Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh struggled the whole way to the shed. She had a whole bunch of scratches all over her face and everywhere else. Before she could even register where she was, everything went dark. She had felt a hard force hit her head, and she was immidiatly knocked out.

The next time she woke up, she found herself at the bottom of a very deep hole. There was nothing but dirt on the bottom of it, and her back and head hurt. Her arm felt like it was broken. She must have landed on it when she was thrown into the hole. Soon enough, water was thrown at her, causing her to shiver. She looked up at the man who'd thrown her in the whole, and listened to what he had to say. When he said that she tried to convict him, she narrowed it down to about ten guys who could be out of jail by now. She just hoped that her team found her before she died. She had to let Tim know that she loved him, just one last time. She wondered how he was doing. She'd seen him laying unconcious, but the blast wasn't enough to kill him. Eric was probably going wild looking for her, and if Horatio found out, which she hoped he didn't, becuase he needed rest, he'd try to get out of the hospital as soon as he could, which wasn't what Calleigh wanted for him.

No matter how much Calleigh thought, she couldn't figure out a way to get herself out of this hole. It was funny to her, becuase it was like she dug herself into it. Had she not been so focused on Tim, and what he was doing at all those crime scenes in the past, she might have been able to focus more on the evidence and put these murderers in jail for good. But unless she grew five feet in the next few hours, it didn't look like she was going to come out of this hole alive.
Eric answered his phone and barely recognized Horatio.

"Yeah. She was released Horatio. You should be resting. Get some sleep."

He hung up. He couldn't stand to tell Horatio she was gone. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an oil streak. He looked towards it and prayed that it led to Calleigh.
Horatio sighed and put the phone back on the table. He flinched as he sat all the way up and reached for the glass of ice water next to where he placed Calleigh's phone. He was feeling a little better, though the pain in his gut was hardly bearable.

Something unsettled him about Eric's phone call. Horatio thought that Eric would have told him where Calleigh was, or asked why he was using her phone, or even ask how he was feeling, but he didn't do any of those things. Horatio had half a mind to call him back, but then he saw nurses run by his room. Dr. Greider entered Horatio's room.

"Lietutenant, there has been an accident involving one of your men. Tim Speedle was caught between a bomb and Ms. Duquesne. He has a large piece of shrapnel in his arm from the frame around the door, but he should be out soon. I'll put him in your room after he's out of surgery. Ms. Duquesne is missing, Sir," she said. Then, she left sooner than Horatio could get a word in.

"Speed was hit by a bomber? What is going on? Calleigh, where is she?" the red head said out loud to himself. He immediately called Eric back.

"Eric, what is going on? Why didn't you tell me of Calleigh's disappearance? Is it the same guy that's been attacking her? I'll be at her place soon, I'm on Calleigh's cell phone." Horatio hung up with Eric before he could protest his decision on leaving the hospital. He took out the IV and got up out of the bed, trying to ignore the pain running through his body from his stab wound. He removed the hospital gown and slipped on his light blue shirt. He had a lot of trouble, but eventually managed to get into his black slacks. Horatio carefully put on his black suit jacket. He almost toppled into Alexx who was coming around the corner, on her way to his room.

"Horatio Caine! What are you doing? Surely you weren't released! Get back in that room, this instant," she said half worried, half angry.

"I don't think so, Alexx. I'm not going back in there to sit like a vegetable while the guy who kidnapped Calleigh is at large. She could be extremely wounded, not to mention what happened to Speed. Alexx, you know that if something worse happened to anyone on my team..." his voice trailed off. He balanced himself against the wall to catch his breath. Alexx saw the look in his eyes. There was no arguing with him when he was as determined as he was..

"Let me take you to her place. Eric and Frank are there," she said quietly. She grabbed one of his arms and helped him out to her car.
His phone rang, giving away his location, which was at the moment, hiding in bushes.

"Please don't say they heard that. Pleeease don't say they heard that."

He looks to see if they heard his cell phone going off.
After Speedles out of surgery, hes wheeled into the same room as Horatio was in.

The events before and during are flashing through his mind like a bad movie.

Tim was smiling at Calleigh and talking to her.

Calleigh handed him a key, Tim smiles.

Tim puts the key in the door and turns it....

Then it all goes blank.
His eyes slowly flicker open after what seems like hours.
((He is at the shed, but he is in the bushes. You are controlling the kidnappers, so you can choose whether or not they heard the cell phone and discover him. :)))
Caven was on his way back to mess with Calleigh's head a little more when he heard the distinct ringing of a cell phone. He carefully reached for his gun and shot at the bushes by the shed. He was prized with a loud yell. He also heard Calleigh scream from inside the shed. Jim made his way over to the bushes and yanked a bleeding Eric out from behind them. Blood was pouring from the new wound in Eric's right leg. He was losing a lot of the red liquid as it puddled around the place near him in the dirt that he was dragged into.

"Ooo, a through-and-through.. that must hurt like the dickens," Jim said admiring his shot to Eric's calf. Eric couldn't recognize him due to him being dressed in all black from head to toe, including leather gloved hands, as to not leave prints. "Well, you want to know where Calleigh is, I bet? I mean, that's why you're here, right? Okay, let me show you where she's at. Get up," he ordered. He had his gun pointed at Eric's head, forcing him to obey the command. Caven led Eric to the shed door. "Open it and look down that hole in the middle of the floor." Eric did as he was told with much reluctance. When he was standing by the hole, looking down at Calleigh, Jim kicked him in the rear, sending him sprawling into the pit. "Hope you enjoy that down there. Look what I brought you, Cal, a friend."
Calleigh heard a few shots ring out and she was terrified that it was one of her friends. A ear-shattering scream came from her as she thought whoever it was was now dead. She started to cry as she tried to figure out which one of her friends would be joining her in her ten foot deep grave. She hated herself for this. She got her friends in all sorts of trouble, and now one of them was probably dead.

