Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

"Yes, anything for my Calleigh....." He gently places her down on the bed next to them.

He maskes sure she is completely comfortable before stting down again. He moves her hair out fo the way, then kisses her lips before sitting back down.

He feels his heart swell a little at the sound of Calleigh calling him 'baby' He loves the way it sounds, it's so sweet and so Calleigh-like.

(hahaha...kk, lol, soz about the time on this one, I was writng for like 3 minutes XD)
Calleigh smiled a little, and smiled as Tim pushed her next to Horatio's bed. She reached out her hand to Horatio, at the same time, holding Tim's hand weakly with her bad arm. She looked to Horatio and smiled sympathetically. She felt so bad that he did this for her. She felt responsible. "How are you doing Horatio?" she asked him lightly, hoping he was alright. "Thanks.....for what you did back there," she told him.
"Calleigh, how is your arm?" he asked, disregarding his own well being. He didn't care at how much pain he was in, as long as everyone on his team was safe. "You don't owe me thanks at all. I am sorry for what happened back there. It never should have gone that far." He winced slightly as he tried to get up. Alexx noticed.

"Okay, you need your rest. I think I'll be leaving soon, and you three should be heading out soon too. Horatio, sweetheart, I'm going to stay here tonight, out in the waiting room, so if anything happens, or if you need anything, you just let me know, okay?"

Horatio shook his head. He knew Alexx should get to her family.

"Don't you dare tell me not to stay at the hospital where two of my close friends are to stay the night. I'm not going for it," she said to Horatio. Then, she turned to the other three, raising an eyebrow. "I'll see you guys in a few minutes. Don't stay too much longer. He needs his rest."
Calleigh smirked a little at Horatio. He was always so caring and he always worried about her when he shouldn't. "Horatio, I'm fine, I swear, it's not me I'm worried about hun, I'm more worried about you. You didn't have to do that for me. That man was after me, not you, and you didn't have to protect me. I'm really grateful for that Horatio, you're like my angel or something," she said lightly as she squeazed his hand.
He smiles and says, Calleigh, "If you need anything, absolutely anything, do not hesitate to call me, Calleigh..." He trails off and looks over to his boss, "You too, Horatio."
"You are on my team. There is a stong plutonic love that I have for all of you guys, and I'm sure you know it. If I could do it again, Calleigh, I would, only better. You wouldn't have been hurt," he smiled at her. "An angel? Hardly..." He chuckled slightly at that, sadly remembering that he couldn't save his mother, or his brother, or... Marisol. He looked up at Tim, "Thank you."

"I mean it, guys. He really shouldn't be talking much!" Alexx's voice came from the hallway. Her head appeared in the doorway. "Horatio, stop talking, lay down, and go to sleep!" she said, emphasizing the last three words. "I'll see you tomorrow, dear."
Tim smiles at Calleigh, before turning to face Alexx, "I'll be out in a second, Mom!" He laughs before turngin towards Calleigh, leaning down and kissing her on the lips.

"I love you, Calleigh...."
Horatio laughed a little at Alexx, and then at Speed's smart remark. Then, he smiled as he watched Speed kiss Calleigh. He always knew the two would get together, it was only a simple matter of time.

"I'll see you later, Speed. Thanks for coming," he said, hoarsely. The nurse took out a tube in his throat before his team was allowed to enter. He turned to Calleigh, after they both watched Speed leave.

"So, how are you really? Are you doing okay?" He asked, focusing his attention on the blonde sitting before him.
Calleigh looked up at Tim, silently wishing Alexx hadn't suggested rest, but she was right, she did need to get some bedrest before she could take any more visitors. She kissed Tim back and looked up at him, cupping his cheek with her good hand. "I love you too Tim, so much," she said lightly.

