Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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scoj said:
im with you on that, i will never complain about the rain again, i love it and miss it.
as for understanding accents, i have family down south family in ireland, family in wales, scotland, and mates from newcastle, liverpool, birmingham etc, so im pretty good at understanding most accents but my mates and family domnt always understand me cos apparantly i speak too fast and my yorkshire accent gets too thick lol.

ha ha ha. nobody apart from my family and friends who live here can ever understand my yorkshire accent!!!

As I've lived in so many places, people can't pinpoint me to one certain area or another, everyone can tell I'm british, just not what my accent is. I think of it as grating but people tell me it's nice.

I hail from Cornwall, Hampshire, Bedfordshire, West Midlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland, America.... :lol: So I pretty much come from everywhere in Britain...except Wales, but I holiday there.

I'm proud to be British. :D
i think i'm most definately yorkshire. you can tell my accent a mile off. although, when i lived in manchester, i developed and yorkshire / manc hybrid accent which i'm sure sounded lovely! i've been told that i do still have a bit of a manc thing going on tho because of the way i use my words sometimes. strange isn't it how you pick up little things from the places you live?

proud to be british too!!
*sneaks in* Hello England dwellers. I just wanted to say that you all rock! :) And I love your accents, I used to see an English doctor...I think he was from Wales. And i was just wondering if everyone really does drink noon tea in England. And if theres lots of double decker buses there... :D And is there really a place called Scotland Yard? :) I want to visit someday.
hey iluvEricSzmanda to answer your Q's

- everyone drinks tea all day every day (well, most people) not just at noon (i think i may have dies by lack of tea by then!)

- double decker buses are all over. they're not all red though. thats just in london (as far as i know). in fact, you can now find double deckers in las vegas that they've brought over from england to up and down the strip

- Scotland Yard is a real place - its the HQ of the Metropolitan Police in London.

p.s. if the doctor you were seeing was from Wales then he was Welsh, which is whole other country but is part of the UK.

hope that helps!!x
you know i usually hate stereo types of english people, but most of them are true, lol. especially the tea one, if i have to be up early then its a black coffee 2 sugars, but the rest of the time its tea throughout the day, other drinks are thrown in in between like a glass of water but then its back to tea.

got to have the tea!! coffee and juice first thing and then the tea to sustain throughout the day. gotta have the tea. in fact, with ref to the title of this thread, i really could fancy a scone right now! mmm!

like the 'make tea not war' thing aswell. all the worlds problems could be solved by that i think!
thats another very english thing i think, we honestly believe that every problem in the world could be solved with a brew, seriously one day there will be a world wide news broadcast saying "the end of the world is upon us there is no hope" everyone else around the world will be panicking and running scared, but in every household in england there will be someone saying "ill put the kettle on..."
I just found this thread (I know its sad) on one of my many random searches on CSI Files....sadly I am not English so I should probably avoid annoying the hell out of everyone here by posting but Canadian is descendant from the British right??? :p I just have to say that England is one of the few places I desperatly want to visit some day ...besides the awesome and super cool accents you all have which sound so much more sophisticated than my Canadian slang I really want to see a country that has older history and culture than North America....and I love tea, scones and good old English sarcasm...that was random and I apologize for interupting your country's awesome thread :D
Fingerprints said:
I just found this thread (I know its sad) on one of my many random searches on CSI Files....sadly I am not English so I should probably avoid annoying the hell out of everyone here by posting but Canadian is descendant from the British right??? :p I just have to say that England is one of the few places I desperatly want to visit some day ...besides the awesome and super cool accents you all have which sound so much more sophisticated than my Canadian slang I really want to see a country that has older history and culture than North America....and I love tea, scones and good old English sarcasm...that was random and I apologize for interupting your country's awesome thread :D

our country does rock, lol. trust me your not interupting, everyone is more than welcome in our little islands thread. although i still cant get over why you all like our accents, they are anything but sophisticated well only speaking for me here i guess but i sound common as muck.
i hope you do get to come over to england one day, if you do get yourself to yorkshire, come to leeds and ill take you for a pint down my local :)
scoj said:
although i still cant get over why you all like our accents, they are anything but sophisticated well only speaking for me here i guess but i sound common as muck.
Me too! Living in North London my accent is more 'Apples and Pears' than anything else. :lol: Last week I was with my cousin (his only about 6) and I said to my auntie "I'm having a glass of water, do you want one?" and my cousin said to me "it's not wala! (which is how I sound when I say water) it's wa-T-E-R"! :lol: I was corrected by a 6 year old! :eek: :lol:
lol, yeah i know what you mean, n yorkshire there is no t in the middle of words, a th at the end of a word becomes an f, the letter h doesnt exist at the beginning of words, and there is no such word as the, lol, it would be im to pub, for example, and most words get put together to save time, like instead of saying where are you off to? it would be where yoff? lol, yes we are so sophisticated, lol.
believe me your accents sound cool to me...at least you have a recognizable accent unlike here in plain old canada...I really should have more patriotism towards my own country :rolleyes: anyways thanks for the welcome...I'll have to put yorkshire on the top of my list of places to visit...now I will go back and bother the people in my home country's thread :D
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