Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Christine looked up at Speed with her big brown eyes and asked, "How can I not worry?"

She clung onto him a few moments longer, before she realized that the rest of the team was absent. "Where is everyone else? Why aren't they here?" She got out her cell phone and called Calleigh's phone, they were practically best friends. She needed to talk to Calleigh. She wanted to know why she wasn't there with Horatio. Christine was almost in a panic state because Speed wasn't telling her exactly what was going on. Speed gently took the phone from her.

"Speed, what is it? Where's Calleigh?" she asked bewildered. She had calmed down a little bit since she found out her beloved was shot, but she was still worried, and she couldn't hide it in her voice.
"Caleigh was kidnapped, Christine. We got her back, but shes in room 203 with Alexx at the moment, I think you can put your phone away. If you want to go see her, you better take a few deep breaths, shes got alot of bandages and other things on her. Eric is asleep in another oom here, he was dumped in a hole with Calleigh, but he's fine. Want me to walk you up there?"

He asks, trying to show his suport as much as he can. He hugs her tighter at her obvious worry, again doing the best he can.
Christine listened as Speedle told her what had happened to her friends. "Yes, please take me to her," she said shakily. Her legs felt like jello as they walked to room 203. The hall seemed to get longer and narrower as they walked further down it. Christine's legs felt like they were going to give way at any moment. After what seemed like quite a long time, they made it to Calleigh's room. Christine saw Alexx hugging Calleigh. She ran over to the two women with newly formed tears falling down her face.

"Calleigh! Alexx! What's going on? Why isn't Horatio of surgery?" Christine asked, apprehensively.

"Christine, baby, sit down here," Alexx guided her to the chair that she had been sitting in by Calleigh's bed. "Honey, I'm sure he's going to be fine. He's strong, he'll make it through, I promise," she comforted. Christine buried her hands in her face. Alexx looked from her, to Calleigh, to Speed. "You know what, why don't you stay in here with Tim and Calleigh, and I'll go find out something about him, okay, sweetheart?" she was cautious, because she didn't want to upset Christine any more. She simply nodded, and Alexx left the room. Christine up from Calleigh to Speed and back to Calleigh.

"Calleigh, I'm so sorry, here I am so worried about Horatio," she looked down, embarrassed, "when you have also been through hell, as well as Eric... How are you feeling?"
Calleigh hugged Alexx back as she spoke to her. Calleigh laid there, not a word. She blamed herself solely for what happened to all of her friends. And even though there was a member of the team that she managed to keep out of the hospital, she was still hurting even though it wasn't physical. She sighed when Christine came into the room. All of the people around her were a walking guilt trip for Calleigh. As soon as she saw Christine, the waterworks started again.

As much as Calleigh loved to have Christine here, the situation was anything but pleasureable. Horatio's soon to be wife was hysterical, which was much like Calleigh's state of mind, she was just able to contain it more, but she wasn't so sure that she would be able to now that she was faced with the woman that would feel the most pain if Horatio didn't survive. Cal swallowed hard and watched as the scene unfolded before her. Speed, Alexx and herself had one focus, and that was Christine. The person that had done no wrong, but suffered the most.

Calleigh watched as Alexx left, and there was an uncomfortable silence that filled the room. She thought about passing out again, but she figured it might be rude, even if it wasn't her fault for blacking out. She watched as Christine looked to her, and she knew what was coming.

"Christine, you really shouldn't be worried about me, unfortunatly I didn't get the worst of this. I'm not the one still in the OR getting bullets pulled out of me. Yeah, I may not look good, and I may not feel great, but I should be the one on the verge of death, not him. All he did was try to protect me....." Calleigh stopped a bit to collect herself, not that it was helping. Her tears kept coming down anyway. "All he did was try and protect me, and he got this. He doesn't deserve it," she told her. "Damnit, this wasn't supposed to happen, he was supposed to walk me down the isle if I ever get married," Cal said as she turned to her side and started to cry harder. Eventually, she passed out, finding peace in the blissfulness that came with the sleep.
Tim sighs softly as he basically lurks around the corner of the room furtherest from Calleigh. He toys with a small blue box in his hand and considers taking it back ot get a refund on it because it wouldn't be the same for her if she didn't have H to walk her down the aisle. And of course, theres always the fact they haven't been going out for very long....what if Calleigh thinks hes reaching or something? Unlike her, he knows, but anythnigs possible really.

