Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Tim frowns slightly as he's lost in his own thought. Thoughts of Cal getting married to some mystery guy, but his face was always in the shadows so he could never see the face of him, kind of like one of those old fashioned or independant films from the little art house theatre on the edge of town.

It, what Alexx was trying to do was not helping him feel any better. In fact - its making him feel worse.

"Alexx," He says as he puts the hand that has the ring in it on her shoulder, "You don't know that, you're not god. Maybe in the morgue you are, but not here."

(hope this was ok)
Calleigh's face lit up when she asked her if she wanted to come with her. A doctor had walked in and heard the question. He smiled a little at her and shook his head. "I'm sorry Miss Duquesne, you can't go, you need your rest, you can go see him when you're feeling better."

Calleigh's heart dropped again, just when she was about to go see the only person in the hospital she wanted to talk to right now, the doctors weren't letting her. "Why not? I'm feeling better, see?" she said as she went to sit up, but the doctor shook his head and put his hand on her shoulder to keep her down. "I can't let you go Miss Duquesne, it's just not possible, I'm sorry."

Calleigh sighed and looked to Christine. "Send Horatio my best wishes, okay?" she told her. Christine just nodded and left. Calleigh sighed and laid back on the bed. The doctor gave her the medicine she needed and within twenty minutes she was back to her blissful state.


Calleigh took her first few steps in a while. She was in physical therapy, and she was heeling well. She's heard good things from Alexx, Christine, and Tim about Horatio, and now that she was taking her first few steps in therapy, she figured that maybe they would let her go up and see Horatio.

"What do you say we make a little trip?" the doctor asked her. Calleigh nodded eagerly. "Horatio's room," Calleigh damn near demanded. The woman laughed and nodded, and within a few minutes, she was to Horatio's room, walking with a walker, but she was doing well. Her face lit up when she saw Horatio. It had been the first time that she'd seen him since the attack. The physical therapist she'd been working with left her with Horatio, and the rest of the people in there, which right now contained only Horatio. He smiled when Calleigh walked in, happy to see both her walking, and the huge smile on her face.

"Horatio!" Calleigh squealed as she walked up to him and put her walker to the side. She stood on shakey legs, and it wasn't until he suggested that she lay down with him that she gave in. She got up with the help of her friend, and hugged Horatio as tightly as her weak body could. She'd missed him. She was careful not to move anything he was attatched to, which was lucky since his IV was on the other side of him.

"I was so worried about you Horatio, I thought something happened and if you didn't come out of the OR I would have never been able to forgive myself, and then I heard that you were okay and they wouldn't let me see you and I wanted so badly to talk to you, and God, I'm just so glad you're okay," Calleigh said, tears spilling down her face by now. She swallowed hard and wiped her tears away, she was being rediculous with her tears but she didn't care. She'd missed her boss and friend.

She recalled how scared she'd been when Horatio was shot. "I remember hearing shots, and I heard you fall to the ground. My heart sank and I felt sick. Then he pulled me out of the hole and you were there and I was so scared that you wouldn't be there for me when I got married and had kids, and wanted to retire and......" Calleigh stopped and took a big breath. She was hysterical by now. She treasured Horatio so much and she couldn't explain how relieved she was that she was able to hug him right now.

"You mean a lot to me Horatio, when I came to the lab, I was a lost little puppy and you took me in. You were my first friend here and you fit into the role of what I would want as a father. I mean, I know my dad is still there for me, but he's not like you. I can't talk to him about the stuff that I talk about with you. You've been the most amazing friend that a girl could have, and the best boss, and you didn't deserve any of this," Calleigh stopped and looked up to the door, where there were nurses talking in a circle, probably discussing Horatio's health. "None of you did. He was after me, I should have just given myself up to him, and none of this would have happened, I would have saved everyone from being landed in the hospital, and he would have gotten exactly what he wanted. He's not going to stop until I'm dead," she said solumnly, then decided to let Horatio get a word in since she'd been rambling so much.
((Wow, super awesome post, Wyoming! I love it!))

