Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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I didn't see anything bad with the brummie accent... not so different. hard to understand but I swear better I understood him than that geordie... :rolleyes:
i love the geordie accent its ace lol not keen on scouse ugly accent, i like norfolk accent tho
Hee...when I was on holiday in Scotland, I could not always catch everything the shop assistants said to me :p One of them asked me question, and I gave an answer...but turned out she'd actually asked me something different :lol:
pmsl and they always start the sentance - by the way.
no offence to anyone.

well ive been a good girl today.
had a ham and turkey salad butty for dinner was yummy followed by a bag of steak and onion crisps.
am stuffed now and washing it down with a can of diet coke.

what to do for tea tho. its too warm to do anything.

the only enjoyment i get out of cooking in this weather tho is when i open the freezer door to get something out. its lovely.

i know we are having strawberries and cream for dessert or maybe we should just have them for tea!!!!!
I'm not enjoying the warm weather right now. I got sun burn on my arm today while I was at the park. For some reason I only got sunburn on my right arm and nowhere else. Weird. But you could heat a whole building with the heat that's coming off my arm right now, lol.

And congratulations on the promotion orgasmicbilly!
manda said:
hehehehe, the glasgow accent kills me i dont understand a word

I so love that accent.. now it took me like half an hour of googling to find out the title of the program, but I found it:

LIVE & KICKING!!!! on saturday mornings, till they took it off the air in 2003 including my Scottish-lass-crush :( I so loved Heather Suttie.. she had an amazing ass.. I mean accent.. Yes, she rocked my 20-year-old-life at that moment, I even taped the friggin' show when I couldn't see it live :lol:
wibble said:
Hee...when I was on holiday in Scotland, I could not always catch everything the shop assistants said to me :p One of them asked me question, and I gave an answer...but turned out she'd actually asked me something different :lol:

Heh, when I was speaking to someone from up north. Her accent was nice, nothing too horrible, I didnt expect her to ask me to slow down talking cos I apparently spoke too quick with my devonian accent and she could not understand a word... :rolleyes:
*tsk tsk* Youngsters these days...always mumbling and not talking properly. It's a small wonder she couldn't understand you kazzy :p

j/k ;)

Am melting in the heat here *grumble* Well, actually it's not the heat, more the humidity. Driving me mad! :eek: Come back crappy British weather - I'll never complain about you ever again! *wails*

im with you on that, i will never complain about the rain again, i love it and miss it.
as for understanding accents, i have family down south family in ireland, family in wales, scotland, and mates from newcastle, liverpool, birmingham etc, so im pretty good at understanding most accents but my mates and family domnt always understand me cos apparantly i speak too fast and my yorkshire accent gets too thick lol.
Yeah, it's not the heat annoying me. It's just the lack of breeze, I dont get that exhilarting feeling of the wind passing through me anymore. Havent had that for aggggggges now. :( But then again, I wouldnt mind having the hotter weather back without the humidity part. :p
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