Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh looked over to Horatio and gave him another small kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go see how Eric is doing, I'll be back okay?" she asked, slightly amused that "Ray" was here. She hadn't seen him when Calleigh entered the lab, just heard of him. So she didn't know if it was him or some sick jokester, nevertheless, Calleigh looked over to Alexx, and got her help with getting out of the bed. "I'll be back guys, Tim, do you want to go see Eric with me?" Calleigh asked as she grabbed her walker, she felt like such an old granny, but she was excited that she was able to walk. She started to walk out the door, in hopes that Eric was awake.
"Yeah, sure Calleigh, wait up!" He yells with a great deal of his usual sarcasm, trying to make her feel a little bit better about herself and her current situation.

He 'catches up' with her and grins all silly at her, not being able to supress it he says, "I'm actually amzazed how fast you're....recovering Cal."

He puts one of his hands gently over hers as they walk down to Erics room together. But in the back of his mind, still is the burning pressure of the adrenalin filled fool he made of himself a week ago.
Calleigh laughed a little as he joked with her. She smiled to him as she walked down to the room that Eric was in, but before she went in she stopped and quickly let go of the walker and wrapped her arms around Tim, giving him no chance to react before she kissed him. She pulled away a short while later and put her hands back on the walker, and went into Eric's room, beaming a smile. It wasn't until she saw Eric, pale as a ghost, laying there, not moving.

She walked up to him and sat down on the edge of his bed. She frowned down at him and touched his face. He was slightly cold. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers. She shed a few tears, and went to move her hands through his hair. "I'm so sorry Eric," she whispered as she leaned down and kissed his forehead. It was then that she realized that this team really was her family. Eric was her brother; Alexx, her mother; Horatio, her father; Christine was her sister; and Speed was her significant other, which someday she knew she would be married to him. For now, her concern was Eric. "Fight Eric.....please, we all need you," she whispered to him as she shed a few more tears, and then looked over at Tim to see if he could tell she was crying.
The tears landed on his hand and suddenly his eyes begin to flutter.


He was out of breath and felt like he could barely move. He wanted to hug Calleigh and shake Tim's hand, but he felt numb, useless to himself. He was also very frustrated. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't build up the strength to cry. All he could muster up enough energy to do was shed a tear. It trickled down his face and landed on his arm.
Tim noticed that she was crying alright. He knows the signs like the palm of his hand. Tims eyes were soft and a little red, a few stray tears have dripped onto his shirt. He's never let anyone see him cry before, but he's letting Calleigh see it up close and personal.

He was scared for Eric too, he thought he was doing fine and that's partly because of this seemingly magic ability he has to forget stuff on que. But obviously hes not okay, hes pale as a ghost and clinging to life like a bird on a powerline.

Tim tries to smile at Calleigh as he moves closer to her and puts a supportive hand over one of hers, rubbing it in circles with his thumb. He had no words, no words to try and make her feel better. He's said them all before and hes sure shes getting sick of them so he keeps to the hand holding and supportive gazes, even though hes breaking up inside because of his co-worker.

(I don't think I missed anything lol)
((I talked to Christine and I'm taking the role of Alexx over.))

Alexx still wasn't happy with the decision to take this man to see Horatio. For all they knew, he could just be a very talented actor out to get Horatio. However she trust Christine's judgement and she complied to the decision that she had made. She was just going to keep a very close eye on this "Ray." When the three of them were walking to the car Alexx whispered to Christine "are you sure about this?" Christine nodded so Alexx decided to trust her.

When they walked into the Horatio's room she almost wanted Horatio not to recognize this man so that she could have the pleasure of tossing me out.


Raymond could tell that althrough Christine had decided to trust him for the moment, Alexx had not. Walking behind the girls, Raymond could see them whispering to each other knowing that it was about him.