Christine was upset that Calleigh couldn't go with her to visit Horatio, but she understood the doctor's reasoning behind her excuse. Dr. Greider ((Was Dr. Greider Cal's doctor?)) didn't want Calleigh to be straining herself. She couldn't allow such a critical patient to walk around the hospital, especially since she wasn't ready.

Christine went back to Alexx, after her and Speed had finished talking and asked her next. She needed someone there with her for emotional support, and if Calleigh couldn't go, she went to the next best person.

"Alexx, how are you doing?" Christine approached her slowly.

"Oh, you know, I'm hanging in there, baby. How about you? How are you holding up?" Alexx asked, with concern.

"I'm holding," she said, then added, "for now..." She looked away, depressed. Then, she looked up at Alexx with her sad eyes, asking, "Alexx, I was wondering if you would please go with me for the first time to see Horatio? I asked Calleigh, but her doctor won't let her go. I mean, it's okay if you don--"

"Sweetheart, of course I'll go see him with you. It's okay," Alexx said, cutting her off. "You don't have to feel bad about asking me, darling. I'd do anything for either of you two in a second, you know that. Besides, you aren't the only one who wants to see that man," she chuckled. Then, she got serious again, "I'm glad he's doing better, sweetie. If there's anything else I can do for you, you be sure to let me know, okay?" Christine nodded, smiling forlornly. Alexx rubbed her shoulder in a sympathetic fashion. Christine and Alexx went back to Calleigh's room to chat with her for a while.

Finally, a nurse walked into her room. She told Alexx and Christine that they could go in to see Horatio now. He was awake, but he had some bad amnesia due to a shot that skimmed his spine. The women told Calleigh that they would see her later and they followed the nurse down the hall to Horatio's room.

Christine started crying a little when she saw him. He was hooked up to several machines and IVs... He was so pale and lifeless looking. Alexx grabbed her hand, and Christine squeezed it.

"Horatio, honey, how are you feeling?" Alexx asked quietly. Christine couldn't even talk she was so upset. Horatio looked at the two women with his head tilted and a strange look.

"Who are you? Are you my wife?" Horatio asked, studying Alexx. Christine balled even harder now. Alexx looked at him with an expression of shock on her face.

"Uh, no, Horatio. I'm Alexx Woods, I work for you," she said, cautiously.

"Oh," Horatio responded. He thought about it for a second, and then asked, "Did we have any kind of relationship? Why do you keep calling me sweetheart and honey?" Christine's head shot up at that and Alexx's mouth dropped.

“Oh, Horatio… This beautiful woman right here is your wife-to-be. You proposed to her about a week ago,” Alexx said calmly. “You and I are old friends and coworkers. I call everyone sweetheart and honey.”

“Okay,” Horatio then turned to Christine, “My dear, I’m so sorry, please excuse my mind’s absence. I sincerely apologize for asking this next question, but what is your name?“ Christine told him. “I don’t know what’s going on. The doctor had to tell me my own name and profession. I don’t really remember much at all about my life… I was having strange dreams about arresting people, and then, I would be put in the position of being arrested. What is happening to me?”

“Well, I’m sure the doctor told you that you have amnesia from a bullet that grazed your spine. You were shot while trying to protect two friends who were in danger, Calleigh and Eric. You have never been arrested, but you arrest others all the time,” Alexx told him. Christine was only able to look on, shocked at how much Horatio’s amnesic state was affecting her. She thought she would be able to handle it, but she was very wrong indeed.

“Calleigh… that name is familiar. I don’t know Eric. Are they also coworkers? How are they?” Horatio looked innocently at Alexx. Both women were relieved when he remembered Calleigh, at least he was remembering something.

“Calleigh is doing very well. Alexx was told earlier that Eric is in a coma. The doctors aren’t sure of his chances,” she said solemnly.



