Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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i no what u mean its been like constant 30 degrees for like 2 weeks here - not complaining tho am making loadsa money watering my neighbours gardens lol! I like the British weather its v unique. :lol:
Hey Tink, you should have come to Oxford on Saturday - we had a month's worth of rain dumped on us within two hours, resulting in quite many floods :eek: Apparently Oxford suffered the worst of the thunderstorms out of the whole country :eek:

Check this link out: CLICK

The Met office is saying the city should expect more storms like these later in the week, but not before this heatwave we have at the moment, when temperatures are going to hit 34 Celsisus on Wednesday *cries*.

This crazy weather from one extreme to the next...it's like living on the equator :lol:
wibble said:
Hey Tink, you should have come to Oxford on Saturday - we had a month's worth of rain dumped on us within two hours, resulting in quite many floods :eek: Apparently Oxford suffered the worst of the thunderstorms out of the whole country :eek:

Check this link out: CLICK
Whoa! :eek: My god wibble - I hope you've got a good pair of Wellington boots! :lol:

Actually, I don't know what's worse, the heatwave or flash flooding. :rolleyes: Flash flooding can cause some serious damage. :( I'd be happy with some cool rain.

Anyway, why is everywhere else getting all the rain? :lol: People, please chuck it my way, I'll be happy to lighten the load for you. :lol:
Hi Tinkerbell (or anyone else) whats it really like living in london cos I will probably be going to uni there, but wondered what its really like living there not just what the unis tell you :)
Tinkerbell said:
orgasmicbilly said:
wats it like living in london must be real hot and smelly
Erm... Smelly no, hot yes. :p

LOL smelly? Why would it be smelly?! :lol: It smells ordinary in London, a lot smokier than my country town obviously but still. It smells NICE in Chinatown especially if you walk past the restaurants. :D
i dont care if im double posting i just got a promotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
^You may not care but I care about it. Please do not do it again. It's not that much to hit "edit button" since you are already reading the thread.
CSIangel17 said:
Hi Tinkerbell (or anyone else) whats it really like living in london cos I will probably be going to uni there, but wondered what its really like living there not just what the unis tell you :)
Well, it's not too bad. In fact I do love central London - shopping and etc. :lol: Depending on where your coming from, London may seem a lot more busier, when I lived up north I realised just how much more busier London is - I never noticed so much growing up here. Defiantly more faster paced here.

We do have some great attractions, depending on what type things that interest you. I love art, so I adore the National Gallery, everytime I'm go into London I have go into the National Gallery, just to get a quick look at my favourite paintings. :D Places like Convent Garden and Camden Town are excellent places to go (Camden Town is fab, great stalls and shops).

Also the underground system can get very busy, I try to avoid it during rush hour times, but it's really the easiest and quickest way to get around.

Hope I've helped a little. :)
I am not English in any way but I just want to thank you all for the inventions of two things and they are football & Hugh Laurie. Seriously, without football there would be no point in watching sports & with Hugh Laurie...well he's just a babe. I'd love to travel over to England one day and watch an EPL match.
if there is one accent i hate its brummie, its course, common and it gtares on me. glad im yorkshire.
i dont care if people think im common- so what if i am- im yorkshire and proud.
some of the best novellist in the work come from yorkshire.
im so hungry i could eat a scabby horse and go back for the rider.
this heat is mad, its so sticky and my head itches all the time from sweating (not nits lol)

well im such a talented person- i cut my own hair last night and it looks like i just came back from hairdressers im way cool, even put layers in.

this job is soooooooooooooooooo boring i think i would rather perform surgey on myself. must look for new job.

well think i will go butty shop need food. talking of cheese my fav is cheshire especially with christmas cake (am i weird)
dont like cheese slices tho, its like eating plastic.
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