Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

"Ok, Alexx...ok...." He started, "I'm not tired.....I want to be awake for when she comes back..."

In a friendly and re-assuring gesture, he takes her hand in his and kisses it lightly before giving it a squeeze.

He's determined to fight through the overwhelming tiredness thats forced itself upon him all of a sudden. But it's a battle he's not going to win. Before he drifts off he says, "Tell Calleigh I love her.."

(Sad but sweet. I like it lol)
Eric stopped.

"You have amnesia....It's Eric Delko. I am your coworker. You are my boss. I am honestly on your side. The man who shot you put me in this hole and kidnapped another coworker of our's."
Alexx sat by Tim as he told her to tell Cal he loved her. She sat by his bed all night, gently covering his hand with hers. She wanted to protect him from what was going on, she wished she could protect all of them, she was the mother of the group. She was supposed to. She was worried too, about Horatio. She took out her cell phone and dialed Calleigh's phone's number, remembering Horatio had her phone. It rang a few times before a very confused Horatio answered it.


Horatio was just about to close his eyes, when the guy in the hole identified himself as one of his coworkers, and informed him that another coworker was in danger. Without even realizing it, he snapped into lieutenant mode. He even started to sound a bit like himself to Eric, anyway, Horatio had no idea what he was doing.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do--" his pocket started ringing. He pulled out a cell phone and the caller id read, 'Alexx Woods.' He answered it, a little unsure of himself.


"Horatio? Is that you? Is everything okay, baby?" Alexx asked, very worried.

"No, sweetheart," he said.. 'She called him "baby," were they married, or seeing each other?'... He continued, "I've been shot and Eric is in a hole. We haven't found the other coworker yet."

"Horatio? You've been shot? Where are you? Eric's in a hole? What do you mean? What is going on? Where's Calleigh?" she fired the questions at him. She stood up from her place by Speed's bed, careful not to wake him. She started pacing nervously.

"Yes, I've been shot. We're in some kind of barn, or shed, or something. Eric's in a hole.. it's about 10-12 feet deep. Who is Calleigh? Is she the missing coworker?" he pulled the phone away from his ear, making a face. He hated not knowing what was going on.

He yelled down to Eric, "Here, can you talk to my significant other, please? I don't know what she's talking about." He tossed the phone down to Eric, who caught it easily, and started talkiing to Alexx.

"Eric? Eric, what is going on? What is wrong with Horatio?" she was very anxious now, as she paced the floor in tears. The team was falling apart.
(HAHA significant other I LOVE that lol. I think you missed me hun, my post is up there, it looks like we crossposted :D)
Speedle draws in a huge breath of air as he wakes, but doesn't open his eyes. The conversation Alexx is having with someone on the phone is coming in fits and bursts.

'--You've been shot?'
'Eric's in a hole?'

By now he's thinking 'WTF?' but these following words cause him to jolt upright. That and the tone in Alexx's voice.

'Where's Calleigh?'
"Alexx. Horatio has amnesia. Calleigh's been kidnapped. And I'm trapped in a hole. Basically, I tried saving Calleigh, got pushed in this hole. Sent out an SOS. Horatio tried to save us, he was shot, as was my phone which was sending out the SOS, and here we are. Alexx, help."
(ok, time for my Timmy to do a clark kent and save the MDPD CSI dayshift lol)

His hearing was perfectly normal now as he woke up, he could hear the little voice on the other end of the phone distinguishably sounding like Delko.

Despite the fact his arm was hurting because of the surgery he went under to remove schrapnel in it from the explosion at Calleighs, he says, "I'm the only one left besides you, Alexx....We have to do something and I'm not taking no for an answer."

