Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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oh i sort of to bed now, but i read these and that´s very
funny :lol: Softcake McStokes :lol: poke poke.

Jacquie i´m also little girl i think 5`6? i´m 5 years older than george. You are not alone :D

George, my preferences are brave girl, green eyes dark hair but not long ;) i love dogs over all. I can cooke (spicy) rotell tomatoes you know :D and cleaning and i´m very very funny every day. Send me PN we can speak more than :D

Softcake McStokes can i to take part in the combat? :D
Come on in! It's all about fun...no actual beating going on...I'll have that for my fellow idiot officers who insist on making mean comments about Nick!!
:D fine thanks.

I'll have that for my fellow idiot officers who insist on making mean comments about Nick!!
:lol: :lol:

than we must poke them with Q-tips

now my commentary to Nicky, he is the best, the greatest, the cutiest and very hot men of the world.

Sorry Ladys, but now i´m really off :) my night is out at 6:00 am. I swear tomorow i´ll back to fight for GE and save our Nicky :lol: Good Night all
McStokes said:

Right back atcha babe! <poke, poke> :lol:

*makes little squealing noises*

Maybe we should change it into a pillow fight, so more girls can join. Isn't this like any man's fantasy? :lol:
I have plenty of extra pillows here at home so it will be very easy for me to join in. Grabs one and swack! Maybe we should make McStokes CSIs the target :lol: since they don't like our Nicky.
Pillow fight it is! And yes, by all means please use my co-workers as targets for the pillows!

Maybe I'll replace their fingerprint powder with itching powder, of fill their gloves with vaseline...or cough all over their swabs so their all contaminated....! :devil:
softcake_70 said:Or like in "American Gladiators" (is that show still on?) where they go at each other with giant Q-Tips... :D

I digress, ooh, they did that on the British version of Gladiators, one of the 'gladiators' used to live down the same street as me and we could see into his garden. He had 4 of the big sticks for practicing with, and we used to watch him practice in his garage...weird...:lol:

A mass pillow fight sounds good to me. I think that is every man's fantasy and Nicky will be no exception... I'm pretty sure I would still lose though, I really am weak you know. :lol:

Also it's nice to see you here dragonfly, welcome to the home of Nick's crazy (but nice) fangirls! ;)
Also it's nice to see you here dragonfly, welcome to the home of Nick's crazy (but nice) fangirls!
Thanks Elsie! And crazy is good ;)
Pillow fight? I'm in! My room is full of pillows. I have way too many. And don't worry, Elsie, pillows are hard to fight with anyway :lol:
^Did someone say George Eads dressed as a Gladiator?

I'm thinking Russel Crow Gladiator..George fighting with a tiger with spear (with a pillow on it, George wouldn't want a hurt a tiger) and an armour..ooh..that's a nice fantasy..he can conquer me any day..

Okay, sorry..back to the conversation
myfuturecsi I think we talked about American Gladiators and how to poke each other with Giant Q-Tips! :lol:
But the fantasy of George wrestling a hugh softcake-shaped pillow...wait, did I just say that? :p

Okay, back to topic, ladies
*drags a few huge pillows in*
*looks out for the first opponent*
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