Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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kazzy said:
Americans seem to think that we're a nation of bad teeth. :rolleyes: Pssk, we're just not as vain as America is. :p Every country has their fair share of bad teeth but quite a lot of Americans seems to think that England/Britain is the only country that "exists" across the pond if you know what I mean so they dont concentrate on other countries....I guess :p

I've got better teeth than possibly half of the american population. They're white, sparkling, straight, they even make my dentist smile, that's to compensate with me being fat. Maybe other people are just in denial about themselves and blame it on us :lol: Some people are just way too concerned with how they look on the outside.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Ohh I have another stereotype:
All English guys shave their heads and are hooligans :p

My boyfriend isn't :p

Seriously, there are some sweet guys here who's centre of the universe isn't alcohol and...other such things :p You just have to look hard for them (or so it seems) *sigh*

We have "hoodies" over here, or teenage yobs, that are a big problem. Erm...apparently :p
And English have very strange sense of humour... if they have it at all :p

I can't really tell my opinion of Englishmen because it's based on one Brummie and one Geordie.
see i wear a hoody and im not a yob at all, im 18 and although i like a drink im not going out getting drunk everynight cos i hate the feeling of being drunk, im polite and kind and respect my elders, i hate stereotypes like that. as for teh sense of humour thing, for some reason our humour seems to be very different from the rest of teh world, its very sarcastic and sometimes quite black. english people have a rather dry sense of humour.
scoj said:
its very sarcastic and sometimes quite black. english people have a rather dry sense of humour.

Oh yes, exactly! *raises hand and jumps around* Me, me!! :D I have very dry sense of humour and most of mine uses heavy saracasm :lol: You're right though, I think it's quite British thing. But they do say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :p

Great...now I'm English sterotype :p
Yeah, I know it's very dry humour (me watches lots of British comedies :p)

But oh the way English speak... love it (almost as much as Irish accent)
lol i wouldnt worry bout it, i was told by my old chem teacher i was the most sarcastic person she'd ever met, and my form tutor wrote in my report i have a dry sense of humour, but i did win funniest person in the year! lol
wibble said:
I have very dry sense of humour and most of mine uses heavy saracasm :lol: You're right though, I think it's quite British thing. But they do say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :p
*huggles* wibble, I'm also a heavy user of the lowest form of wit. :lol: In fact, I really annoy people with it. My ex boyfriend used to really it whenever we got into an argument because my sarcasm comes out in full glory. :lol: :p
Tinkerbell said:
wibble said:
I have very dry sense of humour and most of mine uses heavy saracasm :lol: You're right though, I think it's quite British thing. But they do say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :p
*huggles* wibble, I'm also a heavy user of the lowest form of wit. :lol: In fact, I really annoy people with it. My ex boyfriend used to really it whenever we got into an argument because my sarcasm comes out in full glory. :lol: :p

Oh yeah...I am sarcastic all the time....I rather like the british/english sense of humour....then again I am british...
Ok I'm not sure about this but didn't Dominic Monaghan from Lost say in an interview (I think it was Jonathan Ross interviewing) that he thought americans didn't understand sarcasm and thought he was rude.
Hi I'm English as well I come from a tiny little town called Westhoughton even though everyone says it's Bolton. I usually just tell people that I come from Manchester because they have heard of that.

I can think of a stereotype, that people from Liverpool are all thieves, which is not true.
People from Manchester are all loud, I'm definately not, well not all the time.
Fish and chips
lol, u like manc accents? well im from the other side of the pennines, sorry i speak proper yorkshire, lol. i love me some fish and chips. oh apparantly we all talk about the weather all the time.
and as for americans no understanding our sarcasm, i went to a thanksgiving dinner cos my brother in laws parents are hosts and take in foreign students over the hols, well i was making sarcastic comments as i do and they didnt even realise, they thought i was being really serious, so i ended up just takin the piss in the end and they still didnt get it lol.
crazy_steph said:
Hi I'm English as well I come from a tiny little town called Westhoughton even though everyone says it's Bolton. I usually just tell people that I come from Manchester because they have heard of that.
Cool, I used to live in Bury! :eek: Well, for about a year and a half. When I used to tell people I lived in Bury, they'd be like 'Where is that?', after a while it got easier just to say Manchester. :lol: Being from London I used to really find it hard to understand the lingo. Instead of a cup of tea it was called a 'Brew' and Sandwiches were called 'Butties'. :lol: When I used to speak I would sound really out of place with my southern accent. :eek:
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