat with all his Ward Girls?!

(Note to self: buy Stetson for husband's Xmas stocking!)
only thing I can think of is to get him a puppy for he and Mavrick (sp) to play with! Maybe a Border Colie or another hyperactive breed. ;) :lol:
Hee hee...I have a Border Collie (Clementine) and man, is she hyper!

Re: the web cam...I watched "Lady Heather's Box" last night, so that's where I got the idea! ;)
I bet we have the same picture in mind, McStokes :D
Mine consists of Nick, a web cam, some leather, naked skin and now I have to shut up because I'll get us in trouble otherwise :devil:
softcake thanks for the lovely thoughts as I get ready to head out to work. Leather, and skin :devil:.

I think I will get Nick a digital camera for Christmas. That way he can show us wardgirls off to his co-workers. :)
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