The days went by and Christine and Alexx slowly brought Horatio back to his former state of mind, almost. His mind was still unsure about a few things, but a lot of them were easily cleared up by Christine and Alexx. He was remembering a lot of things on his own now and he remembered a lot of what happened between he and Christine, which he confided in her when it was just the two of them.

Finally the day came when Dr. Greider told Calleigh she could visit Horatio. Christine and Alexx had been keeping her updated on his condition, so she would know what to expect when she finally did see him. She walked into his room, supporting herself with a walker. When she saw Horatio, she neglected her walker and practically ran to his side. She climbed up in the bed next to Horatio, careful about his IV s and all of his cords.

Christine and Alexx knew this was going to be an emotional time for both of them. They decided to leave them alone and go get some lunch. That would give them enough time to get all of their emotions out and in the open.

When they left, Calleigh poured her heart out to her long time friend. She told him how she felt when he was shot, and about how she wanted him to walk her down the aisle when she married. Horatio listened carefully and with extreme intensity. When she started getting manic and distraught, Horatio pulled her in for a hug and held her until she finished. He gently stroked her hair and let her cry into his chest.

When she was feeling a little better, she sat back up and started talking about her attacker, and how he would stop at nothing to get to her. Horatio listened and worried. He had to protect her. She was one of his dearest and most treasured friends, and next to Christine, she was his best friend. Calleigh went on to say that she put everyone in danger and it was her fault. He was upset to hear Calleigh say that she should have given herself up. He stopped her there.

“Calleigh, sweetheart, there is nothing you could have done to stop what happened, okay? Speed, Delko, and myself acted on our own behalves. We knew the danger that was involved and we took the risk. Whether you want us to, or not, we are going to protect you. You are very cherished and prized in our lives, Calleigh. It would be one of the worst situations I’ve ever experienced if you just handed yourself over to someone like that. You can never give up on yourself, and you should always be able to depend on your team to help you out, with anything,” Horatio said, in a caring and kind voice. He wanted, no, needed, her to understand that she was loved, and anyone on the team would give his life up for her. Then, he got angry as he spoke about the attacker, "We will find this man, Calleigh, and when we do, so help me..."
Calleigh listened to what Horatio had to say. She was crying, and sniffling and everything else. She couldn't even explain how much she loved her boss, and now that she knew she was going to be okay she didn't want to let him go. She held him tightly and tried to calm herself down but nothing was working. She just wasn't ready to stop crying, she wanted to make up for all the time she'd missed not being able to see Horatio. Soon enough, she thought about a week back when Tim proposed to her.

"Tim asked me to marry him last week," Calleigh said as her tears subsided for now. She looked up at him and ran a hand through his unruly hair. She sighed a little when he gave her that look that she knew meant to keep going. "I didn't answer, I passed out and I didn't answer him. But......I want to marry him Horatio, I want to so badly. I don't know why I didn't answer him. I guess.......there was just so much going on. I had just woken up, I had just heard that you were out of the OR, and Christine was there, and Alexx too and all of a sudden there was a ring in my face, and it was beautiful, but I just fainted and I never answered him. I haven't talked to him much since then, he probably thinks I don't love him anymore," she said softly before burying her head in his chest and wiping her tears away with her hand.

She had to figure out how she was going to get him to ask her again. She didn't know how, but she was going to have to do something. For now though, she had something more to worry about. "I want to find him Horatio, I want to find him, and I want to show him that I'm not scared. I'm not afraid of him, he could threaten to kill me and I still wouldn't be afraid of him. I mean, I tried to get away, I wasn't afraid of what he was going to do to me, I was just afarid that he was going to go after the rest of you and that's not what I wanted to happen. He can do whatever he wants with me as long as he doesn't hurt my friends," Calleigh said, not realizing for a little that she was still talking to Horatio.
Horatio held Calleigh, protecting her from all of her hurts and fears. He didn't remember everything about their relationship, but he knew he had to keep her safe. He couldn't let anything else happen to her.

