Tanglewood theory

I was thinking about that when I posted earlier. I wonder if it has anything to do with his very cloudy past. Danny just doesn't outright appear to be that untrustworthy of an individual. This makes me curious to see if he is lying to the doctor about something so insignificant, then who else is he lying to?, aside from not being entirely honest with Mac about Tanglewood. It's like if he has had to lie his entire life about one thing or another, then one lie always leads to another lie, and so on.

With his family being under surveillance' then I can see him having to stretch the truth, and if he was abused, esp. sexually, the abuser might have threatend (sp) him if he told someone.
I was thinking about that when I posted earlier. I wonder if it has anything to do with his very cloudy past. Danny just doesn't outright appear to be that untrustworthy of an individual. This makes me curious to see if he is lying to the doctor about something so insignificant, then who else is he lying to?, aside from not being entirely honest with Mac about Tanglewood. It's like if he has had to lie his entire life about one thing or another, then one lie always leads to another lie, and so on.

Yeah, that's true. It almost seems like he lies to explain/get out of situations: perhaps he lied to Mac about Tanglewood so that Mac wouldn't think he was part of the gang or question why he knew so much about them. He lies to the doctor so that the doctor won't try to detain him or realize quickly enough that Danny is the one hurt.

The only other explanation I could come up with was that Danny lied to the doctor simply to make the doctor wait like he waited. Which would be childish and bratty. So I don't know.

With his family being under surveillance' then I can see him having to stretch the truth, and if he was abused, esp. sexually, the abuser might have threatend (sp) him if he told someone.

Yeah, definitely that's a possibility. Danny might have learned lying as a way of survival, or was conditioned by whoever abused him to lie.
It almost seems like he lies to explain/get out of situations:

How many times has Danny actually lied though?

He lies to the doctor so that the doctor won't try to detain him or realize quickly enough that Danny is the one hurt.

From the pics I've seen, didn't Danny have a rather obvious cut on his forehead? The doctor should have seen that. He should have gone to a paediatrician, he would have known how to deal with our Danny. :lol:

Danny might have learned lying as a way of survival, or was conditioned by whoever abused him to lie.

Maybe Danny has a thing about Doctors because he was examined for abuse when he was little, or the abuser made him frightened of doctors so he wouldn't be examined. Well it wouldn't be a phobia for Danny, but they 'shake him up a bit' (from 'A Man A Mile').
Ok. I watched my first CSI: NY episode last night and I think my two favorite characters so far are Mac and Danny.
What are Danny's best episodes? I want to catch up on them. :D He sounds like a really complex and interesting person from the talk on this board.
Hi NikkiH! I'd recommend "Outside Man," "Tanglewood," "Crime and Misdemeanor" and "On the Job" as Danny's most important episodes, but he's a pretty colorful character and comes through well in most of the eps.

How many times has Danny actually lied though?

Not sure. At least two instances. Possibly more--I'll think on it.

From the pics I've seen, didn't Danny have a rather obvious cut on his forehead? The doctor should have seen that. He should have gone to a paediatrician, he would have known how to deal with our Danny. :lol:

I thought about that, too, but the doctor could have assumed Danny was already patched up (because he had a bandage) and that his friend was hurt worse.

Maybe Danny has a thing about Doctors because he was examined for abuse when he was little, or the abuser made him frightened of doctors so he wouldn't be examined. Well it wouldn't be a phobia for Danny, but they 'shake him up a bit' (from 'A Man A Mile').

Entirely possible. If someone was abusing him, they would have wanted to keep him far, far away from doctors or anyone who could tell he was being mistreated.
I can think of about two times as well that Danny has lied, but it could be more.

I have no patience! I want to know now what has happened to Danny!
Thanks, Top41! :) I'll look into those.

I liked Danny last night from the few scenes I saw of him in "Blink".
I don't think childishness was the case, I think Danny was anxious to return to the investigation, since his job and freedom were on the line. Danny didn't think he needed to see a doctor so waiting around simply wasn't going to happen.


Leaving wasn't quite childish (though unwise), but making the doctor wait--lying to him and specifically telling him to wait--was. The doctor is probably very busy and has a lot of patients to see. Why waste his time like that? He could have said his friend bolted and nevermind.

