Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh was ready. She was so willingly ready to walk into the bright white light and end her life forever, but something seemed to be holding her back. She wanted to go into that light, because the more she looked to it the more peaceful it seemed, but all of a sudden she couldn't get any closer to it. All of a sudden, she was yanked back to reality, and found herself on a cold ground, everything was cold. She could hear Tim's voice, and she wanted so badly to reach out for him, but she couldn't. She couldn't move. All she knew was that everything hurt, and that she could hear a helicopter. She couldn't remember what happened to her, she was in this state of shock and she couldn't get a hold of herself. Once again, she was looking at the bright light, and she was able to get closer this time....
"Ok, Mr. Speedle, I'm gonna need you to step back from her for a second....."

The paramedics try to reason with Tim, because he's grasping her hand so hard, if he squeezed it any harder it might fracture or break in several places.
He backs away, albeit regrettedly and lets the EMT's do their work, to try and save Calleigh.

As the EMT's work frantically around Calleigh to save her, Tim watches them with tears in his eyes and cascading down his cheeks in what looks like buckets at a time.

Although he's already considering the possibility he might of already lost her, Tim Speedle is trying oh so hard to stay positive, hoping that she will pull through so she can once again be his.

Suddenly Tim is yanked out of his utterly depressing thoughts when one of the EMT's run over to him, giving him the details of where they're taking Calleigh.

"We're taking Calleigh to the Dade Memorial Hospital, and right into the OR for surgery. She's lost alot of blood, but there's always the chance she'll pull through"

Tim stands up faster than lighting would strike the ground and says, "GO already! I'll meet you there"

As the EMT's fly off to the Dade Memorial, Tim silently prays she'll pull through and have the pleasure of being his wife..



Tim is pacing the waiting room of the hospital, the one closest to Calleigh's OR.

'What will I do without her?' he asks himself out loud.

He was talking to himself out loud, something he only did when he was really scared or in a state of near mental breakdown.

'You'll be a mental wreck, you'll never be the same again, that's what'

'Oh, shutup Speedle, you know she'll pull through, your Calleigh is a real fighter, don't you worry'

He continues to pace the empty room repeatedly while they operate on Calleigh for what seems like an eternity.
Horatio and Eric immediately went into surgery upon their quick arrival to the hospital. Eric was out soon, but wasn't allowed to have visitor's yet. Horatio was still in the O.R. when the nurses took Calleigh in. Alexx watched as they wheeled her friend into the room where several doctors were gathered. Her once beautiful colleague was now barely recognizable due to all of the blood surrounding her face, and in her blonde locks. She held her breath when Calleigh's bed went by, hoping that she would come out okay.

A few minutes passed until she heard the familiar voice of Speed in the waiting room conversing with himself. She walked hesitantly toward him, until he saw her coming, and gave him the fiercest hug. She held on to him for a while, patting his back and the back of his head, attempting to calm him and reassure his state of mind. She knew that all of them were suffering. She was the only one who hadn't been in the hospital. That reminded her of Tim's latest injury.

"Tim, you're looking a little pale, sweetheart, let's sit down while we wait for our team mates to come out of their surgeries," she motioned to a large maroon chair that looked decently comfortable. She thought to herself how weird it was for her to say 'wait for our team mates to come out of their surgeries.' She shook her head, trying to get all of the images of her work-family out of her head. She thought about her kids and how they hadn't seen their mother in quite a while. She decided to give them a call. She talked to them for a while, her husband too, and then she hung up when she saw a nurse approaching her and Speed. Her head was hung and she looked extremely hestitant to advance toward the two.

"I'm looking for anyone who may be here for Lieutenant Horatio Caine," she finally said. Alexx jumped up from her seat and walked over.

"I'm Dr. Alexx Woods and this is CSI Tim Speedle. We are waiting for news on Lieutenant Caine," Alexx said slowly, afraid to want to know what was going on.

"Doctor? So, you're familiar with medical terms?" Alexx nodded. "Well, your lieutenant went into cardiac arrest on the table a few times, but we were able to bring him back through defibrillation. He's still in surgery. The doctors were only able to extract one of the four bullets thus far-"

"What are his chances?" Alexx cut her off. She was standing with her hands on her hips, leaning in, as if it would make her hear better.

"He has a 20% chance of making it out of the O.R. and a 90% of brain damage," she replied regretfully. Alexx's mouth dropped to the floor, and she blacked out.

She woke up in a hospital bed. Tim was sitting next to her. He knew it would be a long wait for Calleigh, so he decided to sit with someone he could actually sit with. Alexx turned to him.

"Hey, baby... How long was I out? I'm sorry about that, I had no idea it was so bad for Horatio. Someone has to call Christine. She'll want to know," Alexx looked at Tim, waiting for him to volunteer himself to call Horatio's fiancee. "Have you heard anything about Calleigh, Eric, or Horatio while I was out?"