She told him about Tim's proposal. Horatio was mildly confused about it. He thought the couple seemed to be moving quickly. His suspicions were disregarded though, when Calleigh said she was ready to marry him, and she really wanted to. Horatio smiled at that, glad that she would be able to experience the happiness he couldn't wait to have with Christine. He was extremely flattered that she asked him to walk her down the aisle, and happily obliged.

"I'm sure Tim realizes that you're going through a rough time right now. It's okay, sweetheart. You'll be fine. If he loves you as much as I'm sure he does, he'll wait for you. When you're ready, he'll come, until then, he will wait," he looked at her, raising his eyebrows at her, in a way to confirm what he just said.

Then, he nodded for her to continue, which she openly did. She talked about she wasn't afraid of her attacker, and she would rather that he kill her than have him hurt her friends.

"Calleigh, sweetheart, look at me," Horatio said, gently turning her face up to him with a weak hand, "you are an extremely strong person and you have an amazing spirit, and I know you're not afraid of much. I understand that you don't want bad things to happen to the ones you love, but, please, remember that it's not your fault. We chose to do what we did, and there is no way you could have made us change our minds. Please, just understand that. We are here for you, no matter what."
Calleigh smiled a little at what he said about Tim, and then went on to discuss her attacker. When Horatio told her that they'd always be there for her, she couldn't help but smile a little more. Horatio always was the hero, and he always would be. The best part was, he loved her enough to take bullets for her, and that made her feel more loved than anything in the world. She bit her lip a little and kissed his cheek. They sat in silence for a bit before Calleigh spoke up again.

"Can I see them?" she asked, looking down at his torso. She wanted to see his wounds, she wanted to come to reality with what had happened, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming any of this. She swallowed hard. "You don't have to..." she told him, blushing a little and looking down to her hands. She was stupid to ask.
Walking past a table where Alexx and Christine were sitting, Raymond looked at Christine and couldn't help but think that he'd seen her somewhere before. Racking his brain Raymond tried to figure out where he had seen this woman before.

Suddenly it hit him where he had seen her before. The gang keeps a close watch on his brother Horatio, and they know that she is his new fiance. He decided to approach the two sitting.

He was nervous approaching his future sister-in-law. "Christine Schwandt?" With a moment of hesiation, she nodded her head yes. "Christine my name is Raymond. I have something to say that you might be interested in. Do you mind if I sit down for just a minute?" The two both gestered towards a third open chair.
Raymond sat down and looked towards Christine. "Christine I know your fiance Horatio quite well. In fact the two of us grew up together." Raymond could tell that neither of the two were following what he was saying. "Christine I'm Horatio's brother. I know who you because of a gang that I worked with as an undercover cop that keeps close tabs on Horatio and they know who you are. Now I understand that this might be hard to grasp because Horatio has never said anything about me I'm guessing, but for good reason. A while ago I was working with a gang as an undercover cop. I however fell into temptation. My death was faked and I went into hiding. Well a bit back I saw ran into Horatio in Rio and there was an incident and I was shot. I almost died. Horatio thinks I'm dead." I've done so much wrong so far, I really want the chance to make things right. Will you give me that opportunity? Would you take me to Horatio?"
Christine and Alexx had decided to walk down the block from the hospital to a little cafe. Alexx ordered their food, while Christine chose an outside table. There had been a nice breeze blowing that day, and it felt good against the usual Miami heat.

The two were sitting down, eating and chatting about Christine's wedding, and how glad they were that Horatio was going to be okay. They were in the middle of a conversation that surrounded the idea of colors for the wedding, when a strange man made himself known to them. He immediately asked for Christine. She was confused, but told him that he was looking for her. The women offered him a chair that was opened at their table, and the man sat down. He told the two that he knew who Christine was through members of a gang he was in because they kept a close watch on, his brother, Horatio's actions, due to his potentiality to take down their gang. He went on to explain how he was an undercover in narcotics and became dirty. Then, one of his undercover coworkers shot him and imitated killing him. Both of them knew what they were doing, making it so the FBI and IAB would stop looking for him. Then, he asked to see Horatio. Christine wasn't sure, and Alexx wouldn't have it at all.

