Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Horatio was thankful when he heard Calleigh's voice, even though it was a little strained.

"You'll be out of there in a minute Calleigh, just let me take care of this guy," he called to her. Then, he spoke to the man dressed in black, "Put the weapon down, now. Let's go. You don't have to do this. If you kill those people in that hole, or myself, you will be facing an immediate death sentence. Come on, you don't have to do this.." Horatio tried to talk the guy down, loosen him up a bit, but he wasn't biting.

"I don't think it's going to work like that, Horatio. You see, I have more to offer here, three lives, two of people you love and yourself. So, I think you are going to be listening to me. Put your gun down," he ordered. Horatio refused. He blindly fired a shot into the hole, not daring to take his eyes off of Horatio. The shot hit the dirt wall next to Calleigh's head.

"Calleigh! Eric!" Horatio called. He succumbed to the mysterious man's command, and carefully laid his gun down, sliding it over to him.

"Good, job. Now.. why don't you turn around and put your hands on your head." It was less of a suggestion, and more of a directive statement. Horatio glared at the man and turned around to carry out his command. Calleigh was starting to wake up a little, and became fully aware of her surroundings when she heard several gunshots and loud yelling. She listened until she heard the gun click. Jim had emptied his round into Horatio. Calleigh heard the loud noise of a body falling to the ground. Then, she saw Jim's head poke out from the top of the hole.

"Okay, sweetheart. We have to get you out of here," he threw a ladder down the hole and ordered he to climb up it. She did and he pulled it up after her. She saw Horatio's lifeless heap on the dirt floor of the shed. "Let's go... " He handcuffed her hands with a pair he found on Horatio, then, punched her in the face and knocked her out, again.. He dragged her to the cop car and shoved her in the backseat behind the metal grate separating the front and rear seats. He climbed in the front seat. The keys were left in the ignition, as Horatio was in a hurry to get to Calleigh and Eric.

((Don't worry... before you guys freak out, Horatio isn't dead.. He's like the man of steel! He's invincible! lol))
Delko started waking up and saw Calleigh climbing out.


But she was gone. He crawled over to Horatio and tended to his wounds.

"C'mon H. You gotta pull through for me."
((Hang on.. how did Eric get out of the hole? Jim pulled the ladder back up when Calleigh got up.. Horatio isn't in the hole, he's just lying in the floor, above the hole.))
((Oh. Is he? Whoops. Then, umm...Lemme just rewrite. :lol:))

Delko woke up and saw Calleigh climbing up.


He reached our for the ladder, but Jim pulled it up first and he missed.


He crawled over to the corner to see if his cell phone was still sending out the SOS signal, but he realized the bullet that Jim shot into the hole randomly, ricocheted and hit his phone.
(OH CRAP! lol Poor Horatio, and poor Delko.)

Calleigh woke up and looked to her left where she saw the bullet hole that had almost hit her head. She heard gunshots and someone fell to the ground. He told her to climb up the ladder, and in an attempt to not piss him off, and kill her and Eric as well, she climbed up, as she'd been told. It took her a considerable amount of time to get up the ladder since her leg felt like it was broken.

She got up the ladder and then found that Eric had woken up. "Eric!" she yelled, reaching down to him as if she could reach him. She was only dragged back, and she looked up to see Horatio lying seemingly lifeless on the ground. She immidiatly started screaming and resisting. She screamed and hollared but it was no use.

It was like everything was going in slow motion for Calleigh. She climbed up the latter, then saw Eric and cried out for him, then saw Horatio. At that point, her heart felt like it'd stopped. He was like the father she never had. She hoped that one day she would get married to Tim, and he would walk her down the isle. Now he did all this for her and was getting the worst of it. She screamed and kicked and resisted all she could, but she was only rewarded with a punch to the face. She felt blood in her mouth, and then everything went black. She'd been knocked unconcious again. Eric knew that she had been knocked out because the screaming and hollering she had been doing suddenly stopped, and now she was being dragged again.
((My goodness guys, I'm sooo sorry it took me this long to post back.

Alexx is at the hospital.. just about to check on Speed. ;)))

Alexx paced the floor of the waiting room immpatiently. She slowly wore a mark in the carpet. Finally, to her complete relief, a nurse called her and said that Speed was out of surgery and he was ready to have visitors. She followed the nurse to Speedle's room and cautiously entered. Alexx was worried about his state of mind and his coherency as to the situation dealing with Calleigh.

"Tim, baby, how are you feeling?" she asked as she approached his bed.


Horatio slowly opened his eyes.. he faintly heard a man's desperate cries for help. He couldn't remember anything.. He could barely move, it ached to simply lift his head to try to hear the gentleman better.

"Hello? Who's there? Who are you?" Horatio croaked. He still couldn't move. He tried to crawl to the place where he heard the voice coming from. That was when he saw all of the blood. He started freaking out, terrified of it. It wasn't until he saw the blood, that he felt the burning, agonizing pain in his back... there was also a dull pain in his lower stomach region. "What happened up here? Did you try to attack me? Who are you?" he called weakly into the hole. He had slowly made his way to the hole and was now looking down angrily at the person he thought was a stranger.


