Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

He was a little hurt. Scratch that, alot hurt.

He smiles at her, his heart lurched forward at this, but he tried his best not to let it show in hs eyes.

"Would you like to be left alone, Calleigh?" He questions, not really wanting to stay in the same room as the increasingly angry Blonde, Just incase she tries to have a go at him.
Calleigh shook her head as her lip quivered. She was supposed to be this strong, independent girl, and now she felt like she couldn't even walk out of the building without getting hurt.........let alone walk. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying, but it didn't work. "No, Tim stay, please, I need you," she said as she started to let the tears fall down her cheeks. "I'm sorry," she said as she trained her eyes on the floor.
His mouth drops open.

'Calleigh's crying because fo you, stupid fool'says the evil voice inside his head.

Then a strangely Alexx like voice floats through his head saying, 'It's not your fault, it never was. You should try to make her feel better.......mail order a pink bike helmet or smething...anything.' The voices are fading out as he sits down again next to Calleigh, he lets his hand hover near her cheek for a second. Not sure whether it'll make her feel worse or better.
Calleigh looked up at him, and then sniffled a little. She took his hand and put it on her cheek, then nuzzled her cheek against it. She swallowed hard and then reached up to give him a light kiss. "I just want to go home Tim," she said lightly as she leaned against him. "But I can't, that damn man is after me and I can't do anything about it," she told him. "Why is it always me?" she asked herself, not meaning for Tim to hear it.
He rubs his thumb getly against her cheek, then he hears her say that. 'why is it always me?' Tim could sat the same thing about himself actually. Instead of speaking, he just wraps his arms around her and hugs her, sniffing that uniquely Calleigh scent as his chin rests on her head.
((I'm playing the shooter, and subbing for BT as Horatio, as well. :)))

The shooter was lurking around the building, waiting for one of the maintenance men to have to leave the shift, or take the garbage out. He was just about to attack an innocent man, when a silver Hummer pulled up to the curb. A tall, redhead got out. He recognized him as one of Calleigh's coworkers. His name was Horatio Caine. He got away with that one, now it was time to test out his abilities, and try to get away with killing someone of the law... namely, Calleigh Duquesne. Horatio walked toward the man who he knew as Jim Caven, the one whom Calleigh tried to convict of murder.

"Jim Caven," Horatio said sternly. "What are you doing here?"

"Ahh, the great Lieutenant Horatio Caine.. wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes, I would. Why don't you come inside and explain yourself?" Horatio sneered.

"I think I just might do that," he said, as he walked in the direction of the doors to the lab. Horatio followed him into the building.

They walked passed the room where Calleigh and Tim sat. She saw him, but didn't recognize him as the shooter, or the man who put the knife to her neck.
(Nice post CC :D}

Calleigh hugged him tightly, and looked up as Horatio walked by, and some other man that she knew she saw somewhere before, but couldn't put a name to a face. She let it go for now, seeing as Horatio was with him, so he must have been there for a good reason.

"I'm sorry for being like this Tim," she told him. "I just don't feel like myself today. I'm not used to having a killer after me," she said with a small giggle, trying to make a joke out of it. But the giggle was fake, the smile was fake, and the sense that she was even the tiniest bit happy was fake as well.
Tims body tensed up as that man walked past, even with Horatio in tow.

He slowly looks down at Calleigh, smiling.

"Don't ever, ever be sorry....I understand what you're going through, I really do, and I'm trying to help you get through it."

He doesn't laugh at all at her, he just leans in and places a tender, loving kiss on her lips.
[Thanks Wyoming.. I have big plans for Calleigh.. big plans :devil:]

Horatio escorted Jim into an interrogation room.

"Have a seat here," he motioned at the chair across from him, seated at a desk. Jim sat down. "So, you were going to tell me what you're doing here. Why don't you go ahead and do that." It was more of a statement than a question. Horatio's eyes narrowed on Jim as he began to talk.