Jim was deep in the woods by the time Calleigh was found, but he knew. He had a set of long range binoculars set on the spot where he had left her. He watched as a helicopter went down and he looked on as she was loaded into the bird. But, after all of the commotion had died down, he set his sites back to one thing in particular. The walkie talkie. His brows furrowed. She had never planned on getting a hold of him, and he knew. He sunk back into the woods, planning his next move.

((I talked to Wyoming about Christine.. me, playing as Horatio's fiancee, everything is kosher with her! Thanks again, Wyoming!! hehe))
Calleigh had been in the OR for over five hours when someone finally came out to give Tim an update. She saw the worried looking man pacing down and fourth outside the room and it took a bit of convincing on her part to get him to stand still. They'd been in there for a while longer, and the nurse made sure that Speed knew that, but it didn't mean there were any complications, there was just a lot to take care of.

"Mr...." she looked down at the chart and looked at the name of the person who'd done her paperwork. "Speedle," she finished. "Miss Duquesne has some serious injuries. Not only is she bleeding out, she's bleeding intenally as well, from the muscles in her ribs. She's severely bruised all around her face, arms and ankles, along with the bigger bruise around her rib cage. She's suffering from a class III hemorrhage, she's type O blood, and she needs a blood transfusion, she needs it as quickly as possible, so someone that has the same bloodtype, most likely a family member, needs to give blood in order for her to live. She needs it within the next 3 hours, unless she can get something from the waiting list. I'll keep you updated, but for now, it looks like Calleigh's chances of survival are 20%, and then recovery thereafter is 70% if she can get out of the OR. Our team is trying their best to get her bleeding back under control, but the room down there," the nurse said as she pointed to the left, "is a room where you can find out your blood type, but it would probably be best to call one of her relatives since they have a likely chance of having the same blood type."

With that, the nurse walked back into the OR, leaving Tim to his thoughts. They were working hard on Calleigh, but it wasn't until another five hours that Calleigh's brother had found out his blood type matched. He'd found out Calleigh was there from Tim calling him, and he came down immidiatly. He gave 2 pints of blood, which made him extremely tired, but it saved Calleigh's life. About an hour and a half after Brad had given his blood to the doctors, Calleigh came out of the OR, and was transferred into another room.

A while later, the nurse found Tim in Alexx Woods' room, sitting by her side. "Mr. Speedle, Miss Duquesne is out of surgury, she made it through," she said with a slight smile. "You may go see her now, but I must warn you that she doesn't look good at all. She has a lot of bandages, and she'll be cool to the touch and pale until she gets used to the new blood in her system. It looks like she's going to pull through but only time will tell. She's in room 203 if you want to see her. And I'll make sure to keep you updated on Eric Delko, and Lt Horatio Caine as well. Eric is awake and asking about Calleigh," she told them before walking back out the door.
He nearly passed out from the huge surge releif those words caused him. "Thankyou, Doctor, thank you" He repeats as the doctor walks out of the room.

As soon as the Dr is gone, He lets out a huff of breath he didn't know he was holding. He looks over at Alexx with a huge smile on his face and nearly strangles her with a big bear hug.

"Alexx, I need to see Calleigh first, I promise I'll call Christine soon, ok?"

Despite the chances the doctor gave her, he was ecstatic. As he pulls back from Alexx, he tries to mentally prepare himself for the site of Calleigh covered in bandages and with skin as pale as a ghost.


As Tim approaches room 203, he takes several deep breaths. But for the site that lay beyond these cold metal doors, he could never prepare himself for in a million years.

His mouth nearly drops to the floor in complete shock at the look of Calleigh lying there in that bed.
Her multiple cuts aand gashes from the torture she sustained while in the hands of her kidnapper were covered in twice as many bandages. The small spaces of exposed skin that weren't covered by the seemingly endless amount of bandages was covered with various tubes, IV's and other patches to help the doctors keep track of her vital signs

Strangely he was still releived she made it out fo the extremely long and draining surgery. He was forever grateful that her brother donated his blood, he was at the brink of tears as he touches the one patch of her pale skin that wasn't covered by something the doctors stuck in her.
She was as cold as the doc told her. in fact she was as cold as ice. He lets a tear escape his eyes as he whispers, "Calleigh, baby, I love you..." And that's how he stayed - by her side for the whole night.
A few hours later, the anethstesia(hope I spelled that right) was starting to wear off on Calleigh, and she was beginning to wake up. She felt Tim next to her, and she wanted to jump for joy and hug him close to her but she couldn't move quite yet. Was she even alive? She felt alive, and it sounded like she was alive since there was a steady beating of a heart monitor. She couldn't open her eyes quite yet, but she could squeaze his hand. She squeezed it as tightly as she could, which to her felt hard to do, but to him it felt like nothing more than a flinch.

