Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Maybe all our husbands and boyfriends should get together and start their own support group. They could name it Widowers of the Ward :lol: or some such name
Both my mom and brother know of my obsession with CSI. My brother doesn't know why, and thinks I'm nuts. My mom may know that there is someone that I'm hooked on but she hasn't figured out who yet. She know I get this way. The day after I saw Star Wars the first time I was watching every movie Harrison Ford made, :lol: so she's used to it. Hey - she's agreed to take me to Circuit City so I can get some earlier season DVD's, which are on sale. She humors me. :D

I am sneaking out of work today to run over and pick up the new DVD release! As far as everyone here knows, I am "running errands" for the company!
Received my DVD's today, and just finished listening to/watching the epi Poppin Tags with GE's commentary...y'all are going to laugh so hard! He's hysterical...he comments on "having a bad hair day" and how he and Eric Szamanda looked like they were starting their own British rock band!
McStokes said:
he comments on "having a bad hair day" and how he and Eric Szamanda looked like they were starting their own British rock band!

*giggles* Picture that! :lol: We know that George can't sing, so hopefully Eric can! :D And it's Doc Robbins on the air guitar...
I'm looking forward to getting Season 6 on DVD. Bummer, they started showing it on German telly only last week... the DVDs won't come out until spring 2007 :(
oh, softcake...I wish I could <cough> copy them for you and send them to you! (now, you know I would NEVER intentionally break any laws, just in case and FBI people are reading this!)

I was at work, so with only a quick moment to watch I naturally decided to hear GE's voice. He giggles a lot in the commentary (which I love) and the accent is just how we all like it...nice and strong!
*sigh* george clooney was peoples sexiest man alive this year, hes already been it before! oh well, we know who the sexiest man really is :D
yes! no breaking copyright laws *shifty eyes* i will have to rent season 6 dvds, i think there are more special features this year yes? i usually dont see the point in commentaries but i could listen to that voice forever :D
George is the only actor to do a commentary this time. Guess it's cuz he's so cute and chatty ;)

There is commentary on Shooting Stars, Gum Drops, A Bullet Runs Through It 1&2, Killer and Poppin Tags. For extras it looks like the only other things GE is on is a segment on sound and a rundown of what season 6 was all about.

Ya know...can't they give the magazine cover to ANOTHER George this time around?? I say we flood People with tons of emails!
Yesterday was a good day, first I got my season 6 DVDs, The commentary was wonderful, even on the commentaries that did not include GE every one was very complementary of him. Then my sister called and I am going to be an Aunt again (the second time) what a wonderful day.

softcake_70 said:
We know that George can't sing,

But he can sing!! Listen again to when he sings, he is trying hard to make it sound like he can't. If you listen closely to the difference between when Nick is singing and when the tape is playing you can tell that GE puts in some extra notes (for those musically inclined it is called a turn) a couple of times. Also if you watch "Abra Cadaver" Nick sings a few bars for Catharine and you can tell that he has a good voice. Also in one interview that GE gave about the filming of "Grave Danger" GE sings a couple bars of a lullaby that Quinton Tarentino sang to him while he was in the box to get him in the correct frame of mind and even though it is just a couple bars you can tell that he really does have a good voice and that he can sing. I also read somewhere (I think it was an interview with Marg Helganberger) that GE plays the guitar as well. I think that GE is also rather musical along with his other many talents.
Kristen9999 said:
blackflag said:
You're making me wish I could afford season 6, but I could barely afford season 3. :(


Season 3 will be on sale for $20 the day after thanks giving at Best Buy.

I wouldn't be caught dead in any store the day after Thanksgiving. Besides we're stuck with the kids and I don't enjoy taking them into a store any day of the year! :eek:

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