(Don't forget Alexx can be like super....coroner or something?! :lol:)
((Oh, so sorry Wyoming.. :p))

Jim threw the vehicle in drive and continued up the mountain they were heading up. There were steep drops all around the car, with only a small, meager guard rail stopping any vehicle from toppling over the cliff. There were evergreen trees on the other side of them, on the mountain. They got to the top, and Jim got out. He went to the back of the truck and dragged a kicking, struggling Calleigh out. He tied her wrists and ankles tightly to a pole. The rough rope cut into her wrists.

"Let's see you get out of this one, Lovely," Jim sneered. He looked up at the buzzards already gathering in the sky. "See, even they know what's coming." He looked down at his shoes, like he knew he was forgetting something, but couldn't put a foot on it. Then he stuck his finger up as he remembered and went over to the van. He put a walkie talkie against the pole by Calleigh's feet and waved another one in front of her. "If you're still alive when someone finds you, give me a call... I'll want to know. If you don't, I'll hunt you down... again," he said with dark, evil eyes. "And next time, I'll kill your pal, Speed." After getting his two cents out, he turned on his heel and got into the van. He waved to Calleigh as he went back down the mountain, leaving her to the buzzards.


"Horatio has amnesia? How bad is it? How many times was he shot?" Alexx was extremely anxious for her friends' safety. Speed spoke to her about rescuing the three. She could tell how determined Speed was, and wasn't about to say no. She knew he would stop at nothing to get to Calleigh and the rest of the team. "Okay, Eric, where are you? Speed and I are going to come after you.. Do you know your location?" Alexx asked.


"Okay, so, as your boss, I'm ordering you to tell me what we can do next.." Horatio said to Eric. He was fading quickly. The fatigue was taking over him. "Eric.. what is my girlfriend saying? Or.. is she my.. wife? I... have to... go..." he said, straining to stay awake. He had lost way too much blood and he knew that he would die soon if he didn't get help.

((For Eric's information, because I don't think I was specific, H was shot 4 times.. :)))
Speed got up and stretched slightly, a little amazed his back wasn't hurting. 'That's just the painkillers working overtime' He thought to himself with a smirk.

He nudges Alexx slightly and says, "Ask him if he knows if Calleigh was shot before that guy made off with her"

Speed was making a plan for getting everyone back. It all depends on how bad each of them is hurt or if they are in serious danger of dying. He knows all of them are in danger of that, but what hes thinking is more alon the lines of bullet wounds and broken limbs.
He's worried that Calleigh might be lying in some isolated barn or something with a bullet wound to her chest or worse.

But he's sucking it up - if someone else needs help more than her, hes going to go to them first.
"H was shot 4 times. Alexx, I'm feeling dizzy and tired. His amnesia is bad. It's really really bad. I don't know the location. I followed some tire treads and oil trails here."

At this he passed out.
Alexx looked over at Speed, even more worried.

"He's gone. He passed out. We have to get out there, fast. Let's go." she grabbed her jacket that she had laid on the back of the chair she was sitting at and went over to Speed to help him out. "Okay, before he left, he said that he had followed some oil trails from Calleigh's house. That's where we're going. Come on, I'll drive." They walked out of the hospital and climbed into Alexx's vehicle, on their way to Calleigh's house. When they got there, they easily found the markings Eric described. The two followed them until they reached the shed. They could see Horatio lying in the floor, blood everywhere. Alexx climbed out and ran over to him, taking the extra kit she always kept in her car, while Speed went to Eric.

"Horatio! Horatio, baby, wake up. Come on, sweetheart, wake up," she said loudly to him, gently smacking his cheek. "Speed, He's not waking up!" She fumbled around his neck to check his pulse. It was extremely weak, barely even there at all. She called the paramedics on her cell phone and told them two officers were down and they needed to get the birds in the air because both were in critical shape, one in acute danger of dying. It wasn't long before the helicopters arrived to the scene and hauled off the two men. Alexx went with them to the hospital, following them in her car.

"Speed, please call me if you get any news on Calleigh, and I'll do the same for you about Horatio and Eric," she said before climbing in after the paramedics.
"Yeah, I'll be sure to Alexx" He says with a tone of worry in his voice.

