Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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*chucks a pillow at softcake* i didnt want to be left out of the fun just becuase im in the quarentine box :D

i for one am glad of the many sides of nick we have gotten this year. last year its like there was nothing to him, if that makes sense. he was flat, just there to find the evidence and if a little emotion squeezed out then so be it. hes supposed to be the uber emotional one so im glad weve gotten back to that.
Don't forget about Gum Drops allmaple. I'd say he was very emotional in that episode. Although, that wasn't originally planned for him, so... and I think it's good that they gave him some 'recovery' time, if you can call it that. Still would have been nice to see more of him, though.
yes gum drops was a happy accident. its weird to think that if billy peterson had been available we would have gotten a completely different episode.
I haven't seen Gum Drops yet - it will be on German TV in a couple of weeks...
But of course I read a lot of reviews and stuff, looked at pics etc... To me, it seemed like the writers just forgot about Nicky and all his issues in S6. And now in S7 (I've seen some episodes, don't ask me how, I'd have to lie) he's all of a sudden pretty emotional. I like that side of him, of course I do. But I just don't get why he'd have to wait for almost a year before he snapped.

*muffled voice* I could need some glow sticks in here...
*tosses softcake a glowstick* I loved Gum Drops. I'm really glad that it turned out the way it did (though, if I heard correctly, sorry about the circumstances). Nick was so amazing in that episode. George did a great job. He's an amazing actor.
Can't wait to see Gum Drops here. It should air in 2 weeks. I've seen some short clips, like the end in hospital..and it was really great and sad. I almost had to cry.:( So beautiful. :)
I think Gum Drops was the hi-light of season 6 for me. Everything else was just flat. I should make one small correction here. There was an episode called Rashomama that had some very good Nick moments. I did like the locker room now what do you want scene between Warrick and Nick. The scene that followed this wasn't bad either. :lol: :D

eta Whack to allmaple I won't do the head because of your cold. :)
Yes, Gum Drops was definately my highlight along with Rashomama. In general season 6 was a let down though, maybe because I though season 5 was pretty good so I had higher expectations.

Season 6 had some standout episodes and a lot of filling episodes (in my point of view) and I actually (and it is really shallow) found Nick distracting somewhat because of his hair, it seemed as if he lacked dialogue and relevance in episodes but it didn't matter because you would definately know he was there because you really couldn't miss him!

I much prefer old Nick, and to some extent this season's Nick, at least he has personality and gets to interact emotionally in the episodes. Rather than how season 6 Nick just got on with it and occasionally remembered 'oh yeah, I was kidnapped and buried underground in a bomb encased coffin but it doesn't really matter'.

I'm tired and I'm not sure if this really makes sense right now, so if not please ignore me *ducks from items being thrown in my general direction if anyone is offended*. I love Nick, just thought I would point out that, regardless of the length of hair he is still my number 1 (by a long way) occasionally it was just confusing to watch, unless the hair changes were supposed to show how he reacted to the stress from season 5 (although I doubt tptb told him to grow his hair somehow!). :p
Elsie I agree with you...the hair should have had it's own billing in the credits in some of the episodes! Maybe they should make the hair and makeup people the next db's on the show!

zzzz....gathers all the flying pillows up, downs some Advil <jaw hurts now!>, grabs Nicky :devil: and heads off to dreamland!
Thanks buddies!!! Nick punched someone?? Wow...that's amazing...but after what happened Gum Drops, I guess if you piss him off enough...Thanks again!
Good news. My copy of The Spring is in. Now I just have to go pick it up and get some time to watch it. :)

Yea happy the punch was so unexpected. We all seemed to have watched it alot. If you visit the ward and look at babs avatar it sort of gives you the idea of what it was like :). I know some people may not like me for saying this but it, the punch, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy :D. As you can tell I'm not a K-Fed fan. Or as some are calling him Fed-ex :lol:
hi lady :D

I loved 'Gum Drops'!! it was the best, I hope there is an episiode like this for our Nicky in the future :D

*whack*!! get's all of you Three Stooges style! one after the other :D

oh and you know Happy dear, you can see some of the scene we are speaking of on YouTube.com.

like when Nicky sang!!! 'Mandy', he can sing, dance, kick ass, be a sweet heart, and is so hot... he's perfect :D
Gum Drops was an amazing episode. I don't know why TPTB seem to be on a panic mode because Billy took time off. This episode was clear proof that the others can carry the show really well.

They make me so MAD!!!
The interesting thing about the episode Ellie from season 2 was Marg and Billy weren't in it and it was the first time a CSI episode was the #1 show. This certainly says something about the rest of the cast.
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