Tanglewood theory

When do you think they may show it, towards the begining, mid or end of the season? :D

It's tentatively slated for November sweeps. I think the show needs a nudge toward the dark edgier stuff once more. Too much of a 90 degree turn; too much fluff right now.
i will be happy if they bring back Sonny he was great all that build up to that last scene in that ep!! awesome!!

Bring back Sonny!!
How long is sweeps though? Is it all month or just a week? I think the cross over is the 9th, so if the November date is still on for pt.2, it's going to be either the 16th, 23rd or 30th.
I'm crossing my fingers for either the 16th or the 30th. I just found out that RENT is in theaters starting the 23rd. It would slay me to have to pick between the two of them. Things like this should be against the law. :(
I'm thnking that maybe the whole issue that Danny has with cab drivers ties in with his connections(if he has any) to the Tanglewood boys.
How long is sweeps though? Is it all month or just a week? I think the cross over is the 9th, so if the November date is still on for pt.2, it's going to be either the 16th, 23rd or 30th.

November Sweeps are the 3rd to the 30th.

Um, hi. I have a therory about Danny and Tangelwood. Remember when Danny mentioned that he and his father got attacked by a gypsy cab driver? I think that was the reason he joined Tangelwood. He had been completly helpless when he and his father were attacked. He hated that and didn't want to ever feel that way again. So he joins Tangelwood because of that promise of power. Because he's a good person at heart he comes to realise that this is seriously uncool and manages to get out somehow.

I'm looking forward to part 2 of Tangelwood, I'm interested in seeing if my theroy holds up.
If there's one thing I've learned about CSI:NY in the past few months is that my theories about ANYTHING never hold up. :lol: They're always pulling something out of left field and running with it. But, yours is interesting and quite possibly the truth.