TalkCSI: RolePlay

"Both were shot right in the chest. It appears that it was not close range. I got the bullets extracted for you to analyze. I think you may've gotten lucky. It looks like the shooter was a bit careless and in one of his shots his finger got too near to the barrel and it knicked his finger, leaving some DNA on the bullet. Hopefully it matches someone. Oh....COD is of course the bullet shots. I estimate TOD to be about 5 hours ago."
Nicole shook herself out of her daze, "Oh Thank's Doc. I better get the DNA to the lab and the bullet to ballistics." Nicole noticed the way the doctor was looking at her, even though she thought she had hid her recent mood changes, but it seemed that she was wrong.
"No, it's fine," Alyssa said, the happiness gone from her voice for the first time in a long time. "I'll just see what's wrong when we get there." Her heart was racing as the thoughts of what could be wrong swirrled in her head. Sick, in pain, worried, nervous, brain tumor, eye infection, stomach ache, hairline fractures to the skull, alergies, abuse.. "Alyssa, stop it," she murmured to herself as they cruised out of the parking lot and down the street, taking a few turns and soon arriving at Alyssa's small house on Treetop Ave.
Nicole gathered the evidence to take to the DNA Lab and ballistics.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks again Doc." Even though she knew the doctor wasn't convinced.

* * * *
I hate being short staffed, Nicole told her self. As if right on cue the machine beeped on the third DNA sample and surprisingly all three had records and all three were in the system. Nicole printed out the findings and headed to the crime scene.

Nicole saw Khan standing at the side of the crime tape, leaning against a telephone pole.

"Sorry I'm late, Khan, but I've got a good reason. The two victims, Alex Williams 21, priors for stalking an ex girlfriend and Dwayne Henderson, priors for rape. Doc found skin on one of the bullets, no match for either victims, but there is 13 markers in common, he's most likely the brother of our suspect." He took the papers out of her hand gave her a smile and headed back to PD.

Nicole walked around the scene, pulling some bullets out of a telephone pole. She found a gun wrapped up in a bloody rag like material, took a photo of it and placed it in an evidence bag. Near the gun, there was a fairly fresh tire tread, she took a picture of it and then used the Electrostatic Print Lifter to get a print. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see and that's when a rag was placed over her mouth and everthing went dark.
Sara hopped out of the car and looked up at Alyssa's house. It was a small home, but was pretty, and being small suited the exterior. Sara didn't have to wait for Alyssa to get out of the car, she was alreay half-way up the walkway. Sara followed, she desperately hoped that Hannah was alright.

Sara didn't know Hannah that well, she had only met her once at a family dinner for the lab, Alyssa's family came. Sara went to the dinner alone, she didn't know where any of her family was, because she ran away from them after college.
Alyssa bolted from the jeep and ran to catch up with Sara. She pulled open the door, letting it bang against the white siding. She rushed up the stairs and into Hannah's room, the soft yellow walls that were supposedly "calming" and pale green flowers that danced across a white border, and ontop of the white streak along the middle of the wall.

Sitting the the rocking chair in the corner of the room was a tall, light haired man with big green eyes. He was frantically taking the small girl's temperature, all wrong, mind you. Alyssa burst in and kissed him on the cheek, taking Hannah from his arms and kissing her all over.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay. Mommy's here, shh," Alyssa cooed to the infant who was clutching at her feet and curling up into a ball. "Is it gas, honey. Momma burp you?" Alyssa lifted the dark-haired infant to her shoulder and patted her gently on the back. Hannah let out a loud beltch and stopped crying immeditey. She fell asleep as Alyssa layed her in her arms and rocked her back and forth.
Sara was leaning against the door to the yellow room. She watched as Alyssa settled the little girl with ease. Sara smiled as she watched the tired Hannah drift to sleep.
Nicole awoke from her forced slumber. She tried to move, but she was completly tied up. She blinked a couple times trying to get her eyes accustomed to her surroundings. She smelt what seemed like hay somewhere near her. She did the only thing she could do...screamed.



'Where am I? Do they know I'm missing? Is anyone looking for me?' She let the thoughts take over. 'Who did this? Please find me soon.' She pleaded with herself.
((I know coroners never get any action, but I feel like being the exception. lol))

Hibachi was not too sure what Nicole said was true, so he called her cell.

Hibachi: Please pick up.
Unknown to Doc Hibachi, Nicole's phone was still at the crime scene that Nicole was abducted from.

Nicole continued to scream until she couldn't do it anymore. She lay in the building she was in, crying. She felt some bile coming up her throat and vomited onto the floor that was about all she could do before she fell into a state of unconscieness.
"This is not good. I do not have a good feeling about this."

Hibachi knew where her crime scene was as he was just there, so he took his break and made a short drive out there where he saw a piece of a rag on the ground.

"What do we have here."

He had been at enough crime scenes to know not to touch potential evidence, so he just bent down and took a small whiff of it.

"PHEW! That thing reeks of ether."

He glanced up and saw her cell phone.

"Ok. Now I'm definitely worried."

Hibachi pulls out his cell and calls Detective Khan.
Nicole awoke again, this time noticing that she wasn't alone. There was a man standing above her with a gun. Nicole panicked.

"Why, why are you doing this?" The man then undid the ties that had her hands tied up.

"Shut up!" He screamed.

The next thing Nicole felt, was his fist connecting to the side of her face. She tried to protect herself the best she could by scratching his face and anywhere else she could reach. He started kicking her in the stomach and in the side. Nicole screamed...really the only thing she could do with just her hands untied. Nicole noticed the gun laying beside her, she somehow managed to slid it underneath her body with one of her hands without him noticing. The beating stopped and the guy looked down at his doings and smiled.

"I'm leaving you here to die! They'll never find you!" Then he spit in her face and turned and walked out.
**Yay!!My exams are finally over..Now i can spend more time on this roleplay!I'll take over Evan's role for a while Mini_C**


Khan had finished collecting witness statements-noone had seen anything-and was waiting for Nicole to arrive..
Eventually she arrives.She exits her car,kit in one hand and some papers in the other-

"Sorry I'm late, Khan, but I've got a good reason. The two victims, Alex Williams 21, priors for stalking an ex girlfriend and Dwayne Henderson, priors for rape. Doc found skin on one of the bullets, no match for either victims, but there is 13 markers in common, he's most likely the brother of our suspect."

"Thanks,Nicole..I'll look into this soon as i'm done with the mook we have over at PD..."-

Khan takes the paper from her hands,gives her a smile-the first one to have come from him that day-and leaves for PD..He was itching to get a crack at the suspect...

He got into his car and started driving towrds PD..On his way,he called Evan on his cellphone..He wanted to know how Evan was doing..

"Evan,Khan here..You finished processing the perp?"

"Hey,Khan..Yea,i just finished processing him..Found alot of physical evidence on him..I'm bringing over the evidence over to the lab as we speak..

"Okay..Great..Thanks,Evan..I'll be at PD in another 15 minutes or so..You drop off the evidence at the lab and come back.I want you in interrogation with me..."

"Okay then,Khan..I'll meet you back at PD...Bye"

True to his word,Khan was at PD in 15 minutes..He had just parked his car and was heading into the building when his phone rang..It was the coroner...