Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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OMG i havent been on for a few days but ive just read the last pages and im sat here chuckling to myself. yeah we have double decker buses over here ours are turquoise some are white with lilac (trendy) sheffield has bendy buses oh and we have some really old grotty green buses.(halifax for ya)
well went out and bought a gas bbq this weekend pmsl hubby kept dropping the burgers through the grilles i couldnt stop howling when he tried to get them out cos he dropped the rest of the food - failed rescue mission sorry am still chuckling to myself was sooooooo funny. why do men always swear when cooking on bbq?
well you have cursed us grotty weather is back again.
god im starved mmmmmmmmmmm jam on toast yum yum
whats everyone else been up to.
we went shopping in keighley spent a fortune had bbq, hubby went to play golf and got sozzled last night. for a change.
oh finally got daughters bedroom sorted so all boxes finallly unpacked.
need another day off to recover from all the work.
lovin this thread!!

i had a proper english day out to the seaside yesterday. went to Scarbrough, sat on the deckchairs on the beach, normal clothes on (why didn't i put a vest top at least gods sake?), shades, totally innapproriate footwear, ice cream, read the paper, slept off my hangover in the sun then had fish and chips - get in!! the traffic was horrendous though, my boyfriend swore and cursed the whole way there and back! hee hee
aww i love scarborough, and whitby, and brid. whitby fish and chips are by far the best seaside fish and chips.
yeah there is a thing about english men and bbq's. come rain or shine as soon as its 'summer' there out there every weekend burning bangers.
The closest to a beach I can get is Clacton. :lol:

I have fond memories of the pier fair, fish and chip supper and the arcade. I used to love the arcades with the grab machines, I've only ever grabbed a teddy bear once. :lol: Oh, and the those 2 pence machines, the ones where they push all the 2p's forward and you live in the hope that tons will fall down. :lol: Those are quite addictive actually. :eek:
yeah as peter kay so well put it, you put in 2ps to try and win 2ps, lol. i loved the arcades, those grabber machines cheat though!
pmsl. a bit like garlic bread and cheesecake. god i love peter kay he is so funny.
i can admit that im addicted to 2p machines. i want one in my house.
was in scarborough at spring bank was bloody freezing but yeah nice fish n chips and that place that looks like an american diner on front was well nice i have to have a knickerbocker glory everytime i go to the seaside (lol still saying seaside at 36).

well folks today is "YORKSHIRE DAY"
chomp on some yorkshire pudding

yay good old yorkshire :D
YAY FOR YORKSHIRE!!! greatest place on the planet! my grandma makes the best yorkshires ever, in the world, ever!
i wouldnt worry too much bout still calling it the seaside at 36 i think i still will be cos thats what it is, im not a knickerbocker kinda girl though, fresh made donuts everytime for me.
yeah peter kay is bloody hilarious. speaking of which thanks to my prayers "ITS SPITTIN'! SAVE YOURSELVES!"
can't believe it was yorkshire day yesterday!! yay for yorkshire. i agree scoj, yorkshire is the greatest place on the planet!!!

mmm. those freshly made donuts. i'm sure they waft the scent of them around so they draw you in......

I like Cornish Ice-Cream, perhaps it was my county's best contribution to society (besides me, :lol:, Only Joking!).

Who here likes Cornish Pasties and why? I personally can't stand the stuff.
You're bloody joking right? :p

I LOVE THE STUFF! IVOR DEWNEY! :D :D :D :D :D :D It's just gorgoues stuff really. I like the meat one, cheese and onion pasties, and the vegetable one. :D gorgeous!
CSIannalysse said:
I like Cornish Ice-Cream, perhaps it was my county's best contribution to society (besides me, :lol:, Only Joking!).

Who here likes Cornish Pasties and why? I personally can't stand the stuff.

don't forget cornish cream teas aswell. mmmmmmmmmm :p

i agree with kazzy. cornish pasties are gorgeous! feeling hungry now :D
CSIannalysse said:
Who here likes Cornish Pasties and why? I personally can't stand the stuff.
Oh man, I love Cornish Pasties! :) In fact, I love all type of Pasties. I love the ones you can get in Gregg’s - I love Gregg’s full stop. Far too many calories thou. :(
scoj said:
YAY FOR YORKSHIRE!!! greatest place on the planet! my grandma makes the best yorkshires ever, in the world, ever!
i wouldnt worry too much bout still calling it the seaside at 36 i think i still will be cos thats what it is, im not a knickerbocker kinda girl though, fresh made donuts everytime for me.
yeah peter kay is bloody hilarious. speaking of which thanks to my prayers "ITS SPITTIN'! SAVE YOURSELVES!"

omg its the rain that wets you through lol

dont like cornish pasties cos they have carrots in yeuk!! hate carrots.

i like the steak bake from gregs yummy.
well im doing sooooooo well gone 55 hours without a fag im such a good girl
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