Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh watched as Tim left her to go find Valera. She sighed a little, missing his touch already. She wathced as Horatio sat down next to her, and Eric on the other side. She rested her head against Eric's shoulder, seeking comfort from someone. "Can someone just take me home please?" she asked softly. She wasn't safe anywhere anymore, she might as well be in her own home.
"Calleigh, if you would like, I'll drive you home. You never answered me, would you like for me to set up police protection for you, Calleigh?" Horatio was visibly worried about his ballistics expert.

((Sorry about the short post.. I know it's rare from me.. :p))
Eric hugged Calleigh as a friend.

"I'm worried about you Calleigh. I don't know when this guy is gonna show up. You need that police protection, but in the end it is up to you and Tim."
Calleigh leaned into Eric, glad that he was there for her at the moment. "Yeah, I want someone there, but this guy is powerful, and he's going to do whatever it takes to get to me. So whoever you guys send, make sure they're good," she said softly, hugging Eric tightly. She could tell that all of them were concerned for her, and she was glad they were here. "Eric, can you help me get up?" she asked lightly. "I just want to go home...please."
"Alright, let me go make a few calls, and I'll take you there myself. Eric, I still need you to go back and analyze the scene where that young girl was found. I would feel safer, for Calleigh's sake, if I went to check things out," he said to Eric, then he turned to Calleigh, "I want to make sure the place is safe when you get there. I'll met you out at the Hummer," Horatio left the lounge and went to his office where he could make the calls about getting some uniforms at Calleigh's house.

Horatio walked out to the large silver vehicle and saw Calleigh sitting in the passenger's seat. He climbed in.

"Okay, everything's all set," he said, trying to cheer her up a little. He could tell it wasn't working. She nodded and gave him a weak smile. The ride to her place was quiet, except for the Mozart Horatio had playing in the backround, and even that was barely audible. They got to her house and neither one got out right away. Horatio and Calleigh finally looked at each other before removing their seatbelts and climbing out.

"Okay, everything looks good. The police should be here in a few minutes, okay? Calleigh, everything is going to be fine. I'm going to take care of this," he said as his intense blue eyes tried to study her scared green ones.

"Hey, Horatio... you should have called the cops a little earlier. I slid right through here, just now," came a man's gruff voice. Horatio turned around in horror when he saw a man dressed all in black. He wore black pants and a black sweatshirt as well as dark sunglasses and leather gloves. He also had on a black ski mask. No part of his skin was visible. He lunged at Calleigh, but Horatio intercepted him.

"You have to go through me to get to her, you twisted bastard," Horatio said.

"Well, old man, that shouldn't be too much of a problem," the man chuckled. The two struggled with each other, both being stronger than the other anticipated. Several punches were exchanged, blood squirted from noses and mouths. Suddenly, for no visible reason, Horatio fell to the ground, clutching his side. Calleigh couldn't get a good view until he moved his arms to assess his situation. He had been brutally stabbed with a long rusted switchblade.

"Calleigh... run..." he managed to mumble before passing out completely. Calleigh immediately heeded to his advice, but not before the man managed to cut her forearm deeply with his blade.

The invader was gone before the police came in, guns drawn, to see what was going on in her house. They saw Horatio lying on the floor, unconscious, and Calleigh lying on her couch holding her wound, crying out.

"Ma'am, what happened in here? We just arrived and we heard someone cry out," the first cop said. He then proceeded to yell into his walkie talkie that there was an officer down and they needed immediate medical assistance. "Ma'am, are you okay? We're getting paramedics here right now. Tell me, what's going on? What happened here?"

((I told Wyoming this already, but for those who don't know, I'm going on a trip this weekend, and I won't be back until Sunday. I hope you enjoyed the post. :) I tried to set it up so that the attacker won't have to appear for a while and Horatio is off in the hospital somewhere and he'll just stay there until I get back, or BT takes over. Someone will have to take over for Alexx though. Best of luck to you, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.. :lol:))
Calleigh held her arm, not even sure of what to tell the police officers. "Horatio, he needs help, please," Calleigh said, clutching her arm, but she was the last thing she was worrying about. "I need Tim Speedle and Eric Delko here, immidiatly," she said. She was bleeding immensely, and she was starting to feel dizzy. There was a deep gash all along the length of her forearm, and she was losing a lot of blood, real fast. She was sure that both hers, and Horatio's wounds would end up infected because of the rust on the blade, and she didn't know how well that was going to turn out. Either of them could end up with some kind of disease. But she didn't have much time to think about it, because soon enough, she lost two pints of blood, causing her to faint quickly.
((Ooo.. This is so good! I love it! I'm in the darn thing, and I still can't wait to find out what happens next! Have fun this weekend, everyone. :D :D ))
Eric got the call and rushed down there.

"Oh my God. Calleigh. What happened?"

He ran to her side and saw she was out cold.

"C'mon Calleigh. You've gotta wake up. Tim needs you."
Calleigh heard someone beside her, and it took almost all of her energy to wake herself up. "Eric?" she asked in a whisper, her eyes were not open. "Horatio needs help," she said, reaching out for him, but not finding him. She wasn't scared for herself at all. She could very well be getting a disease from the rust but she didn't care, Horatio needed to be taken care of first.
"I'm not going to Horatio. I'm focused on you."

He took off his shirt, leaving him in a wifebeater and applied pressure to her wound.

"Stay with me Cal. You can't leave me or Tim. He needs you. He loves you."
For the first time, Calleigh started crying, feeling the pain of his pressure on her gash. It hurt like hell, and she tried to stifle her cry of pain, but it didn't work. She screeched out as the pain flooded through her body, making it known to everyone in the house that she was in a hell of a lot of pain and she wasn't going to hide it. "Eric, it hurts so bad," she told him as she opened her eyes, and saw him in only a wife beater. She couldn't help but get distracted for just a minute, but the pain sooned returned, sending another wave of pain through her arm, and through her body. She reached out her good arm to him, grabbing his upper arm and squeazing tightly, helping her cope with the pain that she was feeling at the moment.
Eric felt her squeeze and felt a tear slide down his cheek in guilt.

"I'm sorry that I'm hurting you Calleigh. I...I didn't mean to."

He wiped her tear away and then lightly smiled at her.
Tim was walking past her appartment, considering if he should go in and talk to her and he heard the commotion, (this is after he walked right past Valeras lab, not trying to talk to her, just wanting an excuse) , and he yells, "Calleigh!" before running back to find Calleigh bleeding heavily, he rushes to her side, pushing Delko out of the way and asks, "What happened here? are the paramedics coming? You're going to be alright, Calleigh.........You've got all of us here to support you.....Even me."

He gives her a crooked smile, he takes his shirt off and wraps it around her arm in attempt to stop the bleeding. After he takes Delkos shirt off of course. And Tim isb't wearing anything under neath the shirt, as he wasn't wearing a suit, so she now comes face-to-face with his bare chest.

He's getting impatient, so he barks at the officer, "Go get Alexx Woods immediately! Go on before I get the sherrif to fire your sorry ass!"

(the come back for Timmy Speedle :lol:)