Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

He smiles and asks her lightly, "Is me being so persistant one of them?"

He realises that came out a little to harsh, so he laughs to releive the tension. "I'm sorry, that was stupid, Calleigh, I should never of said that" He feels better, having apologised to her.

"I know what I'm getting into, I've seen you at work AND what you're like at home, I heard you going off the brain at the technician in trace the other day"

He opens the passenger side door for Calleigh, gently placing her in and shutting the door, making sure she's completely comfortable before doing so.
Calleigh felt like half of her was gone when he closed the door to the car. She instantly missed his touch, and she realized that if he was willing to go through it with her, then she wanted him there for it. She watched as he went around to the drivers seat and got in. She looked up into his eyes and smiled a little. "I love you Tim," she said with a soft tone to her voice.
"I love you too, Calleigh." He rests his hand on her *lower* thigh for just a second before turning on the car and reversing out of the parking lot. This could be the *new* slate Tim has been waiting for, He was so excited, but didn't let it get the better of him, because they both know what she's like. Unpredictable.
Calleigh smiled a little, and put her hand over his until he started the car and drove out of the parking lot and onto the road. She sighed a little and looked out the window, wondering if she would see her attacker around anywhere. She was very alert now, and she always had her eyes peeled now. All she could do was watch out for herself and Tim, though she was doubting the ability to protect herself now.
In mere minutes, they were back at the lab and Tim was at Calleighs side the moent they pulled up, opening the door and lifting her out, gently his time. "We're here, sweetheart." He says with a silly smile as he states the obvious.
Calleigh smiled a little and wrapped her arms around him. She looked up into his eyes and saw the love that he felt for her in them. She portrayed the love that she felt for him in hers as well, and reached up to kiss his cheek. "Thank you Tim," she said lightly. "For everything," she finished as he took her into the lab and put her down on the couch in the break room. She would probably be here for the next few weeks. She pulled him down onto the couch and pulled him down to her. "Love you," she said softly.
He smiles, but is careful not ot land on her bad leg, he then whispers to her, "I love you too, Calleigh." with that, he kiss her on the lips, his hands cupping her face.

He's basically exploding inside with the love he feels for her, and also the thrill that she's letting him kiss her like this - n the middle of the lab, non the less. He loves this die of her just as much as the other side. He loves Calleigh as a whole, not just for her beauty. He's sure she hasn't had someone feel this way, this much for her in a while.
In Calleigh's stomach, butterflies were fluttering around, and doing flip flops and somersaults and everything else. She felt a tingle go down her spine, and as she pulled away for breath, she looked up into his eyes and ran one hand through his hair. She knew that this was the one thing she had always wanted to say to Tim, though she hadn't been sure it would ever pass by her lips. But now, she was free to say it. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you Tim," she said lightly, looking straight into his eyes with all honesty.
Oneof his hands is resting on her shoulder stroking her cheek, the other, patting her thoigh gently. Her good one.

"And Calleigh, I feel the same way, Do you remember what I said that tme you took me to the beach?" He questons, knowing she wouldn't forget it in a lifetime.
Calleigh looked up at him and nodded. That beach would be something she wouldn't forget. She looked up into his eyes and gave him another light kiss. "I remember," she said lightly as she let the hand that was in his hair drop down to his cheek so that she could stroke it lightly. She'd waited a lifetime for this and she wasn't ready to give it back anymore. He was here to stay.
"When the time is right, I will do what I promised you, Calleigh." He hugs her gently, smiling as he pulls back, only to receive a sweet kiss from his girlfriend, Calleigh Duquesne. He already has a ring picked out, he has it on reserve at the jewelers, he's just waiting for the right moment, the right place.....teh beach where Calleigh took them to talk for the first time about eachothers feelings.

(ok, I'm gonna go now, cya tomorrow :D)
Calleigh looked up at him with glazed eyes, which had been filled with tears multiple times today. She smiled a little and cradled his face with her hands. She didn't know how to describe the feelings that she had for him, and frankly she didn't think she would ever be able to. But whatever they were, they were stronger than ever, and she was never going to let that go for the world.
Speed looks into Calleighs bright green eyes, smiling he kisses her on the lips again, before saying, "I'm starting ot get tired, Call........Why don't we lay down?" He gently pulls her down so he's holding her infront of him on the spacious couch in the breakrom, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. He buries his nose in her hair, inhaling that uniqley Calleigh scent. Sighing happily, he pulls her just alittle bit closer to him, before he shuts his eyes.
Calleigh smiled a little when he settled behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She felt him take in her scent, and she couldn't help but feel like the happiest woman on the earth, despite the conditions at the moment. She sighed happily and closed her eyes as well, letting sleep overtake her. For the first time since the case, she felt safe. Tim was with her, protecting her, and she felt safe in the lab. She was finally content.
((Time out, are they back at HQ, or... where? Just wondering, in case I can make Alexx jump in there to check on Cal's leg, or something later..))