Udjat, you're right--it was a very Danny thing to do. It certainly was in character. That's what I like about his character--he's complex enough that there are good things about him and irritating things.

Let me clarify my previously ambiguous statement since it seems to have come off as yeah-good Danny, rather than my true perception of his actions. Some teacher I am, my students would have a field day, ambiguity is one of pet peeves. My disagreement was with the word childish, not the condemnation of the behavior. I simply believe the motivations stem from an adult place. My child psychology classes and education seminars, for work, have lead me to the general belief that children tend to lie from a place of fear and adults lie from a place of control. In other words, children lie to protect themselves from a perceived, real, or imagined punishment or consequence, whereas adults lie to exert their will over a certain situation even if fear is involved. I felt Danny was attempting to control and manipulate the situation with the doctor. The doctor was where Danny could exact a sliver of control over a situation woefully out-of-control. It was false control, but Danny displays some of the tendencies of control pattern behavior, and it gave him a temporary sense of calm. So for me the psychological root of Danny’s actions are in childhood, the act itself was of a capable adult who falsely believes that he and he alone can control the outcome of any and every situation, in this case the belief that he shot another cop. The implications of childishness simply does not hold Danny as culpable for his actions, at least from my vantage point, because part of childish behavior is the aura of innocence that goes with the lack of maturity. The complexity of Danny’s nature is a big part of why I love him and look forward to the continuing developments of his character.

Now, back OT all of the above reasons are why I think Danny does indeed have deeper ties with the Tanglewood Boys, and outright lied to Mac – to control a situation and an outcome. So, if in fact Danny has a tattoo his lie to Mac, like his other lies will backfire, and the spiral that results will leave room for some brilliant writing and explosive acting.

Udjat, you're right--it was a very Danny thing to do. It certainly was in character. That's what I like about his character--he's complex enough that there are good things about him and irritating things.
Sounds to me like he's a real human being, with strong points and not-so-strong points. His short-fused temper just sometimes gets the best of him. I can't say I always blame him tho.

Besides, a short-fused angry Danny, I find quite appealing. It somehow makes him loveable....does that make sense?
JDonne, I hear you. I get what you're saying about the different kinds of lies. I used the word childish because I felt that his actions weren't very adult. What mature person lies to a doctor like that? Even though he was annoyed, the "revenge lie" scenario wasn't very mature.

It could be that we're using somewhat different connotations of the word childish, though. I think mine is less literal perhaps.

Either way, if Danny is lying to control the situation, that kind of backs up my theory that he was abused. Abuse victims feel like they have no control/are powerless, so if Danny lies to gain some control, it could be in reaction to childhood traumas.
Maybe the reason Danny left is that he didnt want to explain how he got the injury. If Danny was abused and ended up in Doctor's offices, lying to Doctors would become second nature. He would have to exlain how he got hurt. Im guessing he used excuses like I fell, got into a fight or walked into a door. In this case Danny really did get hit by a door. He probably thought that the doctor woundnt believe him. Im guessing that if Danny was abused than this isnt the first time he left a doctors office like he did in On the Job.
^That's a good theory! Danny probably is used to lying to doctors if he was mistreated as a child. I wonder if that scene was supposed to be a subtle hint/possibly foreshadowing some kind of revelation about Danny's past?
That's a good point. I never thought about that. Perhaps the tanglewood gang sort of forced danny to hang around with him, sort of abused him into 'running' with them. Maybe he's ashamed so he hasn't told mac.
That's a good point. I never thought about that. Perhaps the tanglewood gang sort of forced danny to hang around with him, sort of abused him into 'running' with them. Maybe he's ashamed so he hasn't told mac.
Or...going out on a limb here...because he was being abused at home and in order to escape that situation as much as he could, he hung with the Tanglewood gang....I dunno, just a thought...

Look, I'm no psychologist or anything, but when you have to deal with an abusive situation day in, day out, wouldn't you want to resort to any means of escaping from that... so why not the Tanglewood gang?
thats true!! hooo..I cant wail till the DVD box comes out in holland!!
But we'll have to wait sooooo long :(

And there won't be any re-runs this summer. Sunday, last ep! How on earth will we manage without our beloved Danny BOOHOO!!!!

What!!! OMG!!! I cant live without 1 day in the week NY!!! Thats gonna be my died! :eek: