Tanglewood theory

From what I heard, the season goes on in the summer, only next week their won't be a CSI: NY, but after that they will continue with the season, I think until the end so they can start with 24 Season 4 in september

Back to the Tanglewood story, I think the things I read just a couple posts above me make sence, I'm starting to believe now he was involved. But if he has a tatoo, they must have found it I think. When you want to become a police officer, normally you have to run some test if you are fit enough to deal with the job.
From what I heard, the season goes on in the summer, only next week their won't be a CSI: NY, but after that they will continue with the season, I think until the end so they can start with 24 Season 4 in september

Are you serious? I was looking over the programming Yorin has in store for us this summer and there was no CSI:NY planned...so imagine my surprise when I found out there's a whole new eppie this sunday :)

I'm a little confused now tho :confused:
From what I heard, the season goes on in the summer, only next week their won't be a CSI: NY, but after that they will continue with the season, I think until the end so they can start with 24 Season 4 in september

Are you serious? I was looking over the programming Yorin has in store for us this summer and there was no CSI:NY planned...so imagine my surprise when I found out there's a whole new eppie this sunday :)

I'm a little confused now tho :confused:

I'm still not 100% sure either, read it on another forum, they got it from the "publieksvoorlichting" (sorry, have no idea what this word in English is). But I'll check out again myself, let's hope they reply to me this time :mad:
I'm still not 100% sure either, read it on another forum, they got it from the "publieksvoorlichting" (sorry, have no idea what this word in English is). But I'll check out again myself, let's hope they reply to me this time :mad:
Lemme know once you find out, ok? PM me in case the message threatens to get swamped in the thread.

Btw Daisy, how do you change the location description under your avatar?
This was the BEST CSI NY episode I've seen and I just saw it last night... but he said he played baseball with them on roosevelt island and they try to get him in.. has there been anything else on the subject????..yeah how about that silly C-walk he was doing... wankster....
and another thing what happen to Crime scene investigation uniforms they run around in designer suits looking the came from the runway!
I finally watched Tanglewood last night and I have to say that that was a freaking excellent episode. I didn't want it to end....it just kept getting better and better. As for theories I'm clueless but the way Danny removed his glasses at the end definitely said ssomething. I can't wait for part two if there is one!

PS: Welcome to the boards Coolbreeze_1x! :D
Tanglewood is one of the best NY episodes. It ranks right up at the almost tippy top for my favorite episodes...second only to Hush. :lol:

And yesterday when I was watching the DVD's with the commentary on, Anthony Zuiker said that they'd like to have Michael, who played Sonny, back for part 2 in November. So, there ya go. Straight from the horse's mouth, there's a follow up in the works!
Yeah, I really hope Sonny returns for part 2. That guy was ... awesome isn't the right word ;) but great for another appearance!
It would be so cool if they brought him back, he was great in tanglewood and so convincing as a gangster as well. :D
This was the BEST CSI NY episode I've seen and I just saw it last night... but he said he played baseball with them on roosevelt island and they try to get him in.. has there been anything else on the subject????..yeah how about that silly C-walk he was doing... wankster....

:lol: wankster, i like that!

But seriously, if you haven't seen On the Job, you haven't seen anything yet.