"I don't know. I mean, I've heard of you. I know that Horatio had a brother named Raymond, but how can I believe it's you? His brother is dead. I'm sorry, I don't know you and I don't think it would be a good idea for me to take you to him," Christine said, apologetically. Then, she looked down at her napkin. She looked back up as Alexx began furiously speaking.

"Yeah, I knew about Raymond too, and heck no, you aren't going to see that man. I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but Horatio's in the hospital. He doesn't need any some crazy person pretending to be his dead brother while he's trying to regain his strength. That's rude and disrespectful to his deceased brother," Alexx was pissed and extremely angry at the outsider for daring to bring up the touchy subject of Horatio's brother.


Horatio was a little surprised when Calleigh asked to see all of his wounds, though he shouldn't have been. Her curiosity always got the better of her. He sat up a little in the bed and lifted his shirt to reveal the scarring place where he had been stabbed. Then, he sat up even more, wincing in severe pain. He started to lift up the back of his shirt, exposing two of his gunshot wounds. He couldn't lift his shirt any more because of the sharp pains running through his body. He paused to catch his breath and then, slowly sat back down with very much pain. Calleigh repositioned herself in her seat, right next to Horatio. They did all of that wordlessly, both understood each other. Then, they sat, content in each other's presence, both just glad the other was alive.
It's been a while since Tim has seen Calleigh. Almost a week to be exact, and he's still a little shy and embarrased about his sudden propsal. He loved Calleigh and he was prepared to wait as long as it takes for her to be ready to make it official.

Now standing in front of the door of Calleigh and Horatios room, he takes a couple of deep breaths and knocks three times, waiting for an answer as he didn't want to shock him or her too much.
"Wait a minute, Horatio's in the hospital! Is he okay?"
Raymond was overcome with fear at the fact that his brother could die before he gets the chance to make things right.

"Christine, before you cast me off I would like you to hear just one more thing. Horatio's been through so much in his life already, and now he's finally happy with you. The gang that I was working as a part of is planning to kill you to send a message to Horatio. I couldn't live with myself just sitting there knowing this. I had to try and find you and Horatio to tell you. I can't in good consencious just let this happen. Now please, give me a chance. If it comes to it, I have a photo id with my name on it. Please Christine, allow me this chance. If you don't, things won't turn out well for either you or Horatio. Now if there is a chance of sparing Horatio and others any more grief, don't you want to give them that?"

Raymond knew that this was the last possible effort he could give at trying to stop this from happening. He was just hoping that this was enough to convince her that he was telling her the truth.
Calleigh bit her lip and winced when she saw his wounds. She saw how much pain it was giving him to move, so she helped him lay back down on the bed and then tried her hardest to hold her tears in. She finally let it get the best of her and she cried into the pillow, hating the fact that this man did all of this to her and her friends. She eventually was comforted by his hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look at him. "We have to get him Horatio," she said as she wrapped her arm around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then gave him a quick kiss on the lips, nothing more than a daughterly kiss, and laid back down next to him. She heard the knocks on the door and called for them to come in. When she saw it was Tim, her face lit up, she hadn't seen him in a while, she missed him. As soon as he'd walked in the door, Calleigh opened her arms to him, motioning for him to hug her.
Tim, still being timid around Calleigh a little, he slowly walks up next to her and asks, "What if I hurt you?" But takes extra care in hugging her any way, wrapping his arms securely around her body, ever mindful of any sensitive spots on her.

