Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

((mmmhmmm......Tim doesn't trust anyone with regards to Calleigh.......I'm thinking of how ot edit it in somehow.....OMG......I thnk I'm going crosseyed... :lol:))
Calleigh was a bit startled as Tim came in and took over for Delko. She looked up at him, not sure what was going on for a second. When she finally realized that Tim was there, wrapping his shirt around her arm to help stop the bleeding, she reached out a bloody hand to his cheek, gathering up the strength to say something. "I love you," was all she could say before letting her hand drop, and her eyes close. She'd lost too much blood to stay consious anymore.

Alexx had gotten the call, and rushed through the door, and looked at Calleigh. With the amount of blood she lost, there was no way she could do anything about it now. In an attempt to slow the blood, she wrapped Calleigh's arm up in gauze after removing Tim's shirt, and it seemed to work a little bit, since she wasn't really bleeding through the gauze. The ambulance showed up and the paramedics took her. "Go with her Timmy," Alexx said lightly. "She needs you."
"I love you too. Calleigh." He mumbles as she falls unconcious.

All he wanted to do at the moment was go with her, he wouldn't not follow her even if his own life depended on it.

He follows the Paramedics to the hospital, where all he can do is watch the paramedics rush around her with sad eyes.

Drab white walls and the smell of antiseptic is getting to him way quicker than he thought. No windows, not even a TV. He's in Calleighs room, she made it out of surgery and at the moment, she's unconscious.

"Oh, Calleigh.....baby.....I love you so much..." He whispers as he takes a hold of the hand attatched to her good arm.
Calleigh had been asleep for what seemed like forever. She wanted to rest, but when she felt Speed's hand in hers, she didn't feel so inclined to rest anymore. She fought hard to open her eyes, and after a while, she did. She'd heard what he said to her, and she thought it was extremely sweet. "Tim?" she asked in a hoarse voice. She squeazed his hand, letting him know she was there.
He squeezes back, smiling widely.
He was crying whe she was asleep, which Calleigh has never seen him do and it's evident in his rich chocolate brown eyes.
He moves his chair a little closer to her bedside and replies to her, brushing some of the hair out of her eyes, "Yeah, Calleigh, I'm here.....I love you."
Calleigh looked over at him and smiled a little when she saw his chestnut brown eyes. They were red and puffy, he must have been crying. She took her hand away from his and reached up to stroke his cheek lightly with her thumb, though her hand was a little shakey from the loss of blood. "I love you too Tim," she told him softly, voice barely above a whisper.
He puts his hand over hers to stop the shaking.
He smiles agains and says, "You're so beautiful, Calleigh...." He really couldn't help it if she was.

He breathed in a huge sigh of releif whenn he felt her squeeze his hand, he was quite simply over joyed. He did think she was going to die, and that scared him.
((Well... I just have one thing to say.. Poor Horatio! lol Thanks for taking over for me Wyoming! :)))

The paramedics rushed into the house. Several surrounded Horatio, while two took a look at Calleigh's arm. A female nurse gently talked to her and told her she would be fine.

Horatio was taken to the hospital and immediately taken into surgery. It was hours before anything was heard about him, as his team waited anxiously to hear about his or Calleigh's operations. Finally a nurse walks out. The people who were sitting, rose as soon as she entered the room, and the ones standing leaned intently in, in anticipation of the hearing of the health of their friends and coworkers.

"Ms. Calleigh Duquesne is out of surgery," she replied flatly. "If anyone would like to visit her, she may have one visitor at a time." She waited until they chose who was to go. Everyone stared expectantly at Tim, he followed the nurse passed the double doors that led to Calleigh's room.

It was several hours later, when someone finally came out to discuss Horatio's case. A short, portly woman came out with a clipboard. Again, the group stood to hear what she had to say about their boss.

"Hi, I'm just letting you know that Lieutenant Horatio Caine is finally out of surgery. Everything went well. He's actually awake, and is asking to see his team of CSIs. I guess I can let more than one of you in. You're all people of the law. I'm sure my manager won't say anything. Please becareful though, he's still in critical condition. He might tell you he's fine, but don't let him fool you. He's in a lot of pain, so please don't overstay your welcome in there. He needs a lot of rest, " She waited for anyone to let her lead him/her to his room.
Tim faintly hears the news about Horatio being awake and he smiles.


One of the nurses walk over to Alexx and says, "Horatio wants to see you, Ms. Woods."

She walks Alexx back through the doors, when she walks past, she sees Calleigh stroking Tims tear-stained face, and tim holding hr shaking hand still.


Tim waves to Alexx with his free hand, smiling the first genuine smile to find his lips since this whole fiasco began. He mouths, "Give horatio my best." before diverting his attention back to Calleigh.
Meanwhile Delko sits in the waiting room.

"I know Tim is with her, but I can't help but be worried."

He puts his head in his hands and patiently waits.
Tim smiles at Calleigh, wondering what she's thinking.

"Hey, Calleigh...?" He asks her, wondering if she'd be comfortable with him out of the room.
Calleigh looked up at him and smiled a little when she felt his hand over his. She looked up as Alexx walked past. She wondered how Horatio was. She hoped that he wasn't hurt too bad, for his sake, and for hers. "I want to see Eric," she said lightly, knowing he was probably out in the waiting room, worried sick. She knew that Tim wanted to go see Horatio. "Send Eric in and you go see how Horatio is. Send him my love," she said lightly.