"Oh, I just stopped by to see how Ole Duquesne was doing. Her and I go way back, you know.. I was going to see if she wanted to take me out for coffee or something. You know, make up for trying to pin that murder on me," he said with a thick New York accent.

"Some how, I doubt that. What were you doing here? Let me ask you another question. Where were you today at approximately 3:00 this afternoon?" he pressed.

"Oh, let's see... where was I at 3:00? Hmm..." Caven dragged on and stalled until he didn't think Horatio could stand it any longer. "I was at my buddy's house, talking about the football game last week.. Steelers versus the Dolphins.. it was tense. Did you watch that game, H? I mean, that's what they call you around here, isn't it? H.. that's got a funny ring to it," he pondered the letter, letting it roll off of his tongue a few more times before Horatio interrupted him.

"That's enough. It would be wise of you to never call me that again. Thank you. If you aren't going to talk, then get out of here, but remember this.. I will get you." Horatio knew that guy had to be taken off the streets, he just wasn't sure how yet.

Jim got up and walked out of the room. He passed by where Calleigh and Speed were resting in the lounge. He stopped and pressed his face against the glass. That was when Calleigh got a better look, and recognized who he was.. He smiled evilly at her, before turning on his heel and strolling out the front door. He headed toward his Mercedes and drove away, to his friend's house, to make sure he had a solid alibi.
(Very nice post CC, love the length and content)
Calleigh looked over Speed's shoulder as she pulled away from his kiss. She gasped and stumbled backwards, falling onto the couch with a yelp of pain as the side of the couch hit her wound. She felt a tingle of pain all thorugh her leg, and up to as far as her waist. She called out for Alexx, needing something to numb this pain. She was whimpering and crying because of it, and she was scared that he was going to come after her again. "Get Horatio in here, now!" Calleigh demanded, hoping Horatio heard her from wherever he was.
Eric heard a commotion coming from the break room and ran in there.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Eric has concern plastered across his face.
((Ooo. I love playing H, but as you all know, I'm only subbing until BT enters in.. I wonder where BurntToast is, anyway...))

Horatio heard Calleigh's cry of pain and was in the lounge almost as soon as she yelled his name.

"Calleigh, are you okay? Speed, what happened in here?" Horatio asked. He aided Speed as they slowly helped Calleigh get back up and into a sitting position on the couch. Horatio whipped out his cell phone and jabbed a few numbers before saying, "Alexx, yeah, it's Horatio. Do you have a minute? We're in the lounge, thank you."

Moments later, Alexx was in the lounge. "Calleigh, girl, what happened to your poor leg? I'm going to have to restitch this.. you tore them when you did whatever it was that you did. Which was...?" she looked up at Calleigh from her kneeling position on the floor.
(She tends to go MIA for a while sometimes)

Calleigh was biting her lip, trying not to cry out in pain. She watched as Horatio and Speed put her back into a sitting position, one arm around Speed, and another tightly around Horatio. A minute later, Alexx came in, and could see her face pale when she said that she would have to restitch them. "I saw......" she started, and didn't want to finish. "That guy....the one who walked, I couldn't pin him for murder and he said he was going to come after me, I saw him!" Calleigh said, panicking. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute. "Why was he in here?" she asked, tears threatening. She looked up at Eric, sniffling lightly. "I don't feel safe anywhere, I just want to go home," she told everyone.
"Well, Ma'am. I'm going to be keeping a very close watch on this guy. He said he wanted to come and see you, I'm sorry you saw him. I tried to prevent that from happening. I didn't realize you were in the lounge where he could come in contact with you. My deep apologies, Calleigh. I'm glad you're deciding to take the rest of the day off. It will be good for you. If you would like, I'll arrange police protection at your house," he offered gently.
"Calleigh......I'm starting to think you just need ot be with Horatio here now....... I'm going DNA to annoy Valera now, you need time away from me, I'm bad luck......sorry Calleigh..." He gets up and goes ot find Valera