Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

((yes, they are back at HQ, Tim drove them back before :))

As Tim drifts off, he manages a small, "I love you, Calleigh" before falling alseep completely. He's just as happy, just as content as she is at the moment. While he's sleeping, he dreams of various Calleigh-themed things, including them walking down their beach, hand-in-hand. Little did Speedle know, but he had the tiniest of smiles creeping across his features as he slept. anyone who walked past would have reasonable doubt to think he was dreaming of something other than work.......;)
((Thanks. :) Time in.))

Alexx saw the two through the glass windows. She didn't want to wake Tim, but she knew it was time to check on Calleigh's leg. She slowly crept in.

"Hey, how are you doing Baby? Is that medicine I prescribed working for the pain?" she whispered to Calleigh, trying to stay quiet, for Tim's sake. "Look at that boy, he's got that silly grin on his face.. wonder what he's thinking about," she quietly giggled as she hinted to Calleigh.

She got down on her knees and unwrapped the bandages she had put on Calleigh's leg hours before, when she was shot.
The stitches she had used to sew her leg back together after digging the bullets out, were holding together nicely, all she had to do was clean the wound.
Calleigh smiled a little as Alexx walked into the room and woke her up. She moved her leg foreward a little so that she didn't wake up Tim by having to shift, and Alexx could get to it. It hurt like hell but she wasn't about to admit that. "It's working okay," she answered. She smiled when she started talking about Tim. As soon as it had presented itself on her face, it had faded away. "I'm afraid I won't be able to protect him Alexx. If he dies by trying to protect me I'll never be able to forgive myself," she said lightly. She was glad Alexx was here, she'd wanted to talk to her for a while now. She just hoped Tim wasn't faking his slumbersome face and listening in.
((If you ask any one of my friends, they'll tell you I'm a bad advice giver.. I don't know, it's just not one of my things.. I always end up saying the wrong things.. lol That's why I chose Alexx.. as a little bit of a challenge. I hope I do okay, let me know otherwise.. :)))

"Oh, Baby.. it's going to be okay. If Tim dies trying to protect you, that means he loves you to the end of the earth. It will be his choice to take the hit for you. Only his, and if that day ever comes, you will honor him, because of the person you are. Just because you break away from him, doesn't mean he'll love you any less, in fact, if it's at all possible," she smiled at that, "he'll love you even more."
Calleigh started to get a bit teary as Alexx told her all this. "It doesn't matter how much he loves me, I know he loves me and always will, it's the fact that he's not going to be here, and I am. I'm going to live the rest of my life without him. I can't do that Alexx, I can't live life without Tim Speedle," she said softly as she took a deep breath and rested her arm over his, which was securely wrapped around her waist.
"I don't even know why we're talking about this at all. There won't be any reason at all for him to jump in front of bullets for you. You're safe, honey. And you know that our guy Horatio will do whatever it takes to get that guy. He won't let him get you. None of us will," she smiled at her gently.
Calleigh sighed a little and nodded. Alexx was right. She was here in the lab, and she was surrounded by people she trusted, and more importantly, people with guns. She had Tim behind her, who had his arm securely wrapped around her, giving her the safest feeling of all. She smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Alexx," she said softly as she rubbed the back of Tim's hand with her thumb, just wanting to know he was there. "What do you think he's dreaming about?" she asked with a giggle.
Tims goofy little smile grew just a little more as his dream changed from them *making out* against a wall to her walking down the aisle at their wedding. He couldn't help but have big dreams and hopes for the love of his life, Calleigh Duquesne. He stirrs slightly and slowly opens his eyes, saying "Hi Gorgeous" to Calleigh, and a cute little, "Oh, Heyyy....Alexx" to the Miami-Dade dayshift coroner.
Calleigh smiled a little when Tim woke up. She turned on her back and then looked up at Tim. Her heart swelled when she first caught sight of his eyes. He looked so happy. "Did you have a good nap?" she asked lightly as she gave him a small kiss on the cheek. She turned to Alexx again and smiled. "Can you send Horatio in when he gets here Alexx? He probably wants a statement," she said lightly, then turned back to Tim. She caught sight of his eyes again, and she swore that every time she saw them she melted into them. It took all of her strength not to kiss him right in front of Alexx.
With his arms still wrapped protectively around her waist, He replies with a slightly groggy, but other wise very happy tone, "Yeah, it was the best, Calleigh....." He trails off and leans in closer to her and says in nothing above the slightest whisper, "All my dreams had you in them, Calleigh........"
Alexx smiled at Calleigh. "He's probably dreaming about the gorgeous, smart, blonde in his arms right now." As if on cue, Speedle woke up with a goofy grin on his face.

She stood up to go back to her lab, leaving the two love bugs together. She stopped by Horatio's office to see if he was in there doing paperwork, to tell him about getting a statement, as Calleigh had suggested. He wasn't in there. She wondered where their lieutenant was, as she continuted on her way back to post.
Delko popped in front of Alexx.

"So...What's up with Tim/Calleigh. I know you know. I saw you talking to them."

He smiled at her, a curious hunger in his eyes.
"Well, Baby.. that's for me to know, and you to find out," she teased him, laughing at the expression on his face. "Don't give me that look. You're just going to have to go in there and ask them yourself.. I've still got that high school DB to check out. I'll call you guys when I get something. Oh! When you see Horatio, tell him Calleigh wants to see him about giving statements. I'm surprised Stetler isn't banging down the door trying to get them. Anyway, I'll talk to you later, Sweetie." She waved a small goodbye as she turned the corner heading down to the morgue.
Delko frowned.

"Ok. See ya later."

Delko attempted to track down Calleigh and wandered around the lab attempting this feat.
Calleigh smiled a little and kissed him lightly when he told her about his dreams. "That's very sweet," she said lightly. She couldn't tell him about her dreams because her dreams weren't of the romance nature, they were just flashbacks of what happened, and what could happen if she wasn't careful. It was nothing she wanted to share with Tim.

She looked up and saw Delko wandering the halls, and wondered if she was looking for them. "Eric!" she yelled, catching the young Cuban's attention. She smiled to him a little and waved, knowing he was trying to find her most likely to catch up on the gossip of the two. The lab was like highschool, news travled fast.