He was a bit suprised, ok make that alot suprised at Calleigh being in Horatios bed. But that's to be expected, both of them nearly died and they were reaching out to eachother and comforting eachother. He would've done the same thing for Calleigh if he wasn't off in hiding for the last week, which he feels guilty for doing and will try his hardest to never do it again.

"I love you Calleigh......how are you?" He asks as he holds her in the warm embrace, inhaling her scent and nuzzling his slightly stubbled face into her shoulder.
Calleigh wrapped her arms around Tim, holding him as close as she could. She hadn't seen him in so long and she was beginning to wonder if maybe he'd left her, and she was relieved to find out that he hadn't. She didn't care if he'd hurt her when they hugged, she wanted him close to her and that was that.

When he told her that he loved her she smiled and felt him nuzzling into her, she'd missed this. "I love you too," Calleigh said as she lifts one hand to wipe her eyes of the tears she'd shed earlier. She was happy that Tim had finally come back. She ignored the other question, since right now, the only thing she wanted him to know was that she loved him, no matter what. Soon enough, she let go of him and laid back down on the bed next to Horatio. She looked to him and smiled a bit. Everything was turning around for her and it looked like everything was going to be okay in time.
"Yes, mister, Horatio is in the hospital. He was injured by protecting those he loves," Christine said, wary of the persistence of the man. He continued to try to persuade her that he was Horatio's brother. "Okay, I'm actually getting the impression that you're telling the truth. I'll allow you to visit him, but, if he doesn't recognize you... Well, I'll just warn you not to underestimate my small size," she warned. Then, she stood up, motioning for Alexx to follow her to the hospital.

They got to the hospital. The guy who called himself Raymond followed quietly behind them. They finally arrived to Horatio's room. There were people talking inside and Christine knocked slightly, waiting for someone to open the door.


Horatio closed his eyes and sighed, mildly happy as he soaked in the moment. Calleigh helped him lie back down and then lied down next to him. She wrapped her arms around him, accidentally brushing one of his wounds. Horatio winced, but didn't say anything. He didn't want to ruin the content feeling he was experiencing. Calleigh told Horatio that they had to get the attacker.

Horatio's arm was wrapped around her shoulders and he started rubbing the side of her arm when she said that.

"Don't worry, Calleigh, we'll get him," Horatio reassured. Then, Calleigh kissed his cheek. He smiled, and then, she caught him off guard with a kiss to the lips. He knew it was only the daughter instincts, but he couldn't help but blush. He looked down, chuckling, trying to cover his embarrassment.

Then, there was a knock at the door. Horatio hoped it was Christine, as he hadn't seen much of her that day, though, he was very glad he got to see as much of Calleigh as he did. He was glad too, that Christine understood that they needed to be alone for a while to get things out. He loved her so much.

However, it wasn't her, but Tim. Horatio was glad to see him since he hadn't seen him at all since that day in the lab over a few weeks ago. He was sad that his friend hadn't come to see him, but, he had confidence that Tim would explain it later.

As soon as he walked in, he noticed a changed Calleigh. It almost looked like she glowed. They embraced and exchanged those few little that meant everything. Horatio smiled as he looked on, proud of both of them. Then, Calleigh lied back down by him.

Horatio looked at Tim. He appeared as though he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep in quite a few days.

"Tim, how have you been?" Horatio asked in his voice of concern.

There was another knock at the door.
'How have I been? well I'll tell you how I've been Horatio...' He thinks to himself as he opens his mouth to speak, then theres that damn annyoing knock at the door. 'Who could that be?' He wonders with a scowl forming at his lips, daring, just daring the person who interrupted his moment with Horatio and Calleigh to come in.

"I haven't slept in days, but I had to come see my Calleigh......" He smirks, "And my boss.....excuse me" He says as he gets up to greet those people waiting outside patiently.

"Christine....Alexx.....Who's this?" Tim asks Alexx and Christine, not really paying attention to the strikingly familiar brunette.

"Come in, Come in...." Tim says as he ushers the three in.