Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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I haven't been in here in a while.

*Ducks from flying pillows.*

Punching K-Fed has to be my Nick, highlight of the season so far, aswell as singing, dancing and sorta dumpster diving.

Nice to see you around again happy!
Jacquie said:
The interesting thing about the episode Ellie from season 2 was Marg and Billy weren't in it and it was the first time a CSI episode was the #1 show. This certainly says something about the rest of the cast.

I agree. I have to say that Ellie and Hollywood Brass are good episodes (although I'm aware that most people seem to dislike Hollywood Brass). You don't need the whole cast to make an episode worthwile, a good case and storyline will actually work.

I remember reading some reviews of CSI on a site somewhere (I can't remember where) and people had rated all the episodes, Gum Drops was one of the top episodes, which we would obviously all agree about, but I think it says something about the storyline too because I'm sure it wasn't just Nick fans rating it!

I was thinking about this last night (my mind was full of Nicky thoughts... ;)) and I was remembering what I first thought of Grave Danger after seeing it. And, I thought that the acting was great. George, Billy and Marg all acted fantastically in it. But for me it wasn't like a CSI episode, the characters were the same but Tarantino just had his own take on them, I really think he got the character of Nick though and let George's brilliant acting shine through!

So we know that George is a great actor, but I haven't heard much good about The Spring...please let us know what you think Jacquie, from the screencaps George is looking fine in it! :p

Oh, hi SamStokes and myfuturecsi *whack*. :lol:
*rises from underneath the pillow pile like the Incredible Hulk, just without tearing clothes. And not green* :D
Woah! elsie ! Whump!
Thwack, McStokes that's for you :D

Well, Grave Danger is an outstanding episode in any way...

Usually I say "this episode sucks, there's not enough Nick in it", but that's just me fangirling a little. I can be objective, too. ;) For instance, I like the Grissom-focused episode "Jackpot" a lot. WP's acting is brilliant.
But in general I like episodes with an A-plot and a smaller, more amusing B-plot. I don't need to see the whole team together in each episode, I want their appearances and the cases being more balanced. Am I making any sense here? :lol:
myfuturecsi said:
Gum Drops was an amazing episode. I don't know why TPTB seem to be on a panic mode because Billy took time off. This episode was clear proof that the others can carry the show really well.

They make me so MAD!!!

It's also clear the writers don't really know what they're doing. For me, Gum Drops was clearly a Nick episode and they should've made Nick the main character in the first place. Had Grissom been in the episode, it (more than likely) would've given a nice look into his background or his inner emotions but I think that Nick just relates to Cassie and the whole situation better. Plus, GE did an amazing job in this episode (no offence to WP, Im sure he would've been great) but GE was just so emotional and intense, and I think he portrayed Nick perfectly.


Elsie said:
allstar12, Gum Drops is a great episode. I often wonder what the original script was like and if they really changed much of it. I can see WP in the role, playing it quite similarly

I used to wonder how WP would've handled some of the scenes as well because I can't honestly see Grissom charging into an interrogation and slamming a kid against a wall. I think he would've been able to interact with Cassie at the end but I think Nick had a much better relationship with her and has a way with kids.
Yep, perfect sense softcake . Don't get me wrong, I love Grave Danger it is fantastic... (It always makes me cry though, real tears and sobbing like any good fangirl). :( I actually remember watching it for the first time, probably without blinking even, just glued to the screen for the whole time (a bit annoyed too as the first screening was cancelled in this country and we had to wait another week before it aired).

I like to be objective about these things too, but obviously in an ideal world there would be lots of Nicky in every episode....I often need to watch an episode more than once just to take it all in, especially for episodes which seem a little crap like Room Service. If you watch it about 4 times it actually gets better (and Nick does look hot in it!). :lol:

allstar12, Gum Drops is a great episode. I often wonder what the original script was like and if they really changed much of it. I can see WP in the role, playing it quite similarly (I think he can interact very well with child victims) and even the Sara part by the lake (where she says she wants to talk about Nick actions with the suspect) could have worked just as well with Grissom... I wonder if Nick would have had any part in the episode, because if not then we really wouldn't have much Nicky at all in season 6.... :confused:
myfuturecsi your kitty avatars never cease to amaze me :D
i think when theyve given nick the chance, he has proven he can hold his own without grissom. i think in the beginning he was like grissoms little apprentice or something, but now he really is his own person. it was evaluation day where he said he wanted grissom to think hes a good csi right? i feel now hes doing it for himself. my thoughts anyway :)
*sigh* I remember when Grave Danger first aired. My sister and I both had to work while it was on, so I taped it. Came home to find two hours of blank on my tape :mad: Oh, I was soooo upset. I had to wait most of the summer before I saw it.
Oh I can imagine how hard that was, Dragonfly
I read about Grave Danger months before it aired on German telly, so I ordered an import DVD from the UK, which cost me a fortune. But it was so worth it! I knew Nicky was being buried but I didn't know how it would end, so I really suffered while watching it.

