Tanglewood theory

Maybe, Danny just lied to Mac. The fear of losing Mac's respect may have been motivation enough to make Danny lie. Some people have a tendency to add more information than necessary when they are telling a lie, offering up extra tidbits to detract from the question at hand. I think it is telling that he didn't simply stop with explaining that he hung around with them, plus the checking in on the case later has fishy written all over it.

I can see Danny being a member, or about to join, and witnessing something he didn't like that set him on the straight and narrow. Like maybe a shooting, or robbery, that he wasn't actually involved in, so he didn't have a record, but he witnessed. Maybe it shook him up so bad he decided to change sides of the law. I don't know.
Posted by Grissom_Cainefan2005:
So they are definatly making a second tanglewood episode? Maybe that will be the lucky day and we get our shower scene.

now that would make my year heeeeeeee :D

woow!!! That would be sooo nice!! I will tape it then and watch it everyday!! hihi :lol:
thats true!! hooo..I cant wail till the DVD box comes out in holland!!
But we'll have to wait sooooo long :(

And there won't be any re-runs this summer. Sunday, last ep! How on earth will we manage without our beloved Danny BOOHOO!!!!
Maybe, Danny just lied to Mac. The fear of losing Mac's respect may have been motivation enough to make Danny lie. Some people have a tendency to add more information than necessary when they are telling a lie, offering up extra tidbits to detract from the question at hand. I think it is telling that he didn't simply stop with explaining that he hung around with them, plus the checking in on the case later has fishy written all over it.


Everybody lies at some point in their life. It's not that I don't think Danny would never lie to Mac but, if he does have a great big black tattoo etched onto his back, that he would be so stupid as to lie about something that could be so easily proved a lie.

Why didn't he want the doctor to examine him in 'On The Job'?
Why didn't he want the doctor to examine him in 'On The Job'?

No good reason that I could tell. He got annoyed waiting and so the impression I got was that he wanted to basically pay the doctor back and make him wait. It was very childish.
No NY reruns :eek:, thats bad :(, there will be LV and Miami reruns in the summer, why no NY! :(

I think it's because it's too soon after they started NY. We're only halfway through the season after all :(

No Danny all summer long...I'm not sure I can deal with that...I hope the Locker Room groupies will pull us through tho, posting lots of pics and all. I'm sure they will if we ask them nicely...pretty pleeeeaaase???
It was very childish.
It does sound like something Danny would do tho, he can have a fired up attitude towards things, so why not in this case.

I'm still not sure Danny has a tattoo to hide, but I was thinking (and no didn't hurt :p), if the Tanglewood Boys really wanted to rat him out, wouldn't they have done so already? Especially if a character like Sonny Sassone is sporting a blackmaily-kinda attitude, to get the get-out-of-jail-free card, for now and for in the future?

Not sure what they think they might get out of it, but Danny was thoroughly worried when SS mentioned his name.
Why didn't he want the doctor to examine him in 'On The Job'?

No good reason that I could tell. He got annoyed waiting and so the impression I got was that he wanted to basically pay the doctor back and make him wait. It was very childish.

I don't think childishness was the case, I think Danny was anxious to return to the investigation, since his job and freedom were on the line. Danny didn't think he needed to see a doctor so waiting around simply wasn't going to happen.

I don't think childishness was the case, I think Danny was anxious to return to the investigation, since his job and freedom were on the line. Danny didn't think he needed to see a doctor so waiting around simply wasn't going to happen.


Leaving wasn't quite childish (though unwise), but making the doctor wait--lying to him and specifically telling him to wait--was. The doctor is probably very busy and has a lot of patients to see. Why waste his time like that? He could have said his friend bolted and nevermind.

Udjat, you're right--it was a very Danny thing to do. It certainly was in character. That's what I like about his character--he's complex enough that there are good things about him and irritating things.
TOP 41, I agree with your point on Danny's doctor visit. He shouldn't have lied to the doctor and tell him that his friend would be back. Doctor's are very busy and that doctor didn't have the time to mess around with someone who was going to be lying to him.

While I understand that Danny didn't want to be there to begin with, his impatience and stubborness doesn't help his cause either.
^I wouldn't have had a problem with him leaving. That really is what we'd expect from Danny. But lying to the doctor was kind of...malicious, I guess. I didn't like it.
that's just it. He had no reason whatsoever to lie to the doctor. All he had to do was get up and leave if he didn't want to be there. I honestly thought that he wouldn't have gone even after Mac ordered him to go.
^Yeah, which makes him more interesting and frustrating in the same breath. I didn't think he'd go to the doctor even after Mac's order, either. But why lie to the doctor? I mean, that was a pretty rude thing to do. Any theories?