When the three of them got to the hospital and Christine knocked on the door to Horatio's room Raymond's heart sank down to his shoes. His mind raced with ideas of how is brother would receive him after thinking that he was dead. The door opened and he let Christine and Alexx enter the room first. He then slowly walked into the medical room where Raymond saw his brother lying there in the bed.
"Hey Horatio." He tried to hide his nervousness. "Horatio I know this has to be weird thinking that I was dead, but I survived. Now Horatio I'm here to tell you something that could save the lives of both you and your fiance."
Calleigh looked up at Tim when she felt his hand over hers. She reached up and gave him a light kiss on the cheek before looking back down at Eric. She was surprised to hear him whisper their names.

Calleigh gasped a little and put her hand on his cheek and looked down at him. Her eyes were full of worry and concern for her friend. She was glad he was waking. As soon as she saw his tear, she lifted her hand and wiped it away. "Shhh, don't talk Eric, we're here, okay? Relax," Cal said as she bit her lip to try to stop herself from crying. "I'm sorry Eric, I'm so sorry," she told him as more tears, reguardless of her biting her lip, slipped down her cheeks. She kissed his forehead again and stroked his cheek. "I'm here Eric," she whispered to him agian.
Calleigh gasped a little. He was panicing. "No Eric, shhh, sweetheart, you're okay," Cal comforted. She stroked his cheek with her hand. "I'm here Eric, you're safe, look at me Eric," she said, when he didn't, she tilted his face towards her. "Eric look at me, look at my eyes," she said as she held him still. "You're alright Eric, you're safe, no one is going to hurt you anymore, okay? Calm down sweetie, don't hurt yourself, please," she begged.
"Eric, I'm here too, don't worry, you're safe..."

It felt weird trying to comfort a male co-worker, but he was doing it to help Calleigh out a little and to stop him from straining himself. He too would be devastated if one fo the people he considered to be a friend died.
Delko felt his body stop tensing and relax.


Delko wanted to know what happened with Calleigh. More so on the fact of how she was found, by who, and how she recuperated than the tragic events, but his weakened state prevented him from being explicit with his question.
Calleigh looked down at him, and told him the story of what happened to him and how he got to the hospital. She left out anything that involved her. It really would be easier on him if she didn't tell him anything about her and her injuries. She grew tired, and she felt dizzy. After a while of staying with Eric, she needed to leave. She turned to Tim. "Stay here, with him until he falls asleep again, don't leave him until he does, okay?" Calleigh asked, and then walked back to her room, laid down, and fell asleep.
Eric looked at Tim, a twinkle in his eye.


He gains enough energy to smile and smiles a bright smile at Tim.

Horatio was glad to see Christine entering the room, as well as Alexx, but his face went as white as a ghost's when he saw the next person. He hadn't seen his younger brother in a long time, and his brother had also been pronounced dead. Calleigh got up, not paying too much attention to Horatio's face because she was being distracted a little by Tim, that or she figured Horatio needed to talk to his brother. He wasn't sure. Alexx and Christine moved out of the way so Calleigh and Speed could get out to go and visit Eric. Horatio sat blinking at Raymond as he talked to him. His younger brother's words barely registered.

"Raymond? Raymond, is that you? What are you doing here? What are you doing alive, even? Why are you walking around with my fiancee? What do you mean people are after Christine and I? What the hell is going on?" He had so many questions for his brother, whom he still couldn't believe was standing in front of him. Christine immediately went to Horatio's side and comforted him, resting her forehead against his. She knew he was getting upset.

"Horatio, honey, I'm so sorry for bringing him here. Alexx and I didn't believe he was your brother and he was being extremely persistent. He also said something about his gang," she made a face at that word, "is going to hurt us." She squeezed his hand as they waited for Raymond to tell them about the gang's plan.
"Shoosh, Delko. Calleigh will spank me if she finds out you haven't gone to sleep yet." He realises how 'wrong' or in erics case 'hilarious' that would sound so he corrects himself.
"Calleigh will have my head on a chopping block if I don't let you get to sleep, now shut your eyes and think some sort of nice, relaxing scenario of a beach or something"

Tim was finding this easier than he thought it would be. Before Eric drifts off he mentions to him, "I know I'm a lucky man, Eric, a very lucky man."