Thwack! Jacquie that was for you :p
I was just starting into CSI last spring and was taken with GE right away. Who wouldn't be after seeing him in Pledging Mr Johnson :D but seriously I think he showed his true calling as an actor in Grave Danger. The range of emotions was fantastic. The only thing about GD that I didn't like was the ending. I didn't like the way it ended with Kelly Gordon.

If you don't want to get hit nicksarafan2 duck. Thwack! Too late :)
allmaple said:
myfuturecsi your kitty avatars never cease to amaze me :D

Thanks, but the auto admin keeps kicking it off. I've got the pixels correct!!

Anyways, to sum it up in one sentence: TPTB take George for granted! Okay two sentence: Nick was brought in to be a ladies' man and George wanted more for his character, but God forbid if anyone crosses TPTB. So they've relegated him to the backroom.

Keep rockin' kitty! Maybe the Admin will let you stay!
Nope, myfutureCSI no kitty.
But take this *zwooosh* :p

Now, what if George wasn't rehired before Season 5? Would you still have watched the show?
softcake_70 said:
Now, what if George wasn't rehired before Season 5? Would you still have watched the show?

Technically yes from me, because I didn't actually start watching it until part way through season 5. In fact the first episode I saw was King Baby, I amazed I watched it again really because that was weird.... :lol:Yes, I avoided CSI for the longest time, I was really missing out! :p

I like watching back through the old episodes though, it is interesting to see how the characters have changed and I think Nick has changed a lot. Generally I struggle to watch season 1 now because everyone is just so different, almost like completely different characters really. I prefer how Nick's character has evolved, because in the beginning he was a little needy and seeking approval, whereas now he is just a really competant CSI who commands respect.
hey nick lovers look at the story I wrote

"Placing the blame"
Nick Stokes a CSI had just closed a case he had been working on. He felt restless and needed to relax his brain so he headed out to the bar.
Arriving he met two girls named, Natasha and Nicole he had brought them home and fallen asleep.
The next morning he awoke with a headache reaching his hand up he felt something in his hand and looked down to see blood all over him and a gun placed in his hand.
He sat up quickly dropping the weapon and looked around at the scarlet blood upon the walls, He shot himself out of bed and saw Nicole from last night was laying there dead, and Natasha laying there with a gun shot in the arm with various cuts and bruises.
He quickly grabbed the phone and dialed an ambulance, police and his boss, Grissom.
Once everything was done he went with Grissom to the hospital realizing Natasha and the evidence was the only thing that could prove him not guilty, as it looked like he was the murderer.
"Grissom I need your help, I didn’t do it!" Nick debated.
Grissom let out a sigh and nodded.
"I know Nick but we cannot let you on this case, not when you’re a suspect but we will do everything we can to prove you are not guilty" Grissom assured him.
"But I can’t kill anyone, and if I did it would be in self-defense!" Nick stressed.
As an officer came in and took Nick into a line up Grissom was worried.
Nick knew they were getting Natasha to pick out the man she was with last night.
When someone came in and took him out he heard Natasha.
"He didn’t kill her, he was with us last night but he didn’t do anything to my friend!" Natasha cried.
Later on after Nick had been interrogated Natasha had walked up to him.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" Natasha chirped.
Nick taken by shock looked at her closely.
"Yes but why?" He speculated.
"To prove your not guilty" Natasha piped.
Nick agreed and left with her.
The next morning he awoke and heard a loud gun shot, quickly spilling out of bed he jolted into the living room.
There stood Natasha holding a gun and a man on the floor.
She looked up and shouted out to Nick,
"He tried to kill me I didn’t mean to kill him I swear!" She had cried out.
Natasha had shot the man who had tried to kill her, David Langham, who was taken to hospital after Nick called.
Nick felt worried for Natasha at this moment yet relieved to have his name cleared.
He was at the office but when he looked around he couldn’t find Natasha, she had run away.
Everyone looked around quickly for her but couldn’t find her anywhere.
Finally they found her when someone spotted her on the roof.
"Natasha don’t jump off!" Nick bellowed.
"I’m not going to jump I’m just clearing my head" Natasha replied back.
Nick then walked up behind her.
"You shot him in self-defense, you won’t be charged on attempted murder" Nick smiled.
"I know but he killed my friend and beat me up and came to finish his work but I stopped him!" Natasha explained.
"I know" Nick muttered.
"Wait a minute you said ‘attempted’ murder you mean he isn’t dead!" Natasha shrieked.
"Yeah" Nick agreed in slight confusion.
"I want him dead not alive!" Natasha screamed.
"I know you want him dead I can’t blame you, he hurt you and killed your friend," Nick consoled while hugging Natasha, "now lets go home" He chimed.
Innocent_guilty this is only a dicussion thread for George/Nick. I believe stories are to go in another thread. You may want to try fan fiction. Welcome to the dicussion thread though. :)
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