Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

He looks up at the same time and waves with Calleigh, and gives her a loving look. His eyes could not possibly be any more 'puppy like' or any cuter at the moment. He was filled with pure glee, but something wasn't sitting quite right with how she responded to him about their dreams. He decides to let it slip this time, Calleigh has been through enough.
Delko saw Calleigh and walked up to her.

"Ok. I have to ask, since noone will tell me and I seem to be the last one out of the loop. What's going on with you and Speed?"
Calleigh stood up and then looked down at Speed, who was on the couch behind her. "Kinda obvious Eric, don't ya think?" she asked with a giggle. She looked up at him and then bit her lip. "Speed and I....we're together," she told him honestly. "And before I forget........." she said, then reached up and gave Eric a kiss on the cheek, and a hug. "Thanks for being there for me at the scene," she told him, pulling away and looking to him again. "It meant more than you know."
He gave Calleigh a friendly hug.

"It was no problem Calleigh. You and Speed are both my friends and I am here for both of you. And I am very happy for you both."

He smiled and then started to walk away, but turned back.

"Oh, and before I forget, Horatio wanted to talk to you about giving statements."
(that's kk, I'm on the RP anyways XD)

As soon as Delko's gon, Tim places a sweet kiss on Calleighs lips, catching her off guard.

He's reminded of all the times they spent as a couple, even though not long and his most memorable feeling whatever was stirring inside him as Calleigh tightened her grip around his waist as he drove them to her beach.
Calleigh gasped a little when she felt Speed's lips on hers, but she soon relaxed as Delko left. She'd thanked him and nodded at what he said about Horatio and was about to answer back but Speed had a diffrent plan. She wrapped her arms around him and then pulled away. "I want to go back to the beach," she said softly, putting all of her weight on her good leg, since she couldn't stand on the other.
'I want to go back to the beach.'

'Oh.' Is all he can think at the moment. She wants to go to an open place, where could just as easily be killed as walk away without a scratch? "Calleigh, it's an open area. what if he follows us?. I don't want to take that risk with you. You mean too much to me."

He's gone into an over-protectve mode. He doesn't want her to get hurt, even if it means not taking her to the beach.
Calleigh's spirit immidiatly faded. "I forgot," she said lightly as the sparkle that was in her eyes dimmed just a bit. She limped back to the couch and sat down. "What am I supposed to do until he's caught, just sit here in fear? I can't do that Tim, I'm Bullet Girl, I don't get scared," she told him. She just wasn't used to being defeated.
"Heyy......." He says, thinking of a careful reply, "You should not be sitting here in fear........I'm scared too, but don't let it get you down, I'm here for you, and you know that," He smiles at her supportvely, "and I love you Calleigh......" He kisses her on the cheek, before drawing her in for a hug.
Calleigh sighed and leaned into him. "I know, and I love you too....but I'm just not used to this. I'm not used to depending on someone else, and to tell you the truth, I don't like it, I'm just not used to it, and it makes me feel weak," she told him in all honesty. "I just want to be able to go somewhere without having to watch my back."
He smiles.

"You could always go down to your lab and show me your guns....." He trails off and he looks like a shy little boy the way he looks at her, "Only if you want, of course."

She had to like that idea.....Ballistics was basically her life. That and trying to stay on top of everything she does.
Calleigh would normally jump at the idea, she loved her guns, and she always showed them off when she had the chance, but not today, not when she was this down. She shook her head and laid her head back on the couch. "I want to go get this guy," she said softly. "But two bullets to the leg is preventing me from doing that," she said to herself. She got angry and turned to punch the back of the couch, grunting as her hand sunk into the soft fabric, and then ripped it a little bit. She knew that Tim was trying but she really just wasn't herself today.