He opens the box to reveal a beautiful coil style silver ring that would wrap around her finger with diaomnds equalling 4 carats shaped like a butterfly. To him, it meant alot, but if they both make it out of this mess alive, it'll mean one hell of a lot more to her.
Christine silently cried as Calleigh told her that she wanted Horatio to walk her down the aisle. Christine wanted to walk down the aisle <i>toward</i> Horatio, but... she allowed her thoughts to trail off. She wanted to keep her mind in positive perspective.

Calleigh passed out from overbaring herself with horrid guilty thoughts. Christine tucked her best friend in and gave her a little kiss on the forehead. She whispered to her that Horatio would get better, for both of them.

She knew how close Cal and Horatio were, Calleigh was the one that introduced the her to her new fiancee. He had proposed to her only a week before all of this, it was so romantic. They were sitting quietly at his house, just watching the fire in his fireplace slowly burn out. Christine was about to go back home, when he got down on one knee in front of her and emptied his kind heart to her. She gently pulled him up from his spot on the floor and kissed him deeply. She didn't end up going home until the next morning... Christine immediately called Calleigh when she got back to her house, who in turn, called the rest of the team about the engagement, after Christine's permission. Everyone was so happy for them. Now... everyone was mourning over the possible death of, not only their lieutenant, but their good friend as well...

Christine had been sitting in the chair, zoned out, until, finally, she snapped back into reality. Her eyes followed Speed, who was meandering around the room, before he finally settled in the far corner. He was holding a small blue box and something was refracting light from it, that was shining in Christine's eyes. She got up and made her way to him. She saw one of the most gorgeous diamonds she had ever seen.

"Oh! Speed, that's so beautiful. When are you going to ask her?" Christine asked, genuinely caring. She also wanted to take her mind off of Horatio's poor condition.

((I thought I would go a little bit into Christine's backround and how she was acquainted with our favorite red-headed L-T... lol))
"Oh! Speed, that's so beautiful. When are you going to ask her?" Christine asked, genuinely caring. She also wanted to take her mind off of Horatio's poor condition.

He looks up at Christine and smirks a little.

"I was going to propose to her after this whole fiasco is over, but its not going to be over for a while yet by the way things are going. I was actually considering taking it back. I mean, What if seem desperate or like I'm just reaching?"

What he really wanted to do was propose when H came out of surgery alive, because Calleigh wanted him to be apart of it so much, but in his current state, Speedle isn't very sure what to do.

"What should I do, Christine?"
"Oh, honey, come here," she said, pulling him in for a hug. He gladly accepted it. It was her turn to comfort him now. "I know that my Horatio is going to make it out of there alive. Like Alexx said, he's a strong man. He will make it, my heart is telling me that he'll survive, if that's what you're worried about. Speed, do what is in your heart. Follow your heart like I'm following mine. You already know what to do, you don't need me to tell you," she said, giving him a little wink. Then, she went back to her chair to leave Speed with his thoughts.

A little while later, Alexx came in the room. Christine jumped up as soon as she saw her.

"Alexx! What's the situation? How is he? Please, Alexx..." Christine said, her face turning as white as snow. Alexx walked quickly over to Christine and drew her up in a tight embrace. Christine took it as a bad sign and started sobbing again.

"No, no, Baby, don't cry.. He made it! He made it out of surgery!" Alexx exclaimed. Christine pulled back from Alexx, the tears still falling, and looked at her.

"What? Alexx, are you sure? Can we-? I mean-," she fumbled for the words, they just wouldn't come out.

"Not yet, but soon. We can go in there and visit him soon, sweetheart. I promise," Alexx said smiling. She was so happy that Horatio made it. Everyone, including Calleigh, who had woken from her deep slumber, was glowing with joy at the wonderful news.
"Oh, thank god hes all right" Tim nearly gushes. He's so glad Horatio made it, he'd skip around the room if he wasn't afraid of looking like a pansy.

He moves over to Calleighs bedside and hugs her softly before kissing her on the cheek and puling back.

"Calleigh, I know you've been through alot lately, and I'll understand if you don't want to do this, if this is too much tell me. I love you more than anything in the world. I'd do absolutely anything for you and you know that...."