A few more minutes passed by, and Calleigh was getting stronger. She found the strength to open her eyes and to speak. "Tim....." she whispered, looking to her side to see him sitting there. "Horatio?" she asked, her first concern being anything but herself. She remembered Horatio laying on the ground not moving, she thought he was dead. "Where is Alexx?" she asked, just as a doctor came in. He asked her if she needed anything and her immidiate answer was "Alexx" he nodded and went off to find her. She needed her team, her family. She was terrified that Horatio was dead, and she just wished Tim would tell her the truth.

She turned her head and looked to Tim, smiling a little, and looking to his arm. "Does it hurt?" she asked, reaching out to it and lightly gliding her fingers over the part of the bandage where it met Tim's skin. "I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of this," she told him, voice still weak. She was being the usual Calleigh Duquesne, blaming herself for everyone else being hurt, when in reality it was no one's fault but her attacker's.

The doctor came into Alexx's room and looked at her chart. "Mrs. Woods it looks like you should be okay to get up now, and if you want to walk around a bit Miss. Duquesne is requesting your presence in her room. She's awake and talking, she looks good," the doctor said with a smile as he came to her side. "Would you like me to help you up?" he asked with a bright, inviting smile.
Tim was so over-joyed to get to see her beautiful eyes, to feel her try and squeeze his had and even to hear her voice he felt like he was gonna explode inside.

"Honey, no it doesn't hurt that much, I'll be fine. It isn't your fault, it's never your fault. It's your attackers fault, ok?"

He wanted to make this clear to her, because he can't stand her blaming herself for everything that has happened, it makes him sad that she wants to blame herself for everything that happened. He gently takes his her hand in his and kisses it a couple of times.

"I love you Calleigh" He says in a reasuring tone, he means it, but she needs something to feel good about at the moment aswell.
Tim left the room to go see Calleigh, promising Alexx that he would call Horatio's fiancee soon.

A short little nurse walked in after he left and told her that she was good to go. Then, she asked if she wanted help getting up. Alexx waved her hand at the nurse, getting herself up, saying, "Nah, I'll be fine, thank you. Can I see Eric? I would like for him to have someone in his room with him." The nurse nodded and Alexx properly thanked her. Then, she followed the nurse to Eric's room. He was sleeping quietly on the fluffy hospital pillow. The nurse walked in and checked his vitals. Seeing they were normal, she left the two alone.

Alexx walked over to Eric's bed and gently laid a soft, motherly kiss on his forehead. She was sorry to all of the team, that they had to go through everything that they had gone through. Alexx squeezed his hand.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, baby. I just want to visit Calleigh for a little bit, while she's still awake," she told the unconscious Cuban. With that, she turned around and left the room, on her way to 203. When she got there, Speed was leaning over her, holding her. She softly cleared her throat to let her presence be known to the two inhabitants of the room. Tim sat up in his seat and Calleigh looked around him to see who was at the door. Alexx walked cautiously over to her friend. She was horrified when she saw all of the bandages and casts that covered Calleigh, but she didn't let her face show the shocked emotion, instead, it vibed the caring, maternal look that she oftened gave to the team.

"Hey, baby, how are you feeling?" she asked compassionately.

((I love how everyone keeps posting long posts. It gets me really excited to know that ya'll are as pumped about this RP as I am! Keep up the good work! :)))
He was lost staring into her emerald eyes until..... 'Christine..' He thinks for a second.

"Calleigh, honey? I've got to go call Horatios fiancee, Christine. I'll be back in a couple of minutes ok?" He says as he squeezes her hand gently before getting up and walking slowly out thinking of how to tell Christine her love might not survive.

'Oh, hi christine. H has been shot and he's dying, want to come by the hospital and wait to see if he survives?'

No, that won't do, and neither were the next 20 ways he thought of how to let her in on the horrible news.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials her number. She picks up on the sencond ring.

"Christine Schwandt? It's Tim. I have some bad news...."
Calleigh smiled when she felt his hand hold hers. She couldn't move her hand all that well, but he had it firmly in hers, and kissed it a few times. She smiled a little and let her eyes flicker open a few times. She closed her eyes again and heard him say that he loved her. A small smile creeped onto her face as she heard the words creep into her ears. "I love you too," she said as she moved her hand in his a little.

Calleigh had her eyes open love enough when Alexx walked in that she could see the look on her face. It was one of those looks that Calleigh hadn't failed to notice before. The only time she'd ever seen the face that Alexx had on right now was when they were on the case with a brutally beaten girl. She'd had all her limbs severed and every inch of her had been covered with bruises and scratches.

