Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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so McStokes your a cop, or CSI type person, cool :D

but it's too bad the people you work with can't relaxe, and I think it's jealousy as well ;) becouse if any of looked any where neer George, they wouldn't mock.

and I wish sometimes in real life they could do the things they do on CSI, and catch all the bad guys too :)

and it's funny, with CSI, I know it isn't completly accurate (of course if it was I'd fall asleep... unless nick was on screen) but still they are pretty good with making some things as real as possible, like the law, and stuff like that. I'll be watching other shows and when they do somthing so terribly inaccurate, I just say "no! that is nt how it's done!!" or "well if that were Nick he would have done this or that"

any way, we all know better, and our CSI nad Nick rocks :D

SoftCake I just read what you wrote, your too funny :D
<sneaks in>...

Hey, Softcake.... <WHUMP!> :D :lol:

Oh, trust me...they really glorify law enforcement on TV. A lot of my day consists of dealing with really arrogant, obnoxious people who love nothing more than to give me a hard time. As the saying goes "everyone loves seeing a fireman...no one like to see a cop!"
Yeah I here that one, too bad, becouse if real cops were like the ones on any of the CSI shows, all the crimes would be stopped and we would have super hot smart people doing every thing.... and pigs would fly and... oh sorry :D

hey Softcake Mcstokes .... POW!!!! got you both with the giant Nick shaped pellow :D
Jacquie said:
Just steps in to wack Elsie with the pillow. :)

:lol: Right, you'll get it now Jacquie! *whacks softly* because I am tired... :p

Ooh, pillow fighting is fun! I'm sure Nicky would be enjoying this also!

My real pillow is calling, night all. Play nicely. :lol:

What's up with Nick's girls? It's been a long time since I've been here! Some of you may remember me, and some may not, but I'm asking for a quick favor. Unfortunetly life has prevented me from watching CSI on Thursday nights and I can't not tape because I don't own a VCR, so if someone could maybe clue me in if Nick has had any great moments so far this season, I would be eternally grateful. I miss my Nick and I want to know if our writers have given him any fun things to do!

So I know this may seem like spam, but seeing as this is my first post in a couple months, hopefully the mods will cut me some slack... So any help from anyone would be amazing!

Also, anyone that has any Nick-centric spoilers to share with me, PM me!! Thanks!!!
Welcome back Happy. There have been 2 standout Nick moments in my opinion so far this year. One was a very emotional Nick in an episode called Toe Tags and the other was when he sang Oh Mandy in the episode called Happenstance. :)

softcake you're quick with the pillows this morning. Thwack! :D
Oh, and how can we forget when Nick punched Brittany's (now ex) husband in 'Fannysmackin'? That, to me was a lovely moment!

Alright,Softcake you got me that time!! <still looking for naked Nick....>
And we got to see Nick on the dance floor, don't forget that! :D

Oof :D Jacquie you got me...
Good to know you're so easy to distract, McStokes :D
Good to know you're so easy to distract, McStokes

Well, as you know from my post in the Ward I'm a little off my game today! My head is still ringing a bit!

Don't you worry...I'll get ya back! :D
Nicky will look after you McStokes (I hope you are OK).

softcake , watch out there's a pillow flying straight at you *whack*.

Yep, we have had some interesting Nick so far this season, sad Nick, pissed off Nick, singing Nick, dancing Nick (although I imagine him to be very good at dancing and I think he could have made more of an effort!) he has had a bit of a rollercoaster start to the season emotionally. I like pissed off Nick, but happy fun Nick is so nice to see, I hope he stays that way for a while. :)
Pissed off Nick is great. I love seeing him get mad :devil: But it's nice to see him happy, too. I can't believe I missed singing Nick. Stupid vcr :mad:
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