Her attention then turned to Horatio, who seemed more worried about her than anyone else. She smiled a little and reached over, grasping his hand in hers. "I'm fine, how are you doing, are you in any pain?" she asked in a concerned tone.
(It'd be cool if Alexx and Speedle could have a little heart-to-heart convo? I've been itching to do a Alexx/Speed scene for a while...... :lol: Not what your thinking, you little pervert..... :lol: I mean like where Speed tells Alexx about all his feelings and what happened on that first 'fateful' night muahahahaha....lol)
((We'll have to work in the SC stuff a little later on in the convo though, she can't just come out and ask him.. haha Unless he wants to tell her.. ))

Alexx was leaning on the wall when she watched as Speed slowly trudged out of Horatio's room. He walked by her and she turned to walk with him toward the waiting room.

"So, how are you holding up? It's pretty crazy that the guy attacked both of them right in her house like that.." she asked, as they walked. They made it to the waiting room, and she attempted to get comfortable in a squishy chair.


"Oh, I'm fine, Calleigh. Please don't worry about me. Now, have you considered, maybe staying in the lab for a while, I mean, once you get out of here?" His blue eyes looked intensely at her. His mouth said he wasn't in pain, but his body language disagreed. She could tell his wound hurt, badly. He winced almost every time he tried to move, but he was worried about his 'Bullet Girl.' He couldn't lose her like he almost lost Speedle during that armored truck robbery. He felt so guilty, even though she was sitting, mostly healthy, in front of him.
(DISPO DAY! Love that eppy :D)

Calleigh smiled a little, and got over the railing of her bed and slipped into his. She lifted up the hospital shirt he had on, and looked at his wounds. She frowned when she saw them. She sighed and gently grazed her fingers over the bandages, making sure she didn't hurt him. She then reached up and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you're okay," she said lightly. "I'll stay in the lab, as long as you promise only to come back when you're fully ready," she told him as she laid her head down on his pillow.
He lets himself fall into the chair next to Alexx.
"I'm not holding up that good, t tell you the truth, Alexx....I'm putting up a strong front for Calleigh.....but I think she saw that I had been crying over her when she woke up in her hospital room before...." He has more to say, but he ran out of breath, so he takes a deep breath and says, "I know Calleigh doesn't like being forced to lean on someone for support or protection, Alexx, but I feel guilty that Horatio was the one to jump infront of the guy who tried to kill her, Not me..." His head hangs low as he finishes, barely holding back his tears, his body begins to shake.
He laughed inwardly at her motherly instincts when she kissed him on the cheek. It was like she was trying to make all of his pain go away with that simple gesture.

He flinched a little, as her hand ran carefully over his wound. Horatio was in so much pain, and the medicines the doctors were giving him weren't do anything for him, but he was stubborn. He wasn't about to readily admit to a friend, not to mention a friend who worked for him, that he was suffering the way he was. He was glad to hear that she would stay in the lab, but he couldn't make the promise to her about staying away from the lab until he was %100 ready. He couldn't do it, and there was no way it was going to happen. In his mind, Horatio was going to walk through those doors the same time Calleigh did, none of that "one week" crap the doctors were telling him. If Calleigh was getting out the next day, so was he. He didn't care that his wound was much more critical than hers, and that he probably should take advantage of the time he had to rest. All he cared about was getting the guy who attacked his CSI.

"We'll see, Calleigh, we'll see..." was all he said to her. He sat up a little to get a drink of the water that was laid out on the table next to him, but in his weak state dropped it on the floor. He slowly closed his eyes, waiting for one of the nurses to enter the room. They were most likely going to yell at him for moving. No one came in. He opened his eyes and looked around. He must have blacked out, because Calleigh had returned to her bed, and the water was cleaned and replaced with a new one. A sharp pain hit his side like a hundred wasp stings. He cried out loudly in pain. He looked down to see what was wrong. He was bleeding through his hospital gown and the thick hospital blanket that someone placed over him. His eyes bulged with horror. He tried to call out, but his voice was still weak and his mouth was very dry.


"Oh, Timmy, baby," Alexx got up from her seat and went around to Speed's. She squatted next to his chair and rubbed his back. "Tim, sweetheart. Everything is going to be fine, Calleigh is just feeling a little unsure of things. It'll work out, just give her a little bit of space. As for Horatio, don't feel guilty about that. He would jump in front of a speeding train to save a little girl's doll."