"I look that...bad huh?" she said, taking a breath between her words. She let her eyes flit closed again, and a small, comforted smile accumulated on her face. She let herself rest for a moment before opening her eyes again. "I don't feel any pain other than the soreness and stiffness, and I'm really tired," she said to Alexx as she shifted her head to the side to look at her after Tim went to go call Christine.

As always, Calleigh wasn't worried about herself. She was deathly afraid that something happened to her friends. She was so afraid that she didn't even want to ask, but she knew that she had to. "Alexx.....Horatio and Eric....is Horatio......is he?" Calleigh started to ask, not wanting to finish it. She felt hot tears stream down her face as she thought of the worst. If Horatio was dead, she would never be able to forgive herself. "Please don't sugarcoat it," she whispered. "Just tell me."
There was a phone ringing from deep in the house. Christine got out of the pool and ran to get it.

"Hello? You've reached Lt. Horatio Caine's house. This is the future Mrs. Caine," she answered with extreme cheerfulness. Her tone changed as soon as Speed told her he had bad news.

"Tim? What's wrong? Is Horatio okay?"
Timothy Speedle was not good at comforting people. He tries his best at everything, but he always fails with this sensitive area.

"He's been shot, hes in surgery. I'm sorry..." He whispers, trying to be as comforting as possible.

(apologies for the short post)
The phone hit the floor. Christine stood frozen in absolute shock. She couldn't move. She didn't know what to do.

'Of course you know what to do. Go!' she thought. It was only then, that her feet started paying attention to her brain. She left the phone on the floor, Speed still on the other end of it, and ran out the door, putting a pair of slim jeans and a blouse over her bathing suit as she got in her green Mustang.

Christine never broke the law, especially with the lieutenant for a fiancee, but this was an extreme exception. She had never driven faster in her entire life. Normally, it would have taken her about ten minutes to get to the hospital. This time, it took her six. She didn't stop for anyone or anything, causing her to get into near-wrecks several times. She just blew her horn and kept going.

Finally, she got to the hospital. She ran to the front desk as she walked in.

"Where is Horatio Caine? What floor? Please, you have to tell me! He's a lieutenant! Where is he?" she demanded, startling the lady at the desk. People were starting to stare, but she didn't care. She had to know where he was. Christine banged her palms impatiently against the top of the desk, while the bewildered nurse checked the computers.

"He's in surgery right now dear. He's in the OR on the fifth floor, pl-" she didn't have time to finish, because Christine was already making a mad dash for the elevator that was about to close.

She made it up to the fifth floor and ran around the corner, almost slamming into Speed. She looked up, about to apologize, and then realized who it was. All she could do was wrap her amrs around his waist and cry into his shoulder.

"What am I going to do? I ha- hate him being a cop, I knew this was going to happen one-one day! I knew it!" she wailed. She was worried about her Horatio, her fiancee, the man she was going to marry. She looked back up at Speed with a tear streaked face and said, "Tim, please, help me. What happened to him? Who shot him?"


"Hey, baby. How are you doing?" Alexx asked, glad to see that her friend was finally awake and talking. Calleigh joked about her condition, but only slightly. Alexx gave her a stern look.

"You are going to heal well, it just looks bad now, but you'll be fine, baby girl," Alexx reassured. Next, Calleigh asked about Horatio. She was worried that he had passed on to a better place, of course, in Horatio's life, besides with Christine, anywhere was a better place. "Well, sweetheart, he hasn't come out of surgery yet. The doctors are still trying to work those bullets out of him. It'll be a few more hours. We're not sure about his condition as of now, but Dr. Greider should be out here any moment to give us an update." Alexx gently reached over to give Calleigh a hug and a few tears fell down her face. "I'm just so happy that you're okay, baby. I thought we were going to lose you," she said, pulling away from the hug. She cupped a hand around Calleigh's cheek and smiled at her, before pulling her into another hug. "I love you guys, and I don't know what I would do if something happened to any of you," she said.
"What am I going to do? I ha- hate him being a cop, I knew this was going to happen one-one day! I knew it!" she wailed. She was worried about her Horatio, her fiancee, the man she was going to marry. She looked back up at Speed with a tear streaked face and said, "Tim, please, help me. What happened to him? Who shot him?"

Tim wraps his arms tight around her and thinks about how to answer the crying woman. He takes a deep breath and says, "He was rescuing Calleigh from her kidnapper, I don't know his name and he got shot then. Christine, he loves his job just as much as he loves you. By doing that, he feels at peace with himself because in a way, he's protecting you as well as the other people of Miami as best he can."

He draws her in for another tight hug, half-cradling Christine in his arms.
"He's a strong man, Christine. Try not to worry."