Soon enough, she heard the shed door open. She looked up and saw Eric looking down at her, and then he was pushed in, and she reached her arms out, catching him, but falling to the ground beneath her under his force, groaning loudly. But at least she had broken his fall. She immidiatly crawled from under him and saw that he was shot. She whipped off her shirt, exsposing her white camisole underneath, and wrapped her shirt around his wound.

She looked up at the man who had thrown her down here. "You know, even after all of this is said and done, I'm still not sorry that I tried to convict you, and you know what? I'm sorry that I put you on trial and lost, becuase scum like you deserves to be rotting in jail. You can go ahead and kill me and all of my friends, but someone will take my place, and if you kill them, someone will take their place, and you'll just keep on adding murder counts onto your jail time, and soon enough, you're going to end up sitting your ass in jail, waiting on the chair."
As Tim takes in his surroundings, he realises hes in Calleighs old room. Minus Horatio.

He Presses the call button and waits as patiently s he can for the nurse to come in.
Eric pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and pushes a button, which sends out an SOS signal and then pushes it into a dark corner.

"I'm sorry Calleigh. I'm really sorry. I was just trying to help."

Calleigh started swaying back and forth in Eric's vision.

"I don't feel so good."

He passed out.
A short, stout nurse walked into Speed's room. She asked him what he needed, checking his arm wound, making sure it was clean and not getting an infection. Then, she looked over at where Horatio should have been.

"Sound the alarm! We have a patient on the loose! It's Lieutenent Horatio Caine! Someone, anyone, we have to find him!" The nurse ran out in an almost comedic fashion waving her hands above her head. Another nurse went in to check on Speed, asking him what he needed, rolling her eyes at the other nurse.

She ran into Alexx, soon enough. "Ma'am, please tell me you saw the lieutenant."

Alexx feigned surprise and anger. "What? You mean you lost him? How can you lose a patient?"

"I'm sorry, we'll find him, I promise," she said, skittering off to look for Horatio.

Alexx opened the door to the closet. Horatio came out of hiding. "Thanks, Alexx, I owe you one for that," he smiled.

"Yeah, and don't you forget it, but for now, let's get you over to Calleigh's house." She helped him hobble to her personal vehicle and she drove him to Calleigh's house. When they arrived, Frank and a few uniforms were there.

"Frank, what have you got for me Frank?" Horatio asked. Frank almost jumped out of his skin upon hearing Horatio's voice.

"Horatio, what are you doing? You should be in the hospital!" Frank said. He got a stern look from Horatio and immediately told him what he knew. He also explained that he hadn't seen Delko in a while either. Horatio took Calleigh's cell phone out of his pocket. He's about to dial Eric's number when he sees the SOS sent by his coworker's cell phone.

"Gentlemen, we need to trace this call. Alexx, I need you to lend me your phone. Then, take this one to Cooper back at the lab and call your cell phone when you got a place." Horatio and Alexx switched phones.

"Okay, I'll call you, Horatio. Please, be careful," she said, worried for all of her friends' safety. Horatio nodded reassuringly. As soon as Alexx was out of view, he collapsed. He was so tired and he was in so much pain. Frank was about to call the paramedics when Horatio waved him away, telling him he was fine and he just had to rest for a minute.

It wasn't before long that Alexx called him. The address was somewhere that wasn't too far from where they were, about 10 minutes driving distance. Without so much as a word, Horatio got into Frank's squad car and took off towards the address. When he got there, he realized he didn't have a weapon on him. He reached under the seat of the cop car and pulled a small pistol out from under it. He carried it with him as he slowly exited the vehicle. Horatio carefully walked around the shed, peeking in a large hole between the wooden slats. He saw a hole in the ground and used his intuition to guess that was where Delko's phone signal was emmitting from. He also saw the same man who attacked him, the one in all black, talking down into the hole. Horatio saw the man take out a gun, and had to go in before anyone got hurt.


"Bitch! You're going to pay for talking to me like that!" he reached for his gun and took his aim for her head. She winced as she heard a shot, but when she opened her eyes, it wasn't her who had been fired at.

"Horatio Caine... I was wondering when you would show up. It's about time you jumped in here, it was almost boring without you. You better becareful with that firearm, you might kill someone," Caven smirked.

"Calleigh, are you okay? Is Eric with you?" Horatio called from his place in the doorway of the shed.

((Is it okay that I threw Frank in there? I only needed him for a few posts. We shouldn't need him again, until the end, if they catch the guy.. hehe))
Calleigh cradled Eric's head in her hands as he passed out. She laid his head on her lap and stroked her hand through his hair. "Oh Eric, this is all my fault," she said, looking down at the man's face that lay before her. She let the tears fall down her cheeks as they came, and it wasn't until she heard a loud bang that she even moved an inch. She thought that her life was going to end when he pointed his gun at her, but she wasn't dead, and Eric wasn't either. She looked up and then heard Horatio's voice.

"Yeah, Horatio, we're here, please be careful," she said with a weary voice. She was terrified that the man was going to hurt her before Horatio could do anything about it, and she was terrified that something worse would happen, like Horatio getting shot. He'd already gotten himself hurt by protecting her once, and she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if it happened again. She looked back down at Eric and brushed some of the dirt off of his face. "All of this is my fault," she said as she continued to brush dirt off of him. The gash on her head was still bleeding from before, and she was starting to feel woosy. The last thing she remembered was looking down at Eric's face before falling to the side, unconcious from trauma to the head, and loss of blood.