"So, Miss Duquesne," Jim said to the unconscious body in the back of the truck, "I guess you'll think again when you try to convict an innocent someone of a murder. Now, I killed your 'precious' lieutenant, left your friend, Eric, to die, and I'm going to kill you... what do you think of that?" Then, he answered himself, mocking Calleigh's voice, "Oh, I think it's a fantastic idea you have there, Mr. Jim. You're so smart. And handsome, I can't forget how handsome you are." He laughed at himself. He down a beer that had been sitting in the cupholder, and tossed the can in the back. It hit Calleigh and bounced off of her, making him chuckle. He drove until it was dark until he finally pulled off on the side of the road. He checked on Calleigh one more time before putting his mask back on and leaned back against the seat...
As Alexx approches Tim, he looks over at her with teary eyes and asks in a small voice, "Where's my Calleigh?"

His arm stings like hell, he can't remember what happened, only that his Calleigh was taken from him. He's on the verge of a total mental breakdown from losing her, letting someone take her away like that. He feels so responsible for what happened, it just isn't fair.
Calleigh had woken up in the back of the truck by the time he threw the beer bottle at her. She groaned a little and then felt the truck come to a stop. She wondered where she was, and what he was going to do to her. Right now he was just leaned back against the seat. What was going to happen? Was he going to hurt her again? Was he going to violate her in some way? She didn't care. As long as Tim was safe and in the hospital she really didn't care that she was going through hell right now.

She was worried about Eric, and sorrowful about Horatio. As he leaned back in the seat she cried, sobbing lightly. "I was just doing my job," she whimpered, not daring to move since it hurt so much. She swallowed roughly, and thought of how all of this was her fault. Horatio was dead because of her. Eric was in a hole left to die because of her. Tim was in the hospital because of her and Alexx was a worried wreck because of her as well. She had no one else to blame for their pain but her.
"H. It's me. Delko."

Eric tried to move to a spot with more light, so H could see him.

"H. Are you ok? Stay with me. You can't pass out on me. You're shot and losing blood. You need to stop the blood flow, so you won't lose anymore blood."
((Woah, wasn't Speed unconscious when Calleigh was abducted?))

Jim woke up to the sound of quiet whimpering in the back of his truck. He swiftly pulled the gun out of the front of his pants and pointed it at her.

"Be quiet girl, or I'll put a round in you like I did your pal Horatio.." he smirked evilly at her, slowly replacing his gun. "Hey, it's kind of chilly in the van, isn't it? Why don't I come back there and keep you warm?" He locked his gun in the glove compartment and started to climb in the back of the van. Calleigh realized what was going to happen, and struggled as much as the tight bounds would let her. During her struggle, one of her knees caught her captor in a 'sensitive' area and he doubled over. "You bitch! You stupid bitch!" he screamed. He slapped her hard in the face, leaving a dark red handprint on her delicate cheek. He jammed the car key into the ignition and started the climb up to the top of the mountain they had been sitting at the bottom of. He wanted to finish his plans, once and for all.. "You'll pay, just you wait. You will pay," he said, turning back to her.


"Delko? Who named you that?" Horatio looked at Eric, questioningly. Then, he slowly shook his head, trying to focus on his task at hand. "Hmm.. I have been shot. How can I be so sure that you didn't shoot me? Maybe that's the reason why you are in that hole, because I put you there for trying to kill me." Horatio had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't know if he could trust this 'Delko,' his intuition told him to trust him, but he still wasn't sure. He did agree with the man on one thing though, he had to stop the blood flow. He couldn't move any more, the talking and crawling wore him out. He rested his head against the cool ground ready to close his eyes for what may be the last time.
Calleigh was not about to let him do what he intended. She was always taught to figut off her predators, when she was little, through the academy, and Horatio sometimes told her too. So when he came back, she struggled all she could until she found the spot she was looking for. She sighed in relief, but immidiatly became scared again as he slapped her. She cried a bit and laid still in the back seat before regaining her ability to move, even if it hurt her.

She sat up and took a deep breath. What she was about to do was very risky and she wasn't sure if it would work. She sat foreward and brought the cuffs that she had on in front of her so that it was easier to move. She was about to move and attack her kidnapper, but he'd caught a glimpse of her in the rearview. He pressed on the brake and sent her forewards, but it was not as much of an impact than it was when she flung backwards again, hitting her head on the back of the van. She started to draw a bit of blood, and as he kept moveing up the hill, or whatever they were at, Calleigh fell to the side and was knocked unconcious yet again, only to wake up about ten minutes later to no knowledge of where they were or what he was going to do to her. She wished he would just end it already. She would much rather die than go through torture like this.
((Fantastic. lol))

Alexx let a small tear slide down her face as she looked at her poor friend and the pathetic way he asked her where Calleigh was. He was so lost without her. She didn't want to tell him what happened, but she knew she couldn't keep it from him. She reached up and gently wiped his tears away.

"Baby, it's okay, Calleigh is going to be just fine. Horatio and Eric went to get her back for us. They're bringing her back, okay, Timmy?" A few more tears spilled from her eyelids as she tried to reassure her friend. She was also trying to reassure herself. "You're going to be just fine, Tim. Please get some rest.."