Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Alexx was juat about to say something to Speed, when they both heard two distinct gunshots.


The killer aimed his sniper from his hiding spot at Calleigh's legs... he fired two shots, both hitting her in the right thigh. Again, he was gone before anyone could even tell what direction the shots came from.
Calleigh was innocently taking pictures of the rail when she felt two hot stinging pains in her thigh. She yelped and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. She'd never actually been shot before, and this took the cake. She had never felt a pain like this, and it was horrible. She immidiatly had tears coming out of her eyes, and she was crying for help. She held her wounds and waited for someone to come find her.
"Calleigh!" He screams as he runs in the direction of her screams and the gunshots. when he finds her, he nearly dies, like he wishes the person who shot her should. He rushes to her side, holding her tight, saying "It's gonna be alright, Calleigh, Tims' s here, I'm not going to ever let you go......I love you baby"
Calleigh shook her head. "I can't Tim, I can't." She would regret what she was about to say, probably for years to come, but she had to hurt him to save him. She had to save his life. "I don't love you Tim," she said with tears in her eyes. It hurt her more to say that than it did to get shot twice in the leg.
He loosens her tight grip on her, his movements and how he handles her become rough, almost robotic, but he picks her up, and runs towards alexx, and the waiting paramedics anyway. He nearly stumbles a couple of times, but he doen't let himself fall, still wanting Calleigh to be safe, and he says to her, an obvious lie, one that pains her to hear, "It's ok, Calleigh, I never really did either"
Calleigh looked up at him when he said that to her. Her heart felt torn in half and she felt no will to live anymore. She swallowed hard, and when he finally gave her over to the paramedics, she only screamed at them and refused treatment. She ended up slapping one of them, and got away, and started walking towards the small lake that was next to the school on one good leg. She didn't care about herself anymore. She needed to think. She was keeping Tim safe, and that was all she wanted. She would rather have herself killed before he was. She just needed to protect him, but hearing him say those words were what hurt her the most.
He walks over a small bridge as he looks around, wondering where Calleigh went. He sits down in the middle, sticking his legs out the side, Thinking about what he said to her, then he yells out loud, "Who am I kidding I still love her!" and he starts sobbing, a very un-Tim like thing to do.
Calleigh snapped her head over to where she heard Tim's voice coming from the bridge she was nearly sitting under. She looked up and saw two legs that looked like Tim's. She hobbled her way back up to the bridge. "Tim," she said lightly, watching as he stood up and faced her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied, I love you too, but I can't have this..." she said, motioning to her badly bleeding leg, "happening to you, I love you too much to put you in harms way," she said with tears flowing down her cheeks at a steady pace.

(night night)
(ok , luv ya :p)

"Calleigh, I need you. I need you real bad. you're my addiction, and I just don't want to give you up like that. You'll go into shock if you loose much more blood, Calleigh...." He pauses, resting his head against the bridge railing. He continues on a long exale, "I.......I, um....I really, really do not know what to say..... but honey, the point is I love you and this is killing me, I rather be dying than go through this, that way, if you die, I wouldn't be left feeling like I'm responsible, feeling like I'm the one who shot you...."
Delko ran back outside.

"I called H. Is she ok man?"

Delko ran over to her and realized they were talking.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Delko walks over to Alexx.

"What's going on between those two?"
((Ahh! Sorry about MIA Alexx. My brother had to get on the computer.))

Alexx ran to the sound of Calleigh's piercing screams. Tim got to her first and started carrying her to herself and the paramedics. She was utterly surprised when Calleigh refused treatment, as the two bullets were still surely lodged in her leg. After the paramedics left, Calleigh hobbled slowly over to where Tim was seated on a bridge. There were words exchanged, and Alexx knew it was a private moment, but she had to tend to Calleigh. She headed over toward them, with her medical kit in tow.

She passed Delko on her way there. When he asked her what was going on between the two, she replied, "I don't know, but that girl needs to have her leg treated."

"Calleigh, dear, I don't think it's a good idea at all for you to be walking around with two bullets in your leg. I definately don't approve, and if you don't let me take them out, I'll hold you down myself and dig the suckers out. I'll be careful.. promise." She started taking a needle full of anesthetics out of her box, ready to gently stick it into Calleigh's leg. "This will only pinch for a second."
((Subbing for H, until BT gets here))

Delko called Horatio to let him know about the shooting. He practically dove into the Hummer when he exited the MDPD lab HQ. The vehicle hadn't gone as fast as it did on his way to the school, in a long time. When he arrived to the scene, Alexx, Calleigh, and Speed were by a small bridge that ran over a little stream on the school grounds. He ran over to the small group.

"Calleigh! Are you okay? Did you see who the shooter was? I would really prefer that you didn't work on this case.. I'm sorry. I should have been here," he spoke with nothing but concern for his colleague. His intense blue eyes were soft as they searched her face, trying to read her expression.
Calleigh looked up at Tim and shook her head lightly. She sighed, thinking of what to say. "You're not responsible, and you won't be. I'm not your responsibility Tim, you shouldn't have to take care of me and I don't want you hurt," she said as Delko came up to them. She muttered a quick "It's okay" before Alexx came over. She sighed and figured it was better to get her leg treated before something worse happened. She sat down on the bridge and let Alexx do what she needed to fix her leg.

Calleigh then heard Horatio come over, and she rolled her eyes, knowing what he was going to say before he even came over. And when he did come over, he said exactly what she figured. "I'm fine boss, yes, I know who the shooter is, and no, I'm not taking myself off of this case, that's just what he wants," she told him sternly. She was never one to back down.
((Back up for H, until BT gets here.. :)))

Horatio patted Calleigh's back and went back to talk to Delko about the shooting. He wasn't going to let someone get away with threatening a member of his team like that, even if he had to get rid of him, himself. He found the casings near where Calleigh was shot. He shook his head.. he should have been there to protect her.


Alexx continued to work carefully on Calleigh's injury, cautiously fishing out the bullets that were buried deep in her leg. She completed her work and looked up at Calleigh.

"Calleigh, I'm going to write you a prescription for the pain, because it's going to get bad, but here, take these for now," she handed Calleigh two small pills of vicodin. "Then, I'm going to give you one to keep away the infections. I want you to come to me if you feel anything... any kind of weird pains, nausea, headaches, anything, okay? Now, why don't you sit here for a little while, that anesthetic should wear off in the next 15 minutes. The pain shouldn't turn up for a while, but as soon as you start to feel something, sit down for a minute, or you'll topple over as it gets worse. Tim, why don't you stay and keep her company, we can talk later. Besides, I still have a DB to get back to post." With that, she left the two to discuss their issues.