Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh looked up at Alexx and nodded as she took the pills. "Thanks Alexx," she said as she took the pills and swallowed them, not really needing water. She sighed and then laid down on the bridge, not wanting any of this to happen anymore. She would probably stay the night at the lab, where she felt the safest. She would bury herself in work to distract herself, to numb the pain. Right now, she wished she could pass out so that she didn't have to talk to Tim about their problems, but she had a feeling that wasn't going to happen, and besides, she had to face him sooner or later anyway.
He sighs as he looks at Calleigh lying down on the bridge. He can't help but sniff a lttle as he says to Calleigh, at barely more than a whisper, "I'm just gonna leave you alone to think, Callieigh, I need to think too and I don't think I'll get any done around you." He smiles sadly at her before getting up and leaving her to her own thoughts.
Calleigh nodded a little, and when she figured he was out of earshot (at least she hoped he was) she turned on the side of her good leg and put her head in her hands, and cried. She sobbed hard, and shook violently as she did so. She was torn in the middle, the fork in the road. Which one would she choose? It was a lose lose situation and she hated being stuck in this position. She was glad that no one else was around her because all she really needed to do right now was cry. A few of the paramedics came up to her and offered her to get onto a gurney so that it was more comfortable. She nodded and then was helped onto it, then the paramedics waited over back to the hospital, since Alexx could legally take care of her, and left Calleigh there to cry on their gurney, which would be taken back to the lab anyway, those gurney's were always transported back and fourth through the lab.
Unfortunately, Speedle wasn't out of earshot, when she started crying, he cried too. But they were silent tears, he's thinking, 'I've got to be strong for Calleigh, even if it means walking away from her and letting her cry on her own' He certainly doesn't want her coffin to rest on his concsience, but what's a man to do when she doesn't want any pert of him? He continues walking, not making a sound as his shoes hit the dirt path he's walking on. It's not back to the crime scene, but he hopes it'll lead to some where where he can think. Think about life after Calleigh.

10 minutes later, he finds himself walking along the isolated corner of a Miami beach. He lets himself falll to the ground, where he stays for a good hour or more.
About an hour later, Cal was pretty sure her mind was going to explode with all the thinking she'd done. Her pillow was soaking wet and Horatio, Alexx, and Eric were still processing. She didn't know where Tim was, but she was scared. She didn't want that man going after him and she would be damned if he ever got him without going through her first. Figuring though, that the man was only after her, she calmed herself down. As long as she wasn't involved with him he would be fine. She looked down at her pillow and saw her black mascara all over it. She looked like a racoon and she didn't want anyone to see her. She wondered what Tim would say if he saw her this way.
All Calleigh can hear is silence. All tim can hear is this insane ringing sound in his ears and his heart pounding away rapidly. Then she hears it. The rustling of leaves behind her. Someone is walking up to her and putting his hand on her shoulder.
Calleigh jumped when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She didn't even have to turn around to know it was Tim, she could tell from his touch that it was him. She buried her face in the pillow and sniffled a bit. "I look like crap," she said, not letting her face show. She didn't want him to see her when she looked like this, she was afraid of what he would say about it.
"Calleigh....you remind me of that time my cousin forced me to watch the Kelly Clarkson video, 'behind these hazel eyes' except you're not in a wedding dress and I'd never abandon you like that, what happened to the chick on the music video....but the point is, I don't care what you look like. you could look like medusa, with your hair everywhere and I wouldn't care. just as long as you're alive, I care." He smiles at her a little.
Calleigh picked her head up and wiped all the mascara off of her face that she could, but not much of it budged. She looked up at him and turned to her side. Her leg started pulsing with pain about ten minutes ago, but she hadn't been paying attention to it. She was in pain and she just wanted to go home. She looked up at him and let the tears pour out of her eyes and run down her cheeks. "I don't want to put you in danger Tim, you don't deserve that, I don't know what I'd do if you died because of me."
"I've been shot before, Calleigh. I know how it feels. I've been in the same situation as you, I was scared shitless and I ran straight to Alexx for support. I know you're probably thinking that that's not like me at all, but the truth is, it is a part of me Calleigh, and that's why I've hung around for so long, waiting for you."

He offers him her hand to help take her to the hummer they came in, smiling at her warmly.
Calleigh sniffled and looked at him, figuring she didn't have to answer him just yet. She took his hand and stood up, but she winced and whimpered with every move she made. As soon as she stood up, she leaned against Tim for support as she started to cry all over again. Everything was happening again. Her heart rate sped up, she felt goosebumps, and her stomach was doing flip flops, all from just touching Tim. She couldn't live without him, but if she went with him, she risked ridding him from this earth against both of their wills.
He hold her to his body, rubbing her back soothingly, and without warning, he picks her up and starts walking. It's become a bit of a habit, and besides, he cannot stand to see her in that much pain. As she buries her face in his shoulder he coos in a soothing tone, "Heyy.....Calleigh.....it's ok, Me and Horatio will make sure the nasty sucker who did this will go down, just you wait and see."
Calleigh had no choice but to rest her head on his shoulder as he picked her up. She whimpered a little, since him picking her up hurt her. She listened to what he had to say, but didn't reply to it. "I just want to go to the lab and rest there," she said softly. "Neither of our houses are safe," she told him.
"Ooohh....did I hurt you, Calleigh?" He was concerned that she whimpered when he picked her up. He kisses her forehead and replies to her request to stay at the lab. "Ok, Calleigh. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I am honey." He regrets calling her 'honey' as soon as he says it. She dumped him mere hours after getting together, and now they're together again. He shoots her an apologetic look as he knew Calleigh wasn't comfortable with him calling her that. Especially when she's in such a fragile emotional state.
Calleigh shook her head. "It's okay," she said as she buried her head into the crook of his neck and let him carry her to the car. "Before we jump back into this Tim, you have to know what you're getting into. I'm not the same girl at home that I am at the lab. I'm pickey and I'm emotional and I have the stupidest pet peeves and.. and.." Calleigh trailed off, not sure of what else to say. So instead, she just sighed and shut herself up.