Tanglewood theory


I like your avvie, by the way, although I can't stand the fact that Carmine smokes. It's so bad for you. My grandfather died partly because of cigarettes.

Yeah he does. Unlike some smokers who just aren't very cool when they smoke. *coughMYPARENTScough*
Sorry 'bout the cough, must be from the smoke.
*sigh* Once again, it has been proven that all roads lead to the shower.
Imagine if he had a tattoo on his, um, southern cheeks. :D It would give the camera a good reason to go down there. :devil:
Yeah he does. Unlike some smokers who just aren't very cool when they smoke. *coughMYPARENTScough*
Sorry 'bout the cough, must be from the smoke.

*SNORK* Sorry, I just found your last comment so funny. I actually snorted too, and it made me laugh harder. I'm sorry to hear your parents smoke, also. My aunt smokes, and she's got two little kids. That's not healthy for the kids either. I mean, she doesn't smoke around them, but still... My mom tried smoking once and didn't like it, and my dad quit smoking when he met my mom.

Yeah he does. Unlike some smokers who just aren't very cool when they smoke. *coughMYPARENTScough*
Sorry 'bout the cough, must be from the smoke.

*SNORK* Sorry, I just found your last comment so funny. I actually snorted too, and it made me laugh harder. I'm sorry to hear your parents smoke, also. My aunt smokes, and she's got two little kids. That's not healthy for the kids either. I mean, she doesn't smoke around them, but still... My mom tried smoking once and didn't like it, and my dad quit smoking when he met my mom.


LOL. Since I'm used to it (I think they were smokinng before they met each other), it doesn't bother me... But Carmine smoking... :devil:... Gets me all hot and bothered.
Erm...just to get back to the original topic; I think they have to bring Sonny back for the second part of Tanglewood. They have to explain that comment at the end of the episode. I'm thinking that Danny either was in the gang or he had some unpleasant run-ins with them. Sorry if any of this has already been said-I'm new!

And about CG smoking. Smoking is a really big turn off for me: my grandmother died from smoking so it's really not cool :( . I'm just trying to forget that CG smokes-he's just too fit to be completely turned off by him! ;)
They should bring Sonny back, but didn't he already get sent to prison? And I hope Tanglewood 2 sheds more light on Dann's family and why he chose to join the gang in first place..
Well, Sony said to Mac 'Ask Danny how the odds are that I'm going to prison', so I wouldn't be suprised, if he was out on the streets again.
Oooh wonderful. I live for that day!!! And thats considered special, cause I live for only two things. 1.Shower scenes between Danny/Flack. 2. Tanglewood angsty goodness.