He pulls out that small blue box again, cradling it in his hands so she can't see it, and thinks for a while, tears starting to fall from his cheeks.

He might finally have the chance to give them both what they wanted, or at least he hoped this was what he wanted.
He was about to ask her to marry him, to be his wife.
Calleigh had been woken from her slumber when she heard the two ladies crying. Her heart did a celibratory jump when she heard that her friend and father-figure was still alive. She took a huge breath and started to cry. No one noticed her tears until Tim came over and practically wrapped her in a hug as quickly as he could. She yelped a little as he hugged her, her bruises and scratches burned from the contact.

She swallowed hard when she saw him flash a ring at her. She swore that she was hallucinating, but when she looked up at Tim's silly grin she knew that it was all too real. She looked over at Christine and Alexx, then back to Speed. She knew she wanted it and she had dreamed of the day he would ask her to be his bride, but with all the tragedy around her she wasn't expecting this and she wasn't thrilled. Before long, she needed a way out. She didn't want to have to say no, but she didn't want to say yes. So she over-thought everything, let the stress take over, and soon enough, she was slipping back into that deep, dark bliss that she had been in before, passing out in front of everyone in the room.
Tim lets out a slightly scared, slightly dissapointed whimper as Calleigh falls into unconsciousness once again.

He kisses her hand and gets up, putting it back into his pocket and walks past the two ladies - Alexx and Christine - and into the hallway.

He knew he should not've asked her at this time, but he went on impulse. He was drained of all his excess adrenalin when she fell back into what must be pure bliss for her at the moment. He sits down on one of those rediculously uncomfotable horpital chairs and stubbonly sits still till his backside is numb, or unitl Alexx or Christine come talk to him - whichever came first.
Delko was still lying in his hospital bed, motionless. The doctors said he would be ok, but he still remained unconscious and motionless. Many times it appeared he was waking up, as his fingers would move, but it only turned out to be involuntary muscle spasms. Still, he lie there, motionless, fighting for his life and losing the battle at a rapid pace.
Alexx was completely taken aback by Tim's boldness to propose to Calleigh while she was in that state of mind. She knew that he only wanted Calleigh to be happy, but she wished he waited until she was up on her feet and ready to get back into the relationship again.

Alexx followed Tim's fading footsteps to the waiting room of the O.R. She sat down next to him. He didn't look up at her, he seemed intent on fiddling with the ring in his hand.

"So, do you want to talk about it?" Alexx asked, after a few moments.


Christine sat awkwardly in Calleigh's room. There was complete silence, except for the rythmic beeping of the heart monitor.

'Well, that was interesting. I thought he would do it soon, I just didn't think it would be 20 minutes after I said something to him...' Christine thought.

Then, her thoughts went back to Horatio... her sweet, handsome Horatio... She wanted to go and see him, but she was afraid she wouldn't be able to handle it if she went alone. She wanted to ask Calleigh to go with her, when she felt up to it. That way, both could go together, and emotionally lean on each other.

Christine wondered when Eric would wake up and she went out to ask the desk clerk to tell her when he did, and to notify her when she was allowed to visit with her fiancee. She saw Alexx and Tim talking quietly in the furthest corner of the waiting room, but decided not to bother them. She returned to her seat next to Calleigh's bedside and eventually dozed off.
As he plays with the sparkly butterfly in his hand, he keeps his eyes focussed it it and mumbles....

"That was an accident. Impulse. I feel like an idiot, Alexx."

with the ring in one hand now, he cradles his head in the other, occasionally sneaking peeks of the ring through the cracks between his fingers.

(sorry for the short post lol I'm a bit distracted by my new horde of Emily Procter piccies lol)
Alexx looked at Tim, she felt bad for him, and she wasn't lying when she didn't know what to say to the poor guy.

"Tim, baby, you have to give her a little time to heal, is all, okay? Everything will work out," Alexx blindly comforted him. She had no idea if it would make him feel better.


Christine finally opened her eyes. She didn't sleep well at all, and she kept having nightmares about Horatio being shot. Her nightmares woke Calleigh up, who was staring wide eyed at her when she woke up.

"What's wrong, Cal? Is everything alright?" Christine asked, worried for Horatio. Calleigh looked at her for a second and then nodded her head, saying everything was fine. "Okay, good. Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to Horatio's room, when you're feeling better of course, and when he's actually allowed to have visitors..."