Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

All of a sudden Calleigh felt the cold blade of a knife against her neck and a strong hand around her mouth.

"Don't even think about moving, bitch. Did you think you could get away from me last night? I know you went to your buddy Speed's house. I know every move you make. You can't do anything without me knowing about it. I'm going to get you, Duquesne. I'm going to get you, and you're going to wish you never accused me of that last murder," came a gruff, low voice in her ear.

He let go of her, and was gone before she could even turn around.
Speed is working the scene, slowly, but surely, he's getting more and more worried by the god man second, and he swore his hands were starting to shake, which didn't really bother hmi, he was worried about his girl, Calleigh. He looks around the scene, still no sight of Calleigh returning. "Aleex? is Calleigh alright?" He questions, not wanting to go annoy her or anything, he continues his searching for the bullet.
Calleigh's heartrate quickened when she felt the blade against her throat. She turned around to see where he was going, but he dissapeared. She took a deep breath and put her hand to her neck where the knife had been. That was it, she couldn't put Speed in this kind of danger. She was going to stay on the case, to hopefully put this guy behind bars, and she was going to have to break up with the one man she loved more than anything. She stood up and collected herself before going back to Alexx, Tim, and Eric, keeping her cool with her emotionless face. "I'm staying on the case," she said simply.
"I really hope our Calleigh is okay. I think one of you two should call Horatio and let him know about this. He might not want her working on this case. It's amazing she's even back to work at all, after what happened," Alexx told Speed and Delko.
"Alexx..." He takes her to the side and says to her, "I'm in love with Calleigh, you know that?"
He smiles at her warmly, and she can tell his feelings for Calleigh are genuine, not some fake mask to make her feel secure.
((Ok. Thank you.))

Delko walks up to Calleigh. He saw that she looked pale and a bit frightened.

"You ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."

He had a worried look on his face that showed his true concern.
Calleigh looked up at Eric and gave him the same emotionless face that she'd been wearing since she had heard the threat. "I'm fine," she said as she walked off and went back to the body. She picked up the note and put it in an evidence envilope, then went off again, by herslef, to find the wet railing.
He shakes his head a little, not believing what he saw. Caleigh looking pale, scared, and not in the mood to chat. He considers chasing after her, but is not sure what to do, She loks back once, only to see Tims concerned face, she can see that he's breaking up inside those dark brown eyes of his.
((Oh, no, Alexx started at the scene. She was looking over the dead body where it was found. She never went to the lab. Which part confused you? Sorry to have done it.))
Calleigh looked around, making sure that her stalker was no where in sight. She then walked to a small eating area and found the blue paint she was looking for. She found the smere and took a picture of it, she wondered if he was still around. Was she in danger? Would he come after her if he found out that she wasn't taking herself off of the case? Yeah, she was scared, but she wasn't about to give up. She wanted this guy put away, and she didnt' care if she risked her life doing it.
"Alexx, should I go after her, make sure she's safe?" He questions her, though Alexx isn't really listening, she's a bit preoccupied with her 'patient'. She's talking to the body, to herself and anyone who'll listen, Tim realaises she's just as scared as he is, and Calleigh.
"Hmm.. what was that you said, Tim?" He repeated what he had said to her. "Maybe you can go see her, but give her some space. She'll want to try to work this out by herself for now, I'm sure.. Hey, did someone call Horatio and let him know what's going on?"
"No, and I still want to talk to you, about Calleigh and I"

He desides to stay back and let her work the scene by herself, becuse he could feel this thing they had fading out as quickly as it faded in, and that made him depressed.