Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Jacquie said:
I was just starting into CSI last spring and was taken with GE right away. Who wouldn't be after seeing him in Pledging Mr Johnson :D but seriously I think he showed his true calling as an actor in Grave Danger. The range of emotions was fantastic. The only thing about GD that I didn't like was the ending. I didn't like the way it ended with Kelly Gordon.

If you don't want to get hit nicksarafan2 duck. Thwack! Too late :)

Oh you got me Jacquie :lol: I'm laying in a heap of... Nick/George pellows :D

yeah George is a great actor, he can carry a show by him self if he had to :D

and *BAM!!* got you back :D
Well I picked up my copy of The Spring today. I'll let everyone know what I thought of it when I get a chance to see it.

Picks up pillow looks around and spots a target. Whack allmaple :lol:
Jacquie please do tell us your thoughts :D I watched "The Spring" this afternoon again, I made some caps. And even though George has his moments, I still think this is one of the worst movies I own :D (And my collection lists movies like "Hard rock zombies" :lol:)

*grabs pillow and looks out for another victim* Hey, where's McStokes?
*ducks flying pillows* I've actually never heard of The Spring *ducks more flying pillows* What's it about?
oh my goodness the spring is tackyness to the extreme. its about a town who drinks water that keeps them young, only for 100 years though then they kill you on your 100th birthday. george is definitely the hottness in that and is the best part of the movie

*looks around* *throws, um, duvet cover*
Wow, I got that they drank water and it kept them young, I didn't know about them being killed at 100! I am so going to get a copy of this movie. I have seen some seriously bad films (when I was at college I used to watch the daytime made-for-tv awful movies) so I think I can handle it....Anyway, the screencaps look lovely, and George is hot so what's not to like! :lol:

*still has lots of pillows to throw, and giggles at allmaple's attempt with the duvet...thwack straight at the pretty dragonfly as she desperately dives out of the way*
did you just pull a gibbs? im sorry but this is a nick zone :p
dorks are awesome and dont you forget it! *throws sofa cushion* im running out of stuff!
*Hits Elsie back* I'm poud of being a dork, thank you very much :) poor allmaple. What will you do when you run out of couch cusions?
From what I see here I'm glad I didn't pay alot for the movie. I was figuring $20 or there abouts. I paid $6.99. So if it's as bad as you're saying I'm glad I haven't wasted my money. Although how can any of us waste money when George is concerned :)

Grabs one of the many spare pillows and gets softcake in the arm. :)
Off topic: elsie love your new avatar! Guess who's No. 1 in Germany? :D

Back to topic:
*thud* Jacquie right back at you! :p
Jacquie said:
From what I see here I'm glad I didn't pay alot for the movie. I was figuring $20 or there abouts. I paid $6.99.

Oh, I'm sure George will be worth it! I have just been looking into buying The Spring but I can't find it for less that £15 (which is about $30) and then there would be postage costs as it is shipped from abroad... Now you know I love George, but I think I will have to keep shopping around! :lol:

I've looked on this DVD rental site and apparantly they do have that movie with George and Kristin Davis in (the name escapes me). Has anyone seen this? Is it worth it? I'm not sure I have ever read that much about it and I think it might be pretty old?

*proud of being a dork too, a thwacks all with a nice soft pillow*

off topic: I thought I would give George a little avatar break, he deserves it (but will be back soon). Take That were on this TV show on Saturday night, it was so good, and straight after there was one of their comeback concerts from this summer on! I was absolutely loving it! They are now top of the singles and album chart simultaneously, first time they have been apparantly... ;)
i havent heard anything about that movie with kristin davis so i cant help you out with that one. if its just a rental im sure itll be worth it for george ;)
heres how you know you are a dorky fan girl: i reported an error to imdb.com that george was never in exit wounds, and it has been removed from his profile on that site! go me! :D
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