He look around and notices buzzards flying in a circle in the distance. "Can you see those buzzards there Alexx?" He said that in a tone several decibels higher than he meant to. He was scared they found Calleigh and were waiting for her to drop dead or something. His face paled at the thought.
As Calleigh was being dragged out to the pole she felt something sharp enter her side. There'd been a broken beer bottle sticking out of the ground, and he'd dragged her right over it. She screamed out in pain but he kept moving. The cut was deep and she was sure that with the dirt she probably collected in going up the hill it would probably turn out infected. Not to mention the other deep gashes that she had along with bruises, scratches, and everything else. She looked like a human punching bag, but she still wasn't about to give up.

She struggled as he tied her to the pole, even tried to bite him once or twice, but every time she did she was awarded with a smack to the face. When he got her tied securely to the pole, he left her there, showing her the walkie talkie. There was no way that she was going to call him when they came, she wasn't about to put them in danger. When she was out of the hospital, and feeling better, she would hunt him down herself. For now, she just wanted to get these ropes off of her, but her wrists were bleeding severely, as well as her side, and the gash in her head. She was starting to pool blood from her gash on the side. There was a two inch blood pool to the side of her already and she's only been there for ten minutes. But that didn't stop her from trying to get herself loose from the rope. She wanted to get free before she passed out, though the more she cut her wrists, the more she bled, and the more tired she felt.

About an hour later, Calleigh was still fighting against the ropes. She had been working with her teeth to try and knaw through it but nothing was working. There was now a pretty good sized blood pool around her, and she knew that she was going to pass out any minute. She felt her eyes get heavy and her heart rate slow. She started to accept the fact that she was going to die here. She'd gotten the rope loose enough that she could reach the ground, and get a stick. She wrote "Tim, I love you, I'm sorry," in the sand, and then laid down, and passed out. She had a pulse, but it was deathly slow, and considering that she'd given into the fact that she was going to die, she didn't fight as hard to keep herself alive. She just wanted to die and end her pain.
((I was under the impression that they had cell phones? OMG I hopes Calleigh doesn't die.... :( lol ok, sorry the inaccuracies on my last post.....I'm still using the buzzard bit lol)

As Tim looks up into the sky, he sees a couple of buzzards flying around over one particular area; the top of that mountain (or hill or whatever lol) 'What if they're circling above Calleigh? What if shes lying there being beaten to death by that sick little bastard who kidnapped her?' those and many more thoughts ran through his head of how Calleigh could possibly be dying up there. It was then he noticed the oil trail on the ground. 'Maybe.....yeah, just maybe I can follow this trail to find Caleigh?' He asks himself. No answer. Damn, where were those little voices when he needed them? He gets in the car Alexx gave him and nearly floored it as he sped off, following that trail of oil.


The oil trail has finally stopped, but that's becuase he's now nearing the top of the mountain. He peers out of the windsheild to see what looked like someone seriously injured...or worse, dead slumped or tied awkawrdly to a pole. 'It's Calleigh!!!' He yells at himself as he gets out and runs over to her badly bruised, cut and bleeding form.

"Calleigh, honey, wake up!" He says as he picks his phone from his pocket. As he dials 911 he checks her pulse. It's weak, slow and near non-existant.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asks in a uniform tone.

"This is CSI Speedle, I have an officer down, I repeat: an officer down!"

Nothing gets 911 or any police unit to move off their asses faster than the possibility of one of their own being hurt or worse.

"Ok, I'm reveiving the GPS signal from your phone, it shouldn't be long before we get a helicopter out to pick you up"

"Good, just hurry!" He tosses his phone aside as he works to free Calleigh from the ropes that bind her to the pole. Thet weren't budging,so he resorted to cutting them off with his pocket knife. Once she was in his arms, he layed her out on the ground carfully, taking off his shirt and pressing it to her wound to try and stop the